Future Chapter

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My PoV

I yelled out in pain, as the Villains stinger slashed my eye. Shutting the slashed eye, I fired my shotgun, which then basically shredded his leg into nothing. As he screamed in pain, I found myself feeling woozy, and was losing consciousness. "Shit... poison." I collapsed to the ground, fading into a dark abyss known as unconsciousness, with the last thing I heard was Emily yelling out my name.
Emily's PoV

I watched in horror as the villain's stinger slashed across Alex's left eye. Blood splattered, and he let out a cry of pain, shutting his injured eye.

Despite his agony, I watched as he managed to raise his shotgun and fire, the blast tearing through the villain's leg and leaving it a mangled mess. The villain screamed, but my focus was entirely on him. His face twisted in pain, then something worse, confusion and dizziness.

"Shit... poison." I heard him murmured, his voice fading as he collapsed to the ground. Panic surged through me as I realized he was slipping into unconsciousness. "No! Stay with me!" I screamed, rushing to his side, but it was too late. His body went limp, and his eyes closed.

" Jiro! He's down! Get over here!" I yelled, my voice shaking with fear and desperation. I dropped to my knees beside him, my hands trembling as I tried to assess the damage. The wound on his eye looked bad, but the bigger concern was the poison coursing through his veins.

"Hang on, please hang on," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. I could hear Jiro shouting in the distance, her footsteps echoing as she ran towards us. I could only hope we weren't too late.
My PoV

When I came to the first thing I noticed was a sterile smell, that immediately told me where I was. Groaning I tried sitting up, but was stopped by someone. Looking at them I saw that it was Emily but she had a sad look on her face.

It was then I realized I couldn't see through my left eye. "When me and Jiro got you to the hospital, it seemed to be too late. The doctors removed the poison from your blood, but the damage was already done. You're now blinded in your left eye," Emily explained, her voice filled with concern, and shame. I closed my eyes as I heard Emily's explanation.

"If only I did distracted you this wouldn't have happened." I snapped my eyes to her. "It's not your fault. If it is anyone's it's mine. I knew better than to get distracted in a fight's." I shook my head and sighed.

Emily's eyes filled with tears as she listened to my self-blame. "Alex, please don't blame yourself. You were protecting us, fighting bravely. It was just a terrible situation." She said softly, reaching out to hold my hand. I nodded. and closed my eyes again.

After some time I heard Emily leave. "For a Kasen of my strength and magnitude, I sure need up injured a lot." Shaking my head, I let darkness consume me, and before I knew it ew it I was out.
It had been a week and so since I was discharged from the hospital. Emily made Addis's of it, and insisted that I let her take care of me, until I was a hundred percent fine, which I was but she was relentless on asking me that I just gave up. Know some my find it bazaar that she's acting like this, but somehow me and her grew a sibling bond.

I speculate it's because of my bond when she was Andy, and the bond with her as Emily that it is stronger than it should be. But I have no problem with it.

"Alex you're here." I turned to the voice and saw that it was Emily's mom. "Yeah. Emily was persistent on taking care of me. I guess she still feels guilty about my eye." I received a nod.

"How is your eye?" I smiled, and shrugged. "It itches here and there, and sometimes I get a phantom pain, but it's good by the end of the week I should have a solution to it being blind."

Yosan raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh?" I nodded. "Yeah. I should be fine and no longer blind in the eye." Yosan didn't say anything, but before I could do anything else I heard Emily's voice.

"Ah, there you are Alex. Come with me." Before I could protest, she grabbed my wrist and began dragging me somewhere. Once there she let go of my wrist and presented something to me.

"Here. Put this on your left eye." Doing as she asked I felt a jolt of pain, before I regained sight in the eye. I turned to Emily in amassment. "Emily what did you do?"

She scratched her cheek. "Take a look in the mirror." I nodded, and did what she asked. And to my surprise I was meet with a newly looking eye.

 And to my surprise I was meet with a newly looking eye

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"I gave you a cyber eye film. It's meant for you, as it only reacts to your DNA. Anyway's how it works is by jabbing small, unnoticeable needles into your light reflectors, which then connect to the film, and well you see the result. Literally." I nodded, still amazed by it.

"This is cool. Thanks Enty." She quickly scowled at me. "Don't call that!" I laughed.
A/N: And done. kuwebby2, Thoughts?

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