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My PoV

Thunder roared as lightning struck the sea near by as, the wind blew hard against me as I swung my sword clashing against my opponent's. " Yer, not going to win this ye know that?" I snorted, and twisted my sword causing my opponent's to waver as it slid.

" Tell me Dutchman, when's the last time you fought someone like. Hmmm, never so don't tell me something that you don't know." She glared at me and swung her sword at me, which I blocked with my shield, before shield bashing her causing her to stumble back.

" Ye, have no right to stop me or my Captain." I just rolled my eyes. " You and your Cap'n are all hat no cattle. But know that I don't give a shit. Ya ain't takin the Black Pearl. After all..... She's no longer bound by you two, or in your control." Her eyes widened, before they narrowed in blind, hateful anger.

" Ye, are a foolish man! Kraken attack!" I heard all rumble from under my ship before a piercing roar was heard. I grinned blood thirsty as I found a challenger. " Leviathan vs Leviathan. I'm game." Dogging a tentacle, I sheathed my sword into my shield and dropped it as I summoned my favorite weapon. The M1 Garand. " Come on, Beastie! Show me what ya got!" The Kraken roared and continued to wrap its tentacles around parts of my ship.

Firing, and scoring hits I dodged a strike from Dutchman. Growling I decided to do something that I knew would cost me greatly.

" Andy, ya receiving me?" There was static before a response. " Yeah, I receive you. Where are you? You were here then gone, and what's with this storm?" I smiled sadly, and fired a shot nailing the Kraken in the eye, causing it to roar out in pain. " Alex, what was that?" I chuckled bitterly as I dodged a tentacle, and sword. " Nothing that concerns you. But Andy, tell Pearl and Jack that they're free from their contract." I could hear Andy splutter from his end. " Alex! What did you do!?" I blocked the sword strike with my gun, causing it to be split in half.

" Like I said it doesn't concern you." I punched Dutchman sending her flying into my superstructure causing her to dent it. " Alex, why are all the ships including me glowing red!?" I laughed bitterly and responded as my guns moved into firing position. " Hey, Andy. Make sure you tell your mom and Cousin that you love them, and tell Missouri I said hi and that I'm sorry for not being there." With that I fired my guns, killing the Kraken and teleporting Andy, Pearl, her kids, and the others in the fleet back to Azur. Once they were gone I collapsed to my hands and knees deprived of strength.

" You ruined everything!" I looked up at the heavily damaged Dutchman, and smiled. "That's the way plan you fool. Tell Davy Jones that he can kiss my ass, when you see him." With my remaining strength I did two things. I shot Dutchman killing her, and ordered my ship to the North Pole. With that I lost consciousness and let blissful darkness to welcome me.

Allison's PoV

It's been 308 years since dad disappeared. 158, since Meso lost the Civil War leaving me as the Personification of America. And at times I wish I could turn back time and change things but I can't. Sighing I sat listening as France droned on and on about how his citizens were doing, but much to my relief he was interrupted by UN. " Sorry to interrupt you France but we have a new member joining us." We all gave him a surprised look as there wasn't any new Countries that where formed. Apparently UN saw are faces and decided to elaborate.

" Our new member isn't a Country. Apparently he's a Continent, and from what he's done and shown I can say that he is 100% telling the truth. Now please welcome Alex Orr, the Personification of the North and South America Continent." I frowned as I felt like I knew that name, but pushed it aside as someone entered that room dressed in a cowboy outfit, armed as they had a rifle on their back, and two pistols holstered on their hips.

" Howdy. Hope y'all are friendly." I heard UK snort at that. " You sir, are a bit outdated." I watched as Alex looked over at UK. " And you Brit, got your fleet destroyed by ships of unknown origin near your ports, where the Black Pearl escaped, back in the 1715's." UK looked shocked at what he said. " How did you know that?" Alex smirked and sat down, in the chair next to him. " I was there leading the attack. " UK had his mouth hanging, in shock while the rest of us laughed. Once we were done, I observed Alex as he seemed familiar to me. Like I know him, but I can't put my finger on it.

" Tell me Alex, do you know of the Ship that was called Leviathan? There are many rumors, and books written about it?" Alex turned his head to the Philippines causing him to look at her with a fond look. " I do. I should know, I am the Kasen of the ship." We gave him a surprised look as it was rumored that Leviathan was the first Kasen and created them. " Yup, my name is Alex Orr, Personification of the North and South America Continent, Kasen of the USS Leviathan BV-01. Creator, of the Kasen's. Such as my first one Antonio."

I looked at him in shock as he mentioned my sister, while the others looked at him with a curious look. " USS? What does that stand for? The closest thing would be CSS." I saw Alex frown at that as he looked at me. " United States Ship. My ship is apart of and still is apart of the United States of America. Not the United States of Confederacy. Tell me Allison, Inuit, Olmec how is Meso?" Me, Canada, and Mexico gave him a surprised look.

" How do you know those names?" Alex laughed, before turning serious. " It's the duty of a father to know his child's name now shouldn't it?"

A/N: And done. kuwebby2 your up.

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