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My PoV

" A Treaty you say? May I ask what made you propose such a thing, since the last time and only time we met each other resulted in us battling causing that new arm, and makeover of yours?" I grinned, before chuckling. "You know the old saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Turns out I have a new enemy."

That caused the Empress of the North to raise her eyebrow. "Oh? What brought this development?" I grinned darkly causing her to blush. "They tried to have a way to control me in this new arm of mine. This betraying me. Plus I have information on both sides. Siren, Human, and Kasen." The Empress of the North gave me a curious look.

Intrigued by my revelations, the Empress leaned in closer, her icy blue eyes reflecting a keen interest. "Information on all sides, you say? That could prove to be quite valuable in the ongoing conflicts. What exactly do you propose in this treaty of yours, considering these newfound circumstances?"

I paused for a moment, contemplating my next words carefully before responding. "I suggest a mutual alliance to counter these threats. We can exchange vital information, resources, and perhaps even coordinate strategic moves to ensure our mutual survival in this ever-changing landscape of conflict and power struggles." The Empress nodded thoughtfully, a hint of respect glinting in her eyes.

"Very well." she finally spoke, her tone measured yet decisive. "Let us forge this treaty then, for the greater good and our shared interests. However, remember, trust is a fragile currency in these times. Let's hope our newfound alliance stands the test of time." With a nod of agreement, we sealed the deal, shaking hands. "Though I must say are you not supposed to be a good guy?" I snorted, letting go of her hand.

"I'm a Sinner, a Tainted Saint. A Savior it's all the same. Besides there was never right until there was wrong. So no. I'm not always the good guy. But I'm not a bad one either." The Empress of the North nodded, respecting my opinion. "Though you really need a name. I can't keep calling you The Empress of the North."

"Then what do you think I should be named?" I paused and thought of it. "How about Yuki? Short for Yuki no jotei?" The newly named Yuki nodded her head. "I like it. Now, what are you going to do?" I smirked, and had my turret's rise into a firing position. We make it look like a battle, had happened here and that I captured you. Deceit, is a wonderful tool to use."

"I agree. Shall we commence the battle then?" I nodded. Soon as the tension crackled in the air, I twirled my two gleaming bastard swords expertly, their edges catching the light in a deadly dance. Yuki, now wielding a menacing scythe, stood poised and ready, her icy demeanor a stark contrast to the impending clash. With a nod of mutual understanding, we lunged at each other, our weapons slashing through the space between us.

Yuki's scythe arced gracefully, aiming to catch me off guard, but I deftly parried with one sword while countering with the other in a swift, calculated strike. The clash of metal echoed through the chamber as we circled each other, each move a strategic dance of offense and defense.

I feinted to the left, then swiftly changed direction, bringing both swords down in a whirlwind of steel towards Yuki. She spun away with uncanny agility, her scythe slicing through the air with lethal precision. I felt the rush of adrenaline as we engaged in a fierce exchange, each strike and block a testament to our skill and determination.

As the battle raged on, the air filled with the sound of our weapons clashing, a symphony of conflict and resolve, while my guns fired at the surrounding ship's. Yuki's scythe flashed dangerously, seeking any opening in my defense, while I countered with swift, calculated strikes, aiming to outmaneuver her with my dual blades.

The battle between Yuki and me intensified, each clash of our weapons reverberating throughout the chamber. As we exchanged blows, a fierce determination burned in both of us, our movements fluid and precise despite the injuries we were accumulating.

Yuki's scythe sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, leaving deep scratches on my armor as I countered with swift strikes from my dual bastard swords. The metal rang out as our weapons met, creating a cacophony of warfare that echoed through the ship.

Despite our injuries and the strain of battle, neither of us showed any sign of yielding. With gritted teeth and sweat glistening on our brows, we continued to push each other to the limits of our skill and endurance. My armor bore dents and scrapes from Yuki's relentless attacks, while her own form showed signs of wear from my calculated strikes.

As the fight wore on, a mutual respect grew between us, a silent acknowledgment of each other's strength and resilience. The air around us bore witness to our struggle, the deck of my ship seeming to pulse with the energy of our conflict.

With a final, resounding clash, our weapons met in a decisive blow that sent reverberations through the room. Breathing heavily, we both stepped back, assessing each other with a mixture of exhaustion and admiration. Despite the injuries we had both sustained, there was a sense of camaraderie that transcended the battle—a shared understanding of the trials we had faced and the bond that had formed between us in the heat of combat.

"This should be believable. But I need to knock you out to finish this." Yuki nodded. Approaching her I sheathed my left sword and used my right to hit her in the back of the head. Hard enough to knock her out but not injure her.

As she crumpled, I caught her and brought her to my brig. Putting a dampener on her I closed the door and locked it. With that I set course to Azur, already coming up with a story to tell.
dieHero: And done. Took me some time but I did it.

Leviathan: Yeah, Yeah. Good job Lazy Ass.

dieHero: Grrrr. Why I oughta....

Leviathan: I'd like you to try Lazy Ass.

' Fighting has commenced between the two.'

Missouri: Well while they fight, kuwebby2 what do you think?

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