chapter 30

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Enrique blinks as he looks at Astolpho who taps the sofa next to him. Enrique blinks twice.

"Are we not going to bed?" He asks curiously.

"I don't feel like sleeping early tonight, let's get to know each other better shall we? So tell me more about yourself and your home" 

Enrique smiled then went and sat next to him. This relationship was nice. It's so cordial yet Promiscuous and he has yet to feel uncomfortable around this person who was supposed to be a stranger.

"Well, I come from a world that is for technical advance than this world but there is no magic" Enrique said

Astolpho, "really? No magic, interesting… how does it work" 

"Well, the earth is filled with many natural resources that we have yet to discover and use. even now we have yet to fully explore its biggest secrets," Enrique chuckles.

"I guess, it would be so since what you guys lack you improve while we have success which slows our chances of growth" Astolpho thinks.

Enrique looks at Astolpho, thinking he shouldn't be surprised considering Astolpho has good observation skills and deductions so obviously he'd come up with such assumptions which could be proven to be true. 

"So, you're family? What do you do? Are you a commoner?" He asks politely 

"Well, I did many jobs, I was a real estate worker. And there isn't a noble ranking but rather your job and education determines that, depending on the place your background matters as well" Enrique informs.

Astolpho was curious and in awe of Enrique's world and customs that seemed so foreign to him, yet interesting. He listens carefully as Enrique talks about his world's building and set up some of the laws set up and following and ultimately Astolpho can't help but ask.

"I know this is a stupid question, but how many genders are there in your world?" Astolpho asks.

Enrique looks at him blankly, "too much to count" 

"I'm sorry what?" 

"Hehe, there are three sex but mainly two male and female. In my world men cannot give birth, women does" Enrique smiles.

Since it was already clear that he didn't know what alpha and omegas were it's not surprising but yet is.

"In my world same sex marriages are banned in some parts and are frowned upon and some are cordial, some disagree but don't approach the situation" Enrique informs.

"I don't see how anything is wrong really, Odessa a partner or lifemate is about love regardless of gender, ethnicity or race  love and union is a sacred thing" Astolpho explains.

"Yet, you cannot pick your partner," Enrique said.

"Yes, though contradictory, it's still valuable. Because a life mate is someone whom you should naturally grow attached to and not fight the process like you and I, it's something you let it flow you do not rush or push away. I've come to understand that now, look upon as if it's a shackle then it shall be a shackle." Astolpho explains.

Enrique was silent for a while, it's interesting. "You make it sounds so simple" 

"It honestly is, our feelings are what makes it complicated, for a Raynier no– for a dominant alpha being bound is something we regard with contempt. I can tell you I feel the same but I don't see our relationship as a shackle or being bound," he said. 

Enrique's interest is piqued; he feels happy somehow, "in my world especially for women marriage is a shackle and in some ways it is for them. I try to understand but unless I am a woman I'll never fully understand what it's like to be in their shoes, but that doesn't stop me from trying to emphasise" he informs, "that's why I'm glad she found her happiness even if it's being away from me" he smiles.

Astolpho looks at Enrique, his eyes had this sad yet happy glow to it. He then leans over and pulls him into his arms giving him a hug. 

"And now you have your happiness as well," Astolpho said.

Enrique smiles then leans in and kisses him, the kiss lasts a while before finally pulling apart.

"By the way… were you married?" 

"Yes, we divorce because we couldn't fulfil each other's needs," Enrique said.

"... what is a divorce?" 

"Divorce something to dissolve a marriage with your significant other, so they can go their separate ways" Enrique said.

"That's an interesting proposal, but guess it doesn't work for us," Astolpho smiles.


"Once marked, omegas are bound to an alpha until one of them dies. It's an unfair trade considering the alpha can go on marking others but for the omega it's not the case" Astolpho said.

Enrique looks at him, "yet you want to mark me…" 

Astolpho smiles then leans into his face, "yes, overall, I do want to mark you not as a bound but as something else but you have the right to refuse." 

"But won't you die from not marking me?" Enrique asks.

"Not me… you, I'll simply lose my mind" 

"That's a scary" 

"It is, but what can I say I don't have options" he said.

Enrique sighs and leans on Astolpho, at least he didn't withhold that information. This world is so strange and different, Astolpho brushes his hand through Enrique's hair smiling.

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