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My PoV

Screwing in a screw, with a phillips screwdriver, I took a step back and admired my work.

"Alrighty then, now that it's attached to my ship's radio, and powered by the Duel Wisdom Cube shards it should start up

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"Alrighty then, now that it's attached to my ship's radio, and powered by the Duel Wisdom Cube shards it should start up. Hopefully." Pressing the power button I grabbed the CB , and began trying to contact Andy. " Irwin this Leviathan, come in Irwin. I repeat Irwin this is Leviathan come in Irwin." All I received was static causing me to sigh. For the next half hour I tried contacting Andy, when I gave up. " Damn it! I was certain I could get through to him." As I sat down the CB, a stray arrow came through my window striking the Ham Radio's power source, causing it to start cracking with lightning. " Shit!!!" With a mighty boom, and a pulse of power, my world became foggy. " Damn..... it....." And with that I passed out, barely registering a voice next to me.

When I came back to the land of consciousness, I found myself in someone's lap, as they stroked my hair, while humming. Opening my eyes I found myself face to face with a familiar face. And someone I tried avoiding.

" Ah, your awake Commander, good. I was hoping that you weren't out long." I groaned and began sitting up much to the person dismay. " Where are we Royal Fortune?" Said person just beamed at me.

 " Where are we Royal Fortune?" Said person just beamed at me

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" We are in the middle of the Pacific. And as of were we are, well we're around the times 1728 through 1729. So welcome to the pirate age." I pinched the bridge of my nose hearing that. Lovely, just lovely. I'm back in time. Though something feels different. As if I'm not only back in time. Time to dwell on that latter. Actually, this gives me the perfect opportunity to raise a flag on my mast.

" Do I want to know why you have this flag Commander?" I just shrugged and looked at it.

" Do I want to know why you have this flag Commander?" I just shrugged and looked at it

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" I thought it was cool. And besides it's a gift from a old friend." Stepping back, I felt my radar ping. At least 47 ship's where heading in our direction. " Looks like we have company. Good or bad, I haven't a clue but don't really care. Ready to cause mayhem?" Royal's eyes lit up like a small child's on the fourth of July. " Really? Awesome!" I chuckled, and had all my guns load up with HC, and Flack. Once that was all ready me and Royal sat waiting for them. As we did this gave me time to think if Andy was in this Universe, considering the time and age. I hope so, if I'm honest. After an hours wait the ship's finally arrived, and boy was I impressed and disappointed. All them where 80 gun Frigates, and by the looks a mixture of British and French Pirates ships. I could tell they where French and British due to the designs, and as for the Pirate part that wasn't hard. " Royal, let's give em a hardy welcome shall we?" Royal smiled at me and fired, scoring a direct hit on the lead ship. The ship's in return fired, their shell's either missing or harmlessly bounced off of my ship.

" My turn." With that said each of my guns turned and fired, accurately scoring hits, sinking most of them, heavily damaging the rest but one. Sailing next towards them, with Royal in tow, I saw their scarred faces. " Now, tell me what are ye doing in my territory?" The line non damaged ship's captain responded. "We were on our way to Port, to meet up with Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew. Please, Mister let us through and we'll stay out of your territory." I hmmed think about his proposal, and sighed.

" Very well son. Tell me your name, and I'll tell you mine, and I let you off." The caption seemed nervous, but responded. " Cap'n Antonio Yan, of the Black Bart. Now, Mister what's yours?" Hmmm, I wonder if he's related to Andy in this Reality. " Name's Leviathan, King of the Seven Seas. Now ye go on now. Take ye remaining ship's, and go. But make sure to tell anyone you cross about me now."

Antonio nodded, and turned to his men, and then relaid orders to the other ship, who raised their flags, and began on their way slowly. After an hour and a half they where out of sight, and then in three they where off of radar. " Where ye sure that was a wise decision Commander?" I nodded as I turned to Royal. " Yes, it was. If Andy is here, and he hears about a Giant ship made of metal, and by the name of Leviathan then he will know I'm here. And with some luck, he will try to come and find me. It's why I claimed this as my territory. We have somewhere to stay, and we won't need to leave, so where in a easy area to find. And where also in luck because of the island that's not far from here." Royal nodded, and laid on the deck of her ship causing me to chuckle. Just you wait Andy. I will find you.

Andy's PoV

Sitting at my berth next to Pearl, sharing some drinks, which I've gotten used to since she made me drink every day for the last two weeks, when I noticed a battered Fleet come into port. Noticing it I called out to Pearl. " Oi. Who could they be?" I saw Pearl's face scrunch before her ship moved side to side, like she was shrugging. " Not a clue Poppy. Could be thee back up Jack recruited. And it seems they have been through some battles." With that she went back to her 19th barrel of Rum, causing me to sigh. As the ships neared us I heard their talks about their battle. " I'm telling you, there's now way a ship that huge and made of metal should float. It's not possible for one to do that." Hearing that caused me to narrow my eyes. What other ship could be made of metal? And what is their size? I know ship's during this time period lines small sheets of metal in the hull of the ship, but to be fully made of metal doesn't sound like their from this time. " Did you see the ship Cap'n? He was huge. Blonde hair, blue and red eyes, and wore weird clothing. And you know the crazy part? I didn't see any crew on his ship, nor the 44 gun ship to his right." Why does that sound familiar? Like I know someone fitting that description but can't think of it. Damn it, why do I have to be drunk. " Hey, you. What was the ships or Captain's name?" The ship's face turned towards me, and became startled and slightly scared.

" They said their name was Leviathan, and they where the King of the Seven Seas." I shook my head clearing the drunkenness off, while my eyes widened. Alex you son of a bitch. Your hear, and in human form. Maybe you can get me back home. But.... I don't want to leave Pearl. Alex I hope you have a plan.

A/N: And done. And that's right kuwebby2 I'm joining ya, but not just me. But that's for a latter chapter. Also yes I'm in Human form, so I can move around freely on land, and all that along with Royal Fortune. But I'm also not going to join you in every single reality. I'd end up going into others as well along with Royal Fortune.



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