913 11 1

My PoV

Sitting in the cockpit of my F4U Corsair I listened as Lieutenant Dave explained the rules to me and my opponent, who was no other than Andy.

" The rules are simple. Rule number one, you are allowed into combat. So if you want you can fly a plane, or man a AA gun. Rule number two, you will be using practice ammo. So that means no explosives. Rule number three, once your health bar hits zero your out. And last rule, Rule number four. No Kamikazing. Keep that for actual battle, and not these simulations. Other than that have fun." Once he said that I started up the engine, and pulled out onto the runway. After a couple of seconds a count down timer began.

" 5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....Begin." With that, I took off. Quickly gaining altitude, I headed straight Akagi with three Carrier Stuka's and three Fieseler Fi 167's, and two Messerschmitt Bf 109's. As we grew closer to Akagi Missouri and Bismarck opened fire on her scoring five direct hits immediately taking half of her health. Ignoring the screams of anger, and the AA that was being fired at me and the other planes, along with the Zeros that where trying to hit me I fired, three of the four rockets I had right into Akagi's deck, while the three Carrier Stuka's dropped six 500 pound bomb's onto her deck, and her elevator causing damage. The damage caused her health to go all the way to 2%. Banking left, I could see Andy on one of Akagi's twin 25 mm AA gun, gunning down the three Stuka's, along with the help from the Zeros that shoot down the three Fieseler Fi 167's, and one of the Messerschmitt Bf 109's. Soon I was high enough in the air where I couldn't hear Akagi's yells of rage, and curse's, while I delt with five Zeros. Gunning them down with quick succession, I bank towards my fleet where I saw Laffey, Eugen, and Baltimore dealing with Antonio Luna, Cleveland, and Graff Spee. Correction While Eugen, and Baltimore delt with Antonio Luna, Cleveland, and Graff Spee since Laffey was out. I made a note to upgrade her gear since all her weapons were common, except her main guns which were uncommon. Landing on Zeppelin's deck, I came to a erupt stop, before hopping out, not even worrying about shutting my plane off. Running over to Zeppelin I could see her examining the battlefield. Turning to me she gave a slight nod, before turning back to the field.

" Kommandant. How can I help you?" Looking back at my plane I pointed at it.

" I'm giving you access to my plane. From what I was told, it is considered as a Ultra Rare when given to a Kasen to use, and just a Super Rare when it's just me flying it. I'm letting you use it, while I man one of your 2 cm FlaK guns to help against Kaga's bombing attempts." She nodded at that, before closing her eyes. For a brief second my plane flashed red, before it took of, another squad of seven Messerschmitt Bf 109's in tow. Quickly giving her a thumbs up, I ran over to the nearest 2 cm FlaK gun and hopped on it, which was just in time, as Kaga's planes started going in for a dive bomb. Opening fire with the the others gun's, I quickly made work of two, causing them to fall into the ocean. Taking aim I fired on another one, which has time to release two 1,000 bombs onto the deck, causing damage to Zeppelin. Downing it, I watched as the other AA made work of the last five planes, that had a chance to drop their bombs causing heavy damage. Looking over at the holoboard I saw mine and Andy's ship's damage. Laffey, and Akagi were out, along with Graff Spee. Kaga, and Arizona had 8% health, left, Cleveland had 30% health, while Zeppelin had 23% health. Eugen and Baltimore had 40% health, and Bismarck had 67% left. And as of Missouri and Antonio Luna they both had, 100% health left. As Missouri and Bismarck fired on Kaga and Arizona, a count down timer began. And just before it reached zero Missouri and Bismarck's shots hit, destroying what was left of Kaga's health, while leaving Arizona at a 1% since there was a few ricochets.

" And time. The winner of this match is Commander Orr. While the contestants and theirs fleet's leave the field, for the next battle." Nodding, me and my fleet left the field, while Andy lingered back for a little, until me and my fleet where docked, and sitting. As the next battle started I checked on my ID holoscreen, which was updated.

Name: Alex D. Orr

Level: 3

Rank: Beginner Commander

Age: 17

Nationality: America/ Eagle Union

Growth Rate: Error

Titles: Ace Pilot, Grease Monkey, Military Specialist, Marksman

Nicknames: Untsie, Sargent, Staff Sargent, Sarge...ect

Secretary: USS Missouri BB-63

Cube's: 3

Coin's: 500,200

Oil: 5,200

Gems: 100

Dorm Coin's: 100

Crates: 1 Super Rare, 2 Rare, 10 Uncommon, 5 Common

Fleet 1:
Missouri, Graf Zeppelin, Bismarck, Laffey, Prinz Eugen, Baltimore

Nodding at the changes, I shut off the my holoscreen, and began thinking of ways to improve my fleet. Laffey needs better AA, and Torpedo's, Baltimore need better Main Gun's, Eugen needs well she needs an all of the above, while Zeppelin needs better planes, and while her AA is good, can be improved. Bismarck is basically a clean slate I need to build, and Missouri has nothing that I need to fix. As I continued thinking about ways to improve my fleet, I barely missed Andy trying to get me attention. Once he did I just looked at him with confusion.

" What can I help ya with?" He gave me a small smile before holding out his hand. Lifting my hand, Andy handed me a card that had a picture of a crate on it. Taking it I gave him a confused look, in which he began explaining what it was.

" This card will allow you to receive 3 Rare, 5 Uncommon, and 12 Common creates from Akashi."  Nodding, I put it into my pocket, before focusing on the fight ahead.

" So how mad is your fleet? And before you say anything I overheard you guys talking. As well as noticing Kaga's displeasure with me." Andy, rubbed the back of his neck, while smiling at me nervously.

" Akagi and Kaga are upset about it. Arizona is determined to show her guardian that she can take care of herself, while Cleveland and Graff Spee are anxious to have a rematch. Antonio Luna is nervous, about going up against you guys again, but does want to try and become friends with you all." I nodded, not really surprised about Akagi and Kaga upset. The others I can find understandable.

" And you. What about you?" Andy, looked ahead at the fight before answering.

" I feel as that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. It's also nice to see someone new, beat me, since I was in the number three spot, for best and strongest fleet. Also you where flying that F4U Corsair, weren't you?" I gave him a sly smile.

" Indeed. I wanted to get in on the action. Just sucks I couldn't get aboard Akagi and get to do some ground combat." Andy looked at me strangely, before returning to examining the fight ahead of us.

" So what are you going to do now?" Glancing at him, I smiled.

" Well once we're allowed back to our Bases, I'm going to open up my Creates so I can improve my fleet. Mostly Laffey." Andy nodded understanding what I meant. Soon the match was over, with my classmate Jennifer Kyle winning. After being dismissed, I headed over to my Base where I began opening my Creates, with my fleet watching. From my Super Rare create I received a Prototype Twin 234mm Main Gun Mount which I put on Eugen, who gave me a kiss on the cheek causing me to stumble, which caused her to laugh. Opening the Rare crates I received a 533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount, and a Sextuple 40mm Bofors AA Gun Mount, in which I stuck on Laffey who gave me a hug before falling a sleep. Smiling softly I opened up the Uncommons, which I then received a Fire Control Radar, a Autoloader, a Aviation Oil Tank, a Steam Catapult. I put the Aviation Oil Tank, a Steam Catapult on Zeppelin, who nodded since she knew that this would increase her planes survival, and power. I put the Auto loader on Baltimore which she just nodded. And for the Fire Control Radar, I put it on Bismark which now increased her aim and power. Remembering that I could combine five crates to receive better crates I saved the rest. After that I headed to my room, were I began drawing up blueprints, for the future.

A/N: And boom. Hope y'all enjoy it. kuwebby2 it's your turn. Post when you can. I'm in no hurry.

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