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My PoV

It has been an couple of hours since the whole Siren attack, and Andy showing that he was a Kasen. But if I'm honest I'm not really surprised. I had a speculation that he was one, ever since the time he blacked out and his ship controlled itself. Or the time I somehow saw him and Irwin talking. Also there's this Aura around him that for some reason I can see. It matches Irwins as well. The Aura was a Bronze, Green, and Blue line each of them tangling around each other. Now as to where I am.... Well I'm currently sitting across from Andy and Luna, who where staring at me with worry, since I haven't said a word the last fifteen minutes, and just oped to stare at him. I watched as Andy shifted in his seat nervously. Deciding that I was done staring at him, I began speaking.

" So your a Kasen?" Andy nodded to me nervously while Luna looked at me with worry. " This doesn't change how I see you. I already speculated that you were one awhile back." Andy and Luna gave a sigh of relief. " Thank God. I was thinking you were going to call me me a freak and try to start away." I apone hearing this leaned forward and Gibbs smacked him, causing him to wince. Sitting back I crossed my right leg over my left, before I spoke again. " Enough with that nonsense. Like I said I already speculated that you were one for awhile, now. And even if I hadn't that wouldn't change anything about how I felt about you. Only now you just going to be a pain in the arse to deal with, in team battles. " Andy chuckled before leaning back into Luna who was now massaging his head.

" So when did you make your speculation?" Surprised that it was Luna that was asking I gave a quick response. " Ever since the first time he controlled his ship." Luna nodded, while Andy groaned in comfort at Luna's massage. Andy cracked open his left eye, before asking me a question. " So are you and your fleet up for a team battle?" I sighed and shook my head. " Negative. I can feel unease in my fleet. And I don't blame them. There's something else going on and I plan to get to the bottom of it. Now as of a team battle go ask one of the other Top Ten. I'm sure they would love to go against you and your team. Now if ya excuse me, I need to go meet up with my fleet. Nothing towards you though." Standing up I patted him on the shoulder before exiting his base, and heading towards mine.

Once I reached my base, I collapsed to one knee as images played in my mind.

I was standing in the middle of a battlefield. Bodies of Siren's, Human's, and Kasen surrounded me, as the sound of artillery and gunfire blazed of life around me. Looking ahead of me I saw a group of three people who were surrounded by twelve Siren's. I watched as a Siren stabbed one of the people in the chest killing them as the other two yelled out to them. Before they could even try and fight back the two people where shot in the head, killing them. Soon everything dispersed, leaving me in a void of darkness. Before I knew it I wasn't alone.

" A sad thing that was." I nodded and turned to the speaker, who was shrouded by a blanket of darkness. " Ah, now come on. You don't think I would let you see me so early now, did you?" I shrugged before answering. " Don't know, since I don't know who ya are." The shrouded figure laughed. " I suppose. Now, I suppose it's time for you to return." Before I could question what he meant I found myself waking in a Hospital room.

" Ah, your awake. How are you feeling?" Looking over at the speaker I found that it was Dr.Wattson. " I feel fine. What happened?" Dr.Wattson typed something on the computer before responding. " That's what I would like to know. Missouri found you collapsed outside the doors of your base, and brought you here." I chuckled sheepishly. " I have not a clue why happened. One second I'm walking to my base the next I'm in the hospital room." Dr.Wattson hmmmed before writing something down and handed it to me. " This is a Doctor's Note. Show this to your teachers tomorrow, in class. And remember to meet me next Friday." I gave her a nod and slipped out of the hospital bed, and made my way out of the room. After a bit of walking I exited the Hospital, and decided to head to Akashi's. Entering I was greeted by the theaving cat herself. " Welcome nya. What can I help you with nya?" I said nothing and looked at her sales list when I spotted something interesting.

" Hey how much is this ship coupon?" Akashi walked over to what I was pointing at and gained a thoughtful look. Within five seconds she responded. " 12,000 coin's nya." My eyes almost bulged at what she said. I mean I can pay for it, I have like eighty million coins but still. Sighing I grabbed it, and went back to browsing. After awhile I went over to Akashi to pay. " For one ship coupon, three weapon blueprints, that would be 15,670 coin's nya." Sighing I swiped my holoscreen over the scanner and left heading back to my base. This time once I arrived at it I didn't have that video image thing. Entering I easily snuck past Bismarck, Eugen, and Yamato who were playing poker, Laffey who was passed out on a large create of Potatoes, Friedrich was arguing with Missouri about who would be a better mother for Arizona in the kitchen, while Roon watched with scary attention, the other two Missouri's were out in the garden, while Rexy and Indom was playing videogames in the rec room, while  Blücher,  Tiger, Bayern, Kaga, Kamikaze,  Nagato, Pearl were sunbathing, while Rose which is USS Prinz Eugen was reading. Sighing I slipped into my workshop, and began working on a project that I hope will change what people thought of warfare.
A/N: And boom goes the dynamite. It's been awhile folk's. kuwebby2 your up.

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