388 6 15

My PoV

After a day of fun, and watching Andy and his fleet practice, I decided to go on a mission, with my fleet hopping to upgrade them further and earn more coins, oil, upgrade books and creates. The mission I choose was a simple one.

Mission 684

Lvl, 13

Description: Siren convoy, filled with 18 Destroyer's, 12 Heavy Cruiser's, 6 Light Cruiser's, 1 Battleship, and 3 Carriers. Caution, be careful when dealing with the Siren Carrier's, as they have a nuclear reactor inside them that will explode if hit just right.

Status: Taken, by Commander Orr

Rewards: Unknown

Nodding, even though this mission is well past my highest level ship, which is Missouri I felt that we can still defeat the convoy. That and I also want to dredge some things from the Siren ship's, like that Nuclear Reactor. Anyways getting back on track, I nodded and made my way to my fleet, who's was preparing for the mission. While doing so, I caught a look at the mission Andy, and his fleet were doing.

Mission 683

Lvl, 8

Description: Small group of Siren ship's containing 10 Destroyer's, 6 Light Cruiser's, 6 Heavy Cruiser's, 1 Battleship, and 2 Carrier's. Caution, Battleship has a small Force Field that last's for 10 seconds and is immune to anything that is 14 in gun's.

Status: Taken, by Commander Yan

Rewards: 10,000 coins, 2,000 oil, 1 Rare Create, 4 Uncommon Creates, 2 Common Creates, and 2 Wisdom Cubes

Andy, got himself a good little mission. Shaking my head, I began grabbing my gear. My gear comprised of my M1911, my 12 gauge shotgun, and my KA-BAR along with my canteen and a D-Class MRE. Grabbing 4 magazine's for the M1911, and about 28 shell's for the shotgun, I headed out the door, and joined my fleet that was ready to go.

" Ready?" Seeing them all nod, even Laffey who for some reason is still awake I board onto Zeppelin's ship.

" Aight, game time people. This is the formation. Laffey your ahead of everyone. Next is Zeppelin here who will be behind her, flanked by Missouri and Yamato, who are then flanked by Baltimore and Eugen. And for Bismarck, she will be behind Zeppelin. Is anyone confused?" They all shook their head no, and began getting into formation. Once done we began heading to our mission area. While we headed to it me and Zeppelin began talking.

" Hmmmm. Kommandant, you have been looking at my ship for a while now. Is there something wrong with it?" Looking at her, I shook my head no.

" Nothing wrong, per say, it just I noticed that your ship isn't even being used for it's full potential." This caused her to look at me with wonder.

" How so, Kommandant?" Smiling I pointed at her deck.

" Your deck for one. It's made of metal and tarmac that makes it heat and fire resistant to a certain degree, while there's wood under it. And I went over your blue print's. The ones that most don't know about sine they go off of what ever the one that people use. You Zeppelin, can carry and use Mark one and Mark two Jet's." This caused her to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

" Really, Kommandant?" I nodded.

" Yup. So that means when the chance happens, I put a few jet's on you. They may be low tier compared to the modern times jet's, but they will work wonders against the Siren's and Kasen's that can't go against it." Before anything else could happen Zeppelin's ship was rockets as a 15in shell hit, her stern causing us to almost lose our balance. Quickly, I grabbed my CB and called out to the others.

" Battle Stations! Contact 6'o clock! Missouri, Yamato load AP, while Bismarck load HE. Laffey follow Bismarck's lead, while Eugen and Baltimore use AP. Zeppelin launch Fighters and Bombers. And have your AA on standby." With that I hopped into my plane and took to the air, instantly engaging combat with the Sirens Mk 2 Jet's. Firing in burst's I managed to take down two while a third got in behind me and fired, scoring a hit in my left wing. Quickly doing evasive maneuvers, I slingshot past the Siren jet and scored a hit on it's right wing, and a single bullet in it's engine. This caused the jet to start smoking, and begin headed towards the ocean. Before I knew it, the jet somehow ended up on Zeppelin's ship, causing minor damage to itself, and Zeppelin's ship. Taking note of this, and thinking for another use for it in the future I went on and continued dogfighting the jests with the help of Zeppelin's plane's. Downing another three Siren Jet's, a ran out of ammo. Turning to a Siren Destroyer I decided to drop four 500 pound bomb's and fire my six rockets at it, sinking it. Turning back to Zeppelin's ship, I headed towards it while dodging dogfights. Soon a made it to the Carrier and landed. Hopping out I ran over to Zeppelin.

" Ok, you can have control of it now." Zeppelin smiled at me giddy, before my plane glowed red, and took off. If anyone wants to know, is that even though the my plane was empty of munitions once she has control of it is it magical refills. Also she apparently like having F4U Corsair's as her main plane, even though she only has mine. So save up towards that in the future. Turning my attention to the fleet of Siren ship's I could see that my fleet had done devastating damage to them. Out of 18 Destroyer's, 12 Heavy Cruiser's, 6 Light Cruiser's, 1 Battleship, and 3 Carriers, only one Destroyer, and two Carrier's were left. Speaking of Carrier's I could feel that the furthest one was different. So, deciding to go off of my gut feeling I grabbed myCB and contacted the other's.

" This is your Commander speaking. What ever you do, do not fire apone the Siren Carrier that is away from the other's. It is..... different from the others, and hasn't once launched a jet. After the others are down, we will go explore it." With that I set my CB down, and watched as Missouri and Yamato fired on the Carrier that was close, sinking it, as Laffey and Baltimore sunk the Destroyer. Soon we began sailing to the Siren Carrier. Boarding it we began exploring it. Surprisingly the only aircraft on it was a singler jet. And much toy surprise it was a Heinkel He 280, or one of the first German jets.

" Damn, what a find. Do any of you know what this is?" They all shook their heads no, causing me to smile.

" This is a Heinkel He 280, the very first attempt at jet's by the German's in 1940. Only nine were built before they made the Messerschmitt Me 262. It's armed with 3 × 20 mm MG 151/20 cannon's, and it's top speed was 508.0 mph. Sadly to say none of them were operational. Though with that Siren Jet on Zep's ship, I might be able to retrofit it into a new type of jet, and make it work with more weapons. Now, Yamato I want you and Missouri to move it to Zep's ship while me and the others continue to search the ship." They nodded, and began rolling it to the elevator. As they worked on that me and the others went and continued searching the ship. Soon we came across a door, that read 'Do Not Enter'. So we did the natural thing and entered.

Once we entered we came across a sight that made me happy. Within the room was 3 Red Premium, 6 Ultra Rare, 12 Super Rare, 4 Rare, 2 Uncommon, and 2 Common creates. Quickly scanning them with my holoscreen they disappeared into a glow, and into my holoscreen. After that I turned my attention to to a few blueprints, and a couple of half complete weapons. Not Siren, but human. Scanning them with my holoscreen as well, I watched as they disappeared in a glow. Seeing nothing else, I was about to leave when something caught my eye.

" Hey, Bismarck. Help me out with this." What I spotted was a fake wall, made of thin metal. Strong enough that I can't get through it, but weak enough that Bismarck can literally rip through it. Entering the now, revealed hidden room, I found three Black Wisdom Cube's, a bag of gold coins and gems, and two cage's. Apone seeing the Black Wisdom Cube's every Kasen in the room hissed at it. Slowly walking over to it, I picked it up. And in doing so, caused something I don't know how to describe.

" Well, well, well. We have a visiter." Drawing my M1911 I aimed at the voice, and much toy surprise there was another person with them.

" I know you two. Your...."

A/N: Dun,dun,dun. Who could it be? Anywho, I hope y'all enjoyed it. Also do me a favor and tell me what y'all thought in the comment section below. Also kuwebby2 it's your turn. But as a word for your chapter, 1, me and my fleet are gone for two days, 2, just go with your side of your story we're it's just you and your fleet out doing your mission, and getting a new Kasen into your group.

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