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My PoV

"It's too late. He's already got an Army on Salem's boarder." I watched as troops in the distance marched, heading towards Salem's castle destroying any Grimm in the way.

"How do we get there? We don't have a Bullhead." I turned to Jaune with a smile, creeping him out. "You're right, we don't. We have something better." I then summon a Blackhawk. "Hop in. This should get us to Salem's castle in no time."

They didn't argue and just got in the Blackhawk. Flipping switches, I started the helicopter, before taking to the sky.

As we ascended into the sky, the hum of the helicopter's rotors filled the cabin. Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha settled into their seats, their expressions a mix of determination and apprehension.

Jaune leaned forward, shouting over the noise. "Alex, how do you know we can trust Salem? What if this is a trap?"

I glanced back at him, my hands steady on the controls. "I've seen the truth, Jaune. We don't have a choice but to trust her if we want to stop Ozpin. Besides, if she wanted us dead, we'd be dealing with a lot worse than a welcoming committee."

Nora looked out the window, watching the landscape blur beneath us. "I never thought I'd say this, but I hope the Queen of Grimm is in a good mood today."

Pyrrha nodded, her gaze fixed ahead. "If Alex is right, then Salem has been fighting against a greater evil all along. We need to hear her side of the story."

Ren remained silent, his eyes closed as if in meditation, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead.

The flight was tense but mercifully short. As we approached Salem's castle, its dark, imposing spires loomed over the landscape like jagged teeth. I could see the remnants of Grimm forces scattered around, evidence of Ozpin's advancing army.

"Hang on, we're coming in hot," I called out, guiding the Blackhawk towards an open courtyard that looked relatively clear.

We touched down with a jolt, and I quickly powered down the helicopter. "Let's move. We need to find Salem and warn her before Ozpin's forces arrive."

As we disembarked, a squad of Beowolves approached, growling menacingly. But before we could draw our weapons, they halted, their heads turning towards the castle as if receiving a silent command. Then they dispersed, leaving us unharmed.

"Looks like we've got an invitation," Nora quipped, though her usual cheeriness was subdued.

We made our way through the dark corridors of the castle, our footsteps echoing ominously. The air was thick with an oppressive energy, and the walls seemed to close in on us as we advanced.

Finally, we reached a grand chamber. At its center stood Salem, her presence commanding and otherworldly. Her red eyes glowed with a mix of curiosity and caution as she regarded us.

"You've come," She said, her voice echoing through the chamber. "I sensed the disturbance in the timeline."

Jaune stepped forward, bowing his head slightly in respect. "Salem, we need your help. Ozpin's forces are marching on your castle as we speak. We have information that can change the course of this war."

Salem's eyes narrowed. "And why should I trust you? Your kind has fought against me for centuries."

"Because we've seen the truth," Pyrrha interjected. "Ozpin has been manipulating everyone for his own ends. We want to stop him and free this world from his control."

Salem studied us for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Very well. Speak quickly. Time is not on our side."

I took a deep breath and began to explain. "Ozpin's been using the horochronometer to manipulate timelines, ensuring his control remains unchallenged. But something's gone wrong. A man made of light has appeared, trying to end this timeline altogether. We believe Ozpin's influence is at the root of this instability."

Jaune stepped forward, his expression earnest. "We want to fight with you, Salem. To stop Ozpin and restore balance. But we need your help to understand what we're up against."

Salem's expression softened slightly. "If what you say is true, then our goals align. Ozpin's tyranny must end. But we must act quickly. His forces will be here soon."

As if on cue, a distant rumble echoed through the castle. The ground shook, and we could hear the sounds of battle drawing closer.

"We'll need a plan," Ren said, his calm demeanor returning. "How do we defend this castle and counterattack Ozpin's forces?"

Salem turned to a massive map of the surrounding area on the wall. "There are several choke points leading to this castle. If we can fortify them and use the Grimm strategically, we can slow their advance. Meanwhile, we need to find a way to disable the horochronometer before it causes irreversible damage."

Nora cracked her knuckles. "I'll handle the fortifications. Give me some explosives and I'll make sure they can't get through easily."

Pyrrha nodded. "I'll coordinate the defense with the Grimm. We need to make sure they're working with us, not against us."

Ren looked thoughtful. "I'll scout the enemy's movements and report back. We need to stay one step ahead."

Jaune gripped his sword. "I'll be on the front lines. We need to show Ozpin's forces that we're not going down without a fight."

I turned to Salem. "And I'll find the horochronometer. We need to disable it before it destabilizes this timeline completely."

Salem nodded. "Very well. We each have our roles. Let's make sure Ozpin regrets ever underestimating us."

We moved with purpose, each of us preparing for the coming battle. The tension was palpable, but there was also a newfound sense of unity. For the first time, we were fighting alongside Salem, not against her.

As the first waves of Ozpin's forces reached the castle, the ground shook with the force of the assault. But we held our ground, fighting with a determination born from the knowledge that this battle could change everything.

I slipped away, making my way to the heart of the castle where the horochronometer was kept. It pulsed with a dangerous energy, and I could see cracks forming along its surface.

"Time to end this," I muttered, pulling out my tools and setting to work.

The battle raged on outside, but I forced myself to focus. I rerouted circuits, cut wires, and applied makeshift fixes, all while the device's energy surged around me.

Just as I was about to make the final adjustment, the man of light appeared once more, his presence filling the room with an eerie glow.

"You again," I said, not pausing in my work. "You're not stopping me this time."

He raised a hand, and I felt a wave of energy crash over me, sending me sprawling. "You cannot alter what is meant to be."

I struggled to my feet, my vision swimming. "We make our own fate."

With a final surge of effort, I made the last adjustment. The horochronometer's glow dimmed, and the cracks along its surface began to heal.

The man of light hissed in frustration. "This is not the end. You will see."

And with that, he vanished, leaving me alone with the now-stable device.

I stumbled back to the main chamber, my body aching but my heart light. "It's done. The horochronometer is stable."

Salem turned to me, a rare smile on her lips. "You've done well, Alex. Now, let's finish this."

With renewed determination, we joined the battle outside, fighting with everything we had. And though the odds were against us, we knew that together, we could change the course of history.
A/N/ Shorter but still as good. And I've hit 44 chapters, that don't include random stuff. kuwebby2, Is this sad that I'm doing this?

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