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My PoV

" Log 187,865,529-5

It's been a few days since I discovered that lab, and had a fight with the Kasen's and left. And that's not the worst part. They captured Navi, and have been interrogating her, using methods that have been outlawed. At least for my universe.

Right now I'm currently orbiting Earth in my newly retrofitted ship. The space variation, of it. I've been looking through the data I was able to collect from the lab, when I was fighting the mysterious figure.

Subject: Human Experimentation Report

Experiment Title: Project X-23

Objective: To test the effects of a new experimental drug on human subjects

Methodology: Subjects were injected with varying doses of the experimental drug, X-23, and monitored for physical and psychological changes. The subjects were kept in isolation chambers to prevent contamination and to closely monitor their reactions to the drug.


• Subject 001: Experienced severe hallucinations and delusions, leading to self-harm and ultimately death.
• Subject 002: Developed extreme paranoia and aggression, attacking researchers and attempting to escape the facility.
• Subject 003: Experienced rapid deterioration of mental faculties, leading to a catatonic state.

Conclusion: The experimental drug X-23 has shown to have highly unpredictable and dangerous effects on human subjects. Further testing is needed to fully understand the potential risks and benefits of this drug.

Ethical Implications: The use of human subjects in this experiment raises serious ethical concerns, as the subjects were subjected to extreme physical and psychological harm without their consent. The lack of proper oversight and safeguards in place during this experiment is deeply troubling and warrants further investigation.

Recommendations: It is recommended that all experimentation involving human subjects be halted immediately, and that a thorough investigation be conducted to determine the extent of the harm caused by Project X-23. Additionally, measures should be put in place to ensure that such unethical practices are not repeated in the future.

Signed, Dr. Rex." And somehow that's the best one compared to X-28.

"Subject: Human Experimentation Report

Experiment Title: Project X-28

Objective: To test the effects of splicing human DNA with DNA from animals, Sirens, and ancient fossils on human subjects

Methodology: Subjects were injected with a cocktail of DNA from various sources, including animals, Sirens, and ancient fossils. The subjects were closely monitored for physical and psychological changes, as well as any signs of genetic mutation. The subjects were kept in isolation chambers to prevent contamination and to closely monitor their reactions to the DNA splicing.


    •    Subject 001: Experienced rapid physical transformation, growing scales and fins, and exhibiting aggressive behavior resembling that of a predatory sea creature. Subject eventually succumbed to the mutations and died.
    •    Subject 002: Developed heightened senses and abilities, including echolocation and the ability to manipulate water. However, subject also experienced extreme physical pain and psychological distress, ultimately leading to self-harm.
    •    Subject 003: Underwent a complete genetic breakdown, resulting in a grotesque fusion of human and ancient fossil DNA. Subject became a mindless, monstrous being, causing destruction and chaos within the facility before being terminated.

Conclusion: The splicing of human DNA with DNA from animals, Sirens, and ancient fossils has resulted in catastrophic and horrifying mutations in human subjects. The unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of these genetic experiments poses a grave threat to both the subjects and the researchers involved.

Ethical Implications: The use of human subjects in these experiments, which involved the manipulation of their genetic makeup with non-human DNA, raises profound ethical concerns. The subjects were subjected to irreversible and monstrous transformations without their consent or understanding of the risks involved. The lack of ethical oversight and consideration for the well-being of the subjects is deeply disturbing and inexcusable.

Recommendations: It is imperative that all experimentation involving genetic manipulation of human subjects be immediately ceased, and a thorough investigation be launched to assess the full extent of the harm caused by Project X-28. Measures must be implemented to prevent such heinous and unethical practices from ever being repeated in the future.

Signed, Dr. Rex" This is all making my blood boil. So tonight I've decided to take action. I'm going to get Yuki, and Navi along with Navi's ship, and I'm going to blow the entire base up. Then I'm going to find the rift that brought me and Navi here, get back to our universe and close it.

This is Lead Commander Alex Orr, Kasen of USS Leviathan BV-01 signing off."

Ending the Log Entry and stood up from my Captain's Chair, and had my ship descend down to Earth, a mile from Azur. I activated it cloaking mode, and donned my armor, that I haven't fixed. I've decided that I'd leave it the way it is as a testament of what I've been through.

Soon I was at Azur, and had my cloak on silently walking through the corridors. I eventually found Yuki and Navi. Their cells were next to each other.

"Psst," I whispered, trying to get Navi and Yuki's attention. They both turned towards the sound, their faces lighting up with recognition and relief when they saw me standing there, cloaked and ready to rescue them.

"Master, you came for us." Navi said, her voice filled with gratitude and hope.

"Of course, I couldn't leave you two behind." I replied, a sense of determination in my tone. "Let's get you out of here."

I quickly deactivated the force field barriers of their cells, and they stepped out cautiously, looking around for any signs of danger. Yuki hugged me tightly, her eyes shining with tears of relief. Navi gave me a grateful smile before turning to the task at hand.

"We need to get out of here and blow this place up," Navi said, her voice firm and resolute.

I nodded in agreement, leading them through the corridors towards the main control room where we could set the charges to destroy the facility. As we made our way through the maze-like structure, we encountered guards and researchers, but with our combined skills and determination, we managed to take them down without causing too much commotion.

Finally, we reached the control room, and Navi quickly got to work setting the charges while Yuki and I stood guard, ready to defend her if needed. As the countdown began, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and justice as the facility and base that had caused so much suffering and horror was about to be destroyed.

"Time to go." Navi said, grabbing our hands and leading us out of the control room. We ran through the corridors, the sound of explosions echoing behind us as the facility crumbled to the ground.

As we reached the surface, we saw my ship waiting for us, cloaked and ready to take us back home. Without hesitation, we boarded the ship and set a course for the rift that would lead us back to our universe.

As we traveled through the rift, leaving behind the nightmare that was Azur, I knew that we had done the right thing. We had stood up against injustice and cruelty, and we had fought for our freedom and the freedom of those who had been subjected to such horrific experiments.

And as we finally emerged back into our own universe, I then used a disrupter and closed the rift, sighing as that nightmare was over.
No One's PoV

Lead Commander Alex Orr, Kasen of USS Leviathan BV-01, had signed off from one battle, but he knew that many more awaited him in the vast expanse of space. And he was ready to face them head-on, with his crew by his side, ready to fight for what was right and just.
A/N: And done. kuwebby2 what do you think?

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