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My PoV

I stared at the destruction around me, as people yelled and called out for someone to save them, or their family. I watched as the White Fang attacked, along with the Grimm. And then it hit me. A huge anger that made my blood boil and my eyes slit into that of a foxes and began to glow with my right eye being Crimson Red, and my left eye being Angelic Blue.

With a roar I activated my rigging. "Leviathan Engage!" With a massive flash of light familiar Crimson Red and Black Wisdom Cube's surround me forming into my monstrous Rigging. "All Gun's Fire!" And my guns did that, decimating every enemy in my way, while also destroying everything else.

"Alex?" I turned and saw a scared Ruby, causing me to feel a bit bad. "Ruby." She hesitantly, pointed at my Rigging. "What's that?" My guns locked into a firing position. "It's my rigging. I'm a Kasen, Ruby. Probably the strongest." I then fired, at an incoming hoard of Grimm. Ranging from Beowolves, to Dragons.

"Ruby listened to me right now. Go find the other's and lead them out of here. Don't argue and do as I ask. Because there's about to be a crater that size of multiple mountains here." She heasintly nodded, and did what I asked. I fired every once and awhile, when I saw Jaune's locker land in front of me with Jaune and Pyrrha in it.

"Alex! P-Pyrrha is dead!" I was instantly by his side. "Jaune, hand her to me." He did with some hesitation. I called upon my Semblance, alternating reality to before she was stabbed. I then crushed one of my Wisdom Cube's and sprinkled it onto her.

I stared as she suddenly gasped for air sitting up. "Good, you alive again. I need you two to get out of here." Jaune looked to object, which I raised a hand.

"Don't say anything. Just do as I asked." He nodded, and picked up Pyrrha and ran to an E-Vac Bullhead. Once I sensed that nothing ally in the a radius of 80 Miles, I grinned insanely.

"Activate Core Melt down." My Rigging began to glow white, signaling that it was so hot that it appeared white. "It's been a real one." I closed my eyes, as the last thing I heard was a loud explosion, as 36 Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactors, 20 Babcock and Wilcox M-type boilers, 44 A1B Nuclear Reactors, and 40 Fusion drives exploded, taking out everything in the next 100 miles.
Gasping I sat up, finding myself in a huge crater. As large as I said it would be. With a groan I stood up, my bones creaking. "How did I survive?" I was confused on how I survived. That should have killed me, since I also meant my Wisdom Cube's were Destroyed. Or are they.

"Rigging!" I suddenly felt a huge amount of pain wash over me, causing me to fall to my knee's as a weak flicker of light appeared, with a single Wisdom Cube, that was cracked and in horrible condition. Like if I breathed on it, it would fall apart.

"So that's how I survived. Damn. I'm incredibly lucky." Unsheathing my Demonic Sword, I used it as a crutch as I made my way up to the top of the crater, which took me about three hours.

Once I reached the top, I collapsed as it drained most of my energy, and caused severe pain. "System Reboot. Code Alpha, Delta, Beta, Lima." I heard my armor whirl to life. "Engage Medical mode." I felt something enter my bloodstream causing me to feel instantly better. Standing up I observed the land around me, while sheathing my sword.

 Standing up I observed the land around me, while sheathing my sword

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