chapter 29

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"I admit that in the past I've been a nasty

They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch

But you'll find that nowadays

I've mended all my ways

Repented, seen the light, and made a switch

To this

True? Yes." 


Enrique chuckles along with Leslie as they dance. He stops then starts to poke his tummy.

"You poor unfortunate Soul" 

He then brings him up then blows into his tummy as the baby laughs out in joy.


The nanny and maid smiled looking at their queen, he seemed so happy and lively taking care of the young prince and the young prince was too cute!

"I want a baby" 

"The prince is so adorable!" 

Enrique kisses the cheeks of his baby who then tries to imitate him but only left spits all over his face. 

Soon the door opens, revealing Enrique's mother in law. She looks around as the servants immediately bow, then looks at Enrique who had hickies and bite marks all over his neck, immediately she becomes upset.

"Y-you, do you have no shame?!" She questions.

"What's your problem now?" 

"Not only have you been ignoring your duties as queen, you dare walk around exposing your marital affairs!!" 

"M-Marital Affairs?!" Enrique was taken aback.

"You're a queen, you should be walking around with grace and dignity, not like some brothel whore!!" She lectures.

"Now hold on" 

"Impudent! Never have I ever seen such disgrace, is that the example you want to set for the next generation that's to rule this kingdom" 

Enrique sighs, "lady! Can you not nag–" 

"Disgraceful!! You're already a terrible example!! I'm worried for this kingdom awful example" 

"Listen here lady– I'm here just spending time with my child!" 

"And neglecting your duties! Don't use your child as excuse to ignore your duties and responsibilities" 

"My child is my duty and responsibility. Just because you didn't give your child a childhood doesn't mean I should take away mine!" Enrique retorts back.

The queen Dowager gasped, suddenly her eyes went red. "You know nothing about me and how I choose to parent my child. Astolpho is the great man he is because I've made sacrifices!" 

"What? your son's humanity! My child will become a great ruler in the future, greater than his father!" 

"With your example I don't see that happening!" 

"Oh really?!" 

"Yes, really I mean look at you, such messy attire!! Looking like a cheap whor—" 

"Mother, that's enough!" Astolpho spoke sternly at the door.

She quickly turns to see Astolpho at the door.

"Astolpho you're finally here this–" 

"If you cannot respect and cooperate with my wife's parenting mother, then maybe you should miss out on my son's childhood as well" Astolpho said.

The queen Dowager froze in disbelief, "you can't possibly mean that?" 

"Yes, I do not appreciate you competing and forcing your ideals on my wife and I also do not appropriate the negativity around my son, if you can't respect that please come back when he's 15" Astolpho said.

"A–" the queen Dowager closes her mouth and clenches her fist, "Fine!" 

She walks out slightly bumping shoulders with him, he sighs combing his fingers through his hair then walks towards Enrique. He smiles then kiss Enrique on the lips and stoops to kiss Leslie on the cheek.

"Your mother is imposing" 

"Not for long, once she thinks about what's on the line I'm sure she will come around eventually" Astolpho smiles.


Leslie hands starts tapping against Enrique's chest trying to get his attention, looking down Enrique smiles then kisses making Leslie chuckles.

"Don't worry I didn't forget you!" 

Astolpho smiles at his child, who starts babbling at him "Agugu" 

"My, he sure is adorable" Astolpho adds.

"Yep, as they should be, all babies and children need to be filled with love and care!!" Enrique said, rubbing his cheek with Leslie.

"Bababa"  Leslie babbles as he holds a lock of Enrique's hair. 

Astolpho nods agreeing, "yes, I must inform you that within a month royal visitors from the Elestine Kingdom, I would say sovereignty but that right has been taken away".

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, the war that happened a few months back, as our sovereignty was won, they were forced to surrender their kingdom to us. So now we're making preparations to have arrangements made, it's been hectic" 

"Sure, do you want help?" 

Astolpho smiles, "no, you're already busy with our little beloved so no need to stress".

He leans in closer towards Enrique's lips but stops inches away, Enrique looks at him confused. "Why did you stop?" 

"I was hoping you meet my lips for the rest, I don't want you to be uncomfortable" he whispers.

Enrique blushes, but then covers Leslie's eyes and meets Astolpho's lips with the kiss. 


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