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My PoV

I groaned standing up from my ship. Taking a look around, I just saw endless ocean around me. " Is this Heaven, or is this Hell?" I received an answer, even though I wasn't expecting it. " I'd say Purgatory." Looking at the speaker I saw that it was Missouri causing me to smile. "At least I have you here along with me. Shall we explore our new place?" Missouri smirked and stretched out. " I'm up for it." Starting the ship up, I set it to Autopilot and joined Missouri on the front deck. As I joined her our radio's crackled to life. " This is USS Hornet CV-8, of Eagle Union! My and my fleet are under attack from Sakura and Iron Blood force's! I'm the only one still active, so please hurry!" Me and Missouri looked at each other and smirked. " Duty call's." With that said I gunned it to the coordinates that we were given. Soon we arrived, and could see Siren's launching Jet's into the sky, and they looked to be all worn out. Turning to Missouri, I could see her smiling at all the enemy ship's ahead of us. " Ready to kick some ass?" She turned to me and gave me a darkened grin. Smirking me and her put all our weapons into firing positions, and let hell launch, killing and destroying the Siren ship's. After they and the aircraft where taken care of, me and Missouri began leaving, since we were 20 miles away from them.

As we sailed away from the battlefield, the adrenaline still coursing through our veins, Missouri and I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had just unfolded. The USS Hornet and her fleet had been saved, but the threat of the Sirens and their allies still loomed large.

"Those Sirens won't give up easily," Missouri said, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern. "We need to stay vigilant and be prepared for their next move."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of enemy activity. "You're right, Missouri. We can't afford to let our guard down. The Sirens are relentless, and they won't stop until they achieve their goals."

As we sailed further into the unknown, the weight of our mission settled upon us. We were part of a larger force, fighting to protect not just our own lives, but the lives of countless others. The fate of the world rested on our shoulders, and we couldn't afford to falter.

Suddenly, a distress signal crackled through our radio once again. It was another ship, under attack by a powerful Siren battleship. Without hesitation, we adjusted our course and set sail towards the coordinates provided.

As we approached the scene, the sight that greeted us was one of chaos and destruction. The Siren battleship towered over the beleaguered vessel, its cannons raining down relentless fire. We knew we had to act quickly.

Missouri's voice cut through the tension. "We need to draw the Siren's attention away from that ship. I'll engage the battleship head-on while you provide cover fire."

I nodded, my hands gripping the controls tightly. "I've got your back, Missouri. Let's show them what we're made of."

With a burst of speed, Missouri charged towards the Siren battleship, her cannons blazing. I maneuvered our ship into position, unleashing a barrage of firepower to distract and weaken the enemy.

The battle was fierce, the air filled with the thunderous roar of cannons and the crackling of energy weapons. We fought with everything we had, pushing ourselves to the limits to protect the innocent lives at stake.

After what felt like an eternity, the Siren battleship finally succumbed to our relentless assault. It crumbled under the weight of our combined firepower, sinking into the depths below.

As the dust settled, we turned our attention to the ship we had saved. Its crew, battered but alive, expressed their gratitude. We exchanged nods and smiles, knowing that we had made a difference in their lives.

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