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My PoV

The warm golden rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, rousing me from a deep and mercifully dreamless slumber. I blinked away the last vestiges of sleep, relishing the simple comforts of waking in a proper bed after the previous day's harrowing ordeals.

My gaze drifted to the ornate armoire in the corner of the lavish guest chambers, where my sword rested alongside the sleek crimson cuirass gifted to me by Pyrrha's imperial outfitters. Reassuring reminders of the constants in an increasingly inconstant existence.

As if summoned by my wandering thoughts, there came a polite rap at the door. "Enter." I called out, making no move to rise from the plush mattress.

The portal slid aside to admit Pyrrha herself, radiant even in simple casual garb. Her lips quirked in a wry smile at finding me still abed.

"I'd have thought after yesterday's heroics, you'd be up with the sun, charging forth on your next grand adventure." Her tone held an undercurrent of gentle teasing.

Stretching languidly, I flashed her a roguish grin. "What can I say? Occasionally even I require a respite to recover from brushes with the unknowable cosmic abyss."

Pyrrha arched an elegant eyebrow. "Is that what we're calling it now? I'd have termed it more of a 'reckless breach of celestial interdictions against intruding upon higher spatial matrices.'" Her mouth twitched with suppressed mirth.

"Semantics." I tossed back easily, finally levering myself upright with a grunt. "But in all seriousness... I'm relieved we averted any catastrophic rifts in reality's fabric." My expression sobered somewhat at the memory of that swirling, kaleidoscopic vortex.

Pyrrha seemed to pick up on my change in demeanor, smile fading into a pensive look. "As am I. Whatever inscrutable insights that archaic device may have offered, the stakes were...higher than I'd fathomed."

She moved to the sole window, staring out over the towering citadel's elegantly sculpted skyline as the first rays of dawn gilded its noble edifices.

"The lure of forbidden knowledge has blinded many great minds before." She murmured, almost to herself. "My ancestors among them. I allowed that same temptation to cloud my judgment momentarily."

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I regarded her with a reassuring look. "Hey, I'm pretty sure no one's ancestors were flirting with punching holes between parallel timelines and unspooling the whole of physical existence."

Pyrrha's lips twitched despite herself at my flat attempt at humor, though she didn't quite manage to conceal the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "Be that as it may...I fear we've only begun to scratch the surface of the enigmas surrounding your temporal translocation."

She turned back to me, emerald eyes glinting with renewed determination. "And perhaps uncovering those answers is destined to disrupt forces and conceptual underpinnings far beyond our reckoning."

I regarded her steadily, forgoing any attempt at levity in the face of her solemn tone. At length, I gave a slow, decisive nod.

"Then we'll approach this one footfall at a time, proceeding cautiously no matter how obscured or ominous the path ahead. No unnecessary gambles or breaches of reality."

A hint of warmth edged back into Pyrrha's expression as she returned my nod soberly. "A prudent mindset, my friend. I've no intention of jeopardizing what we've regained by risking the fundamental fabric of the universe."

Rising to my feet in a fluid motion, I moved to stand beside her, shoulder to shoulder as we surveyed the burgeoning cityscape beyond the window. "For now, we'll table any further inquiries into Celestilian artifacts or temporal mechanics."

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