chapter 24

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"Mark me?" 

"Yes, it's something lifemates do more specifically the royal family does" 

"Tradition?" Enrique raises his brows.

"As well as a mandatory, remember how I said it could be damaging to one's health?" 

"Yes, but I'm fine and you're fine," Enrique said. "Plus aren't you already mated to Ishley?" 

"No, I couldn't mark him, he was not my mate" Astolpho folds his arms.

"Then why are you married and I thought you sai–" 

"You are, Ishley appeared as my partner but he wasn't you were. I can feel it" 

"How can you feel it?! Aren't you just horny" 

"That and the strong urge to mark you, it's hard for a Raynier to feel attracted to anyone except their mate. There have been a few exceptions but they did it as a sign to rebel against tradition" Astolpho explains.

"You're telling me that, biologically Rayniers are asexuals"

"I don't know what that is but I have a strong feeling it's correct" 

"You've been married to Ishley for– like 10 years you're telling me you felt nothing towards him" Enrique said.

"You make it sounds like we had an relationship outside of obligation, can guarantee that if you didn't become Ishley we'd have nothing to do with each" 

Enrique knows this after all his little baby suffered growing up like an orphan. If Enrique remembers correctly it's mentioned that Leslie and the male lead grew up together, the villain was very attached to male lead.

In the male lead's perspective he describes the villain's love as suffocating, as if his underwater chained to a large Boulder sinking he was drowning. The male lead however didn't discuss this with Leslie and simply ran away to find himself leaving Leslie.

In the novel little Leslie lost his mind, could this be because of the life partners, but how is it that it didn't affect the male lead.

"Your lying, you seem fine and I feel fine" 

"You've been here for what, 3 months I'm counting let see 2 months since we met… hmm I want to prove it to you without physically hurting you. But right now all I can do is talk, it starts slowly but the positive effects is you naturally feeling comfortable around me or naturally attracted to me" 

Enrique's eyes went blank, "you have a gorgeous face, good attitude, you are fun, easy to handle, good father, you know how co-parent and let's not forget the big bonus you rich. Give me a reason not to be attracted?" 

(A/n: now that he mentions it. Asto here's my neck I don't mind being a step-mom all who agrees with me raise a hand🤚🏾🤚🏾🤚🏾)

Astolpho breathes; he appreciates the compliments but he wants Enrique to understand.

"Queen, please believe me" 

Enrique could see the sincerity in his eyes, plus he doesn't think Astolpho would want to damn their child to a stranger. If anything he seems to adore their child, but that didn't mean he was okay with any of this.

Enrique has no problem with him being mated either, since he was planning on setting a good relationship for their baby and thus could still work. 

"Fine! I'll believe you. Now stop looking at me like that" Enrique said.

"Yes, as for your first heat cycle. Please let me know" Astolpho said.

The more he hears the word heat cycle the more he hears the word period which is kinda funny. "Yeah, sure. But for now, I'll be checking on, mother dearest" Enrique said.

"Before that, what is your name?" Astolpho asks, holding his hand towards him.

Enrique smiles, "it's Enrique" 





"... En-ri-qUe"  Astolpho follows his lips.

Enrique smiles, "yes" 

Astolpho rest his lips on the back of Enrique's hand then smiles, "Okay, Enrique" 

Enrique smiles now he doesn't have to stress about Astolpho knowing that his from another world are going through a waste of time emotional drama about him not loving the real him or some bullshit like that. 

After saying goodbye to Astolpho Enrique hurried to the nursery. As he opens the door he bit his bottom lips as he saw hid mother in law sitting in the chair with his baby in her arms.

 As he opens the door he bit his bottom lips as he saw hid mother in law sitting in the chair with his baby in her arms

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"I thought you said you weren't gonna wake him?" 


Sorry I couldn't post two chapters today...

Today I had to visit my father, and I was in the son my brother's mother gave me her sleeping baby because she had to do something real quick the heat and hunger got to me, making my head hurts so I finished this chapter in a rush.

But I can't make another chapter tonight because my head is beating like a drum I'm really sorry 😔😔 I know what I said but I'll try next time...

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