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General PoV

" Class, we have a, new Student Commander joining us today." This caused all the Student Commander's to look up at the Admiral with some surprise.

" Maybe welcome you Alexander Deforest Orr. You may enter." With that said the door opened. Entering was a young man that was six foot three inches tall, had multi colored eyes, and had blonde hair that started turning brown. Oh, and he was wearing a old World War Two Army uniform, with a M1911 holstered to his right, hip, and a knife sheathed to his left hip. Other then having out dated gear, Alex looked ready for class.

" Now Alexander please introduce yourself." Said person sighed.

" Howdy y'all. Name's Alex, not Alexander. Never call me Alexander. You'll end up getting hurt. I'm from Aurora, Missouri. I'm seventeen and I like hunting, gun's, some ship's, and I like to read. My dislikes are staying to myself. Anything else?" Alex asked looking at the Admiral. The Admiral nodded his head, and held out his hand.

" Last thing before you can sit down. I need your chip, so we can see your information. Nothing to revealing though." Alex nodded before handing the Admiral his chip. Taking it the Admiral set the chip into the slot, where Alex's information popped up in screen.

Name: Alex D. Orr

Level: 1

Rank: Beginner Commander

Age: 17

Nationality: America/ Eagle Union

Growth Rate: Error

Titles: Ace Pilot, Grease Monkey, Military Specialist, Marksman

Nicknames: Untsie, Sargent, Staff Sargent, Sarge...ect

Secretary: USS Missouri BB-63

Cube's: 3

Coin's: 500,000

Oil: 5,000

Gems: 100

Dorm Coin's: 100

Crates: 1 Super Rare, 2 Rare, 8 Uncommon

Fleet 1:
Missouri, Graf Zeppelin, Bismarck, Laffey, Prinz Eugen, Baltimore

Everyone gaped at this. Looking over at them they, saw him just examining the room, not noticing them. When he did, he just blinked before scratching the back of his neck.

" What? Why are y'all staring at me?" A kid with a dark tan skin, brown eyes, black hair, and a Philippines Commander uniform, spoke up.

" We're just surprised. You have a ship that had yet been given out to anyone even her own country, four super rare ships, and just a rare ship already in your fleet. And on top of that you have more titles then us when we began last month. Though I can relate." Alex raised an eyebrow at that but didn't say anything about it. Turning to the Admiral he held out his hand, in which the Admiral handed him his chip. Taking it Alex then placed it on his necklace, which already held a couple of dog tags, and a 30-06 bullet.

" Alex I'm sitting you next to Andy. Andy raise your hand." The kid that spoke earlier rose his hand. Alex seeing it nodded, before walking over to him. Once he reached him, Alex sat down before looking at the Admiral ahead who was now beginning her lesson.
My PoV

After a three hour lecture, and a small five minute break, it was lunchtime. Getting in line, it was time for me to get my lunch. Getting some steak, mash potatoes with white gravy, and some red kidney beans, I went and sat at a table. As I began digging in Andy came and sat across from me.

" Hey. I figured I would introduce myself to you, since you look like you could use a friend." Glancing up at him, I nodded before taking another bite out of my steak. Andy gave a small smile, before sliding his holoscreen to me, so I could see who he was.

Name: Francis Andre B Yan

Level: 8

Rank: Beginner Commander

Age: 15

Nationality: Philippines/ Union Navy

Growth Rate: 15%

Titles: None

Nicknames: Andy, kweebs

Secretary: Antonio Luna

Cube's: 5

Coin's: 850,400

Oil: 100,000

Gems: 38

Dorm Coin's: 15

Crates: 18 Rare, 12 Uncommon

Fleet 1: Kaga, Arizona, Akagi, Antonio Luna, Cleveland, Graf Spee

I looked at his stats impressed. Though what really caught my eye was the fact he had a modern ship in his fleet. Though if I'm honest I'm it's not really a surprise to me, since Missouri is modern as well. Well kinda. Anyways, sliding him back his holoscreen, I gave him a thumbs up.

" Impressive. So do I call you Andy, or Francis?" He just shrugged.

" Either is fine, though everyone usually calls me Andy." Nodding I took, another bite of my stake, savoring the taste before finishing it. Moving on to my beans, I began asking him some questions.

" So how do you earn more cube's and all that?" Before swallowing the spoon full of beans. Andy looked up from his meal, which was fried chicken, Mac and cheese, and corn before answering.

" You earn more by completing tasks, discovering them, sorties, or just plain out buying them with gems. Though gems are hard to get so use them sparingly." Nodding, I took another bite of beans, before moving on to my mash potatoes. Taking a bite, I frowned before setting my spoon down, and grabbing my flask that I kept in my shirt pouch. Taking a drink, I let the soda set before swallowing. Once I did that I closed the flask, before putting it back in the pouch. All while ignoring the shocked look of Andy. Say goodbye to him, I picked up my tray, headed over to a trashcan and dump what was left, before putting the tray on the counter and left to my next class, that involved my fleet. Entering the class room I was meet by the teacher, who was the Admirals Husband. Seeing me his eyes widened before he started to slowly smile.

" Mister Orr, welcome. If you want to talk to your fleet, their in the next room." Nodding I did as he said, and went into the next room where I found several other Kasen's who were talking to each other, except my fleet. Walking over to them, I ignored the yandere, tsundere, judging and curious looks.

" Hello Kommandant." Looking at the speaker I saw that it was Bismarck. Giving her a nod, I examined my fleet. Laffey was sleeping, Baltimore was reading, while Eugen was..... well being Eugen. Zeppelin was watching everyone and Missouri..... Missouri was hugging me like her life depended on it.

" So are y'all ready for the upcoming battle's?" They nodded, with the exception of Laffey who was woken up do to Zeppelin shaking her some.

" Then let's began shall we?" Was all I asked, with a grin.

A/N: Boom chicks lacka! I hope y'all enjoyed chapter one. Let me know what you thought in the comment section below. And kuwebby2 it's your turn.

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