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My PoV

Slowly breathing, I squeezed the trigger of my gun, causing it to release a loud boom, and kick back into my shoulder. The target I fired at exploded causing the people watching yell out with enjoyment. Setting the down the gun which was my Anzio 20mm Rifle, I turned toy opponent who stared stunned that she lost. She then smirked and held my arm up. " To our comrade The Iron Eagle! May we feast in Honor!" The people watching started cheering, and whooping. I however look at my opponent with s amused look. " Iron Eagle huh? Where'd that come from?" My opponent laughed before answering. " Your from Америка which is also known as Eagle Union dah? Your also a pilot and spend a lot of time with Iron Blood ship's so the name became fitting. Besides it also means an American military officer who has attained the rank of colonel but will not be promoted to the rank of general, which fits you."

I gave a surprised look before giving a short laugh. " That's nice to know. Now I'd love to know your name, and not your moniker as the Ice Queen." My opponent laughed but nodded. " Very well Comrade. My name is Irina Makarov." I suppressed a snort. " No Russian."  She looked confused for a second before it dawned on her what I meant, and gave a laugh. " No Russian indeed." I gave a smile. " So mind if a get a picture of ya?" She looked surprised before shrugging. "I don't mind. Most are to scared to be anywhere near me." I frowned as I pulled out my holoscreen and took a picture of her.

" I frowned as I pulled out my holoscreen and took a picture of her

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" That's surprising. Your a good person from what I see. And besides, you make great company." She gave a look a surprise before giving me a soft smile. " Thank you Comrade. No ones's ever said anything like that before." I just smiled and handed her my contact information. " Call me anytime ya want to talk. And don't be a stranger to come and find me." With that all said and done I headed towards my ship. Before leaving from Azur I was gifted my own personal ship that I can drive and use by myself.

 Before leaving from Azur I was gifted my own personal ship that I can drive and use by myself

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It's named the USS Shatter. It's armed with 4, 20mm Phalanx CIWS, and 2 RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile, along with 6 .50 caliber M2BH Browning Machine Guns and 2 quadruple 40mm Bofors. And that's just the AA. It also has 18 underwater 533mm Torpedo tubes, a long with 6 Single 5in/38 cal DP gun and 2 Twin 12in/55 cal Mark 3 guns. I also have 1 Egg Killer and 1 Boeing AH-64 Apache. It's armor is 13 inches thick and can hit 25.8 knots at top speed. And the fun part is that it all automated so I don't have to do anything by hand. Yes the ship does come with flares so I don't have to worry about missiles and I can hop on the .50 Cal's or the Bofors if I want. Though the only known automated things are the helicopters. Anyways boarding my ship I had a strange feeling that something was coming. Something to deal with Andy and the Siren's. Plopping in my bed, I began seeing things from a third person PoV.
" Hurry! Get to cover!" I watched as kids about my age and younger run into a ran down apartment in the middle of the Sea. I turned to the speaker and much to my surprise it was Andy. He was looking at the horizon where I saw a fleet of three ships coming towards him. From the looks two Destroyer's and a Light Cruiser. And from what I could tell they where Siren origin. Turning back to Andy I could see that he was mumbling to himself. " What would Alex do?" I smiled and spoke out knowing he couldn't hear me. " I would send out the Killer Egg, and ready weapons on board. Have the two CIWS on standby, while the two Twin 5in DP gun's are armed and loaded with HE shell's, and the single 10in gun in the front armed and loaded with AP shells. While also having the two Twin 138mm Torpedo Tubes loaded and ready to launch. And on top of that I would have engines at full throttle and be sideways to fire more off. " Andy seemed to be in deep thought, while I noticed Irwin looking at me. Smirking I waved at her. " So can he see or hear me at all?" She shrugged. " Not sure. I think he can feel your presence, am might hear you but he will most likely think it's his imagination and think that it's what you would say in this situation." I nodded excepting what she said. " So how are you enjoying the retrofit I gave ya?" She smiled and closed her eyes. "I love them. Though next time warn a girl before you do something to her." I just smirked before turning serious. "Well I can feel myself about to wake make sure Andy does what I said. It's the only outcome where he won't fail, and come out with little to no damage. Also I'll meet you and the other's in the Spirit Realm soon." Irwin nodded, and with that things went dark.
Opening my eyes, I came face to face with a sleeping Navi.

------------------------------------------------------------------Opening my eyes, I came face to face with a sleeping Navi

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Smiling I slowly got out of the bed and made sure she was still covered with the blanket and left heading to the gally. I suppose I should explain Navi. Navi also know as Navigation was one the AI to my ship, but so to an unexpected accident with a couple of Wisdom Cube's formed a real life body, and now considers me her Master, which no matter how many times I tell her she won't stop calling me that. She also has her AI abilities so she is still a Navigator in a sense. Also she has this weird ability to freeze time for 15 seconds and I'm the only one it doesn't effect. Anyways she's 5'3" tall, has a blue and red eyes, really pale skin, and will do anything I tell her except stop calling me Master. Shaking my head I began preparing breakfast while thinking about Andy and his situation. " If I was there with my ship, I would come up behind them and do a surprise attack, and then when they focus one Andy would come in and attack." Shaking my head from the thoughts I finished making a plate of Waffles, a long with a plate of fried potatoes, bacon, sausage, and toast. As soon as I set it all down on the table I heard Navi walk in yawning. "'Morning Master." Groaning silently I replied back. " Mornin Navi. Eat up. We have a big day ahead of us. I can feel it." She nodded and began wolfing down the food she put on her plate while I punched on the toast sandwich I made. I contained two buttered toast, four strips of bacon, and fried potatoes covered with ketchup. Eating I glanced out the window and saw Admiral Sokolov heading into the ship.

Finishing my sandwich, I turned just in time to see the Admiral enter. " Ah, Admiral Sokolov what can I help you with?" She looked at me with a grave face. " Kommander Orr, I am hear to inform you that your Comrade Andy needs help " I gained a serious face. "Well then, I guess it's shootin time."

A/N: And done. kuwebby2 your up.

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