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My PoV

The crashing of wave's, could be heard as my ship powered through them, in the hurricane that I was in. In board, was every sailor of the Pirate's, with their ship's in my hanger's, with Andy with them. " Tell me Leviathan, how exactly are you different from Irwin?" I glanced back at Jack, before answering. " I'm different from him, for many things. Irwin, is the first of his kind, while I'm the second, but we are also the only one's of our kind. Irwin though is younger then me. I have about 4,363 years ahead of him, and have battled many things more then him. But I do know one thing. Irwin is my brother, in all but blood, and I will do my best to protect him, and his love one's." I felt Jack place a hand on my shoulder.

" Aye, that is noble of a Pirate. But I get where yer coming from. I used to have a wife. Her name was Edith. We where married for three years, when she died. So I understand where yer coming from." I nodded, and was about to respond when my radar pinged, causing me to growl. " I found them. Get your crew, and Ship's ready. It's time for some payback." Jack nodded, and gathered his crew, and others and left to the hanger's.

" Oh, Valkyries of the afterlife. Let these men and women see Valhalla if they die today." Once I felt them off my ship, I turned on everything. Lights, weapon systems, and hangers. With that done I activated my rigging, now standing on the harsh waters of the Ocean. And within second's there where shot's fired at us. I tanked them, marching forward where it was now a clear ocean, that made me realize that we where in the Siren Sea. " Ah, Commander Alex Orr. I was not expecting you to be here. And as a Kasen none the less."

I glared at the speaker, and drew my sidearm. " And ain't it the fucker that should have stayed dead. Don't worry, me and the others will make sure it stays that way." Beckett frowned, and turned to the Yushin Maru's 1 Kasen and nodded. This caused them to fire at me, which I just either deflected, tanked, or caught them and tossed them to the side.

" Now, now. That wasn't very nice. Besides, I'm not the one you need to worry about." As if on que hundred of cannons went off scoring multiple direct hits, and actually doing damage. I in return fired, and watched as my shell's tore through the ship's. I then watched as Andy rammed one the the ship's and fired multiple times in it, damaging it, and causing it to sink. I watched with satisfaction as the Pirate's and Andy took care of them sinking the rest till only Nisshin Maru, with Beckett was left.

" Now, Beckett it's just you and the Nisshin Maru left. Surrender now, or face the consequences." He just laughed, and ordered, Nisshin Maru to fire. Growling as it did, but not at me I had my 32in main turret aim at him and fired one shell, watching with satisfaction as it hit him, causing him to explode into a red splatter. I then fired two more shots and sunk the Nisshin Maru, listening as she cried.

" Valhalla awaits you brave, but scattered Kasen's. Never shall Davy Jones get his hands on you." With that I turned my attention to the others, before deactivating my rigging, and had them reboard. Once that was done, we headed back to my Island.

" Meso, what are ya doin?" I watched as the Personification of the USA ran around the house I had built. " Nothing, Rákeni." I shook my head and tiredly sighed as he continued to calle dad, even when I told him not to. " Aight. Tell me Meso, what would you like to do? Your siblings are all out side reading, and your just running around in circles." I watched as he stopped and stares at me.

" Rákeni, can you tell me about Yaksu?" I winced as that was a sore subject. " Your mother was a strong, resourceful, independent, and smart woman. She loved you, and your siblings for everything y'all are. And it's a shame she passed." Meso's face fell some as he was reminded that his and his siblings mother where dead. " Can you tell me how you two met?" I chuckled and nodded, as I picked him up and sat him on my lap, as I stared at the fire in the chimney.

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