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My PoV

It's been two days since me and my fleet returned to my time. Scientists came and collected the extincted plants, and animals happily taking them, along with telling me that I could come visit them anytime I wanted. The gold I stole was compressed into coins, so I'm a lot more richer than anyone at Azur. My newly acquired fleet is getting used to their new lifestyle. Andy's Kaga, and my Kaga are getting along nicely. Akagi is avoiding Missouri and is being strangely nice to me. It's either because of Missouri, or because I have Amagi who I'm upgrading later. Either upgrade her as she is, or actually follow though Japan's plan on turning her into Aircraft Carrier. Or do both. Hmmmm. Idea for later. I sent Belle in to get her retrofit, that I designed so she's at the Drydocks.

" Well, well, well. Look at who it is. The freak and his other freak's." Looking up at the speaker I saw Rex trying to bully Andy and his fleet. Growling, I watched to see what Andy would do.

" Rex, why can't you piss off, and leave us alone?" Rex glared at him, and snarled.

" Oh, am I bothering you, you freak. Because if I am, then good. Maybe you would leave and never come back." Four other people appeared next to him and agreed. So these shit stains are his buddy's, huh. I'm going to fucking reck their world up.

" I agree with you Rex. Maybe he should have died like his family did. Then maybe there wouldn't be anymore freaks like him around." This severely pissed me off. Andy's reaction was looking down at the floor and started to tear up as he trembled, while Blue and Luna rubbed his back and whispered soothing words to him. Seeing this was enough for me. Growling even more I stood up and drew my M1911 and made my way over to them. One of the shit stains noticed me, and tried to warn his buddies but failed miserably. Once behind Rex I put my pistol against the back of his head, and cocked the hammer back. This shut him and his buddy up, as they tensed.

" Say one more God damn word about him, his fleet, or his family and I'll show you a world of hurt boy. Do not test me." Out of the corner of my eye I see my eyes slit into that of a foxes, and start glowing on the glass bottle on the table Andy noticed it when he looked up because he gave a small gasp, and looked back down. Luckily Rex and his buddies didn't notice. And speaking of Rex he seemed to grow a backbone since he popped off.

" Or what? Kill me, like his parents should have done to him?" That was the last straw. Growling loudly that even Andy looked up at me with fear, I took my pistol off his head and put the hammer back, before pistol whipping Rex's face. Rex gave a cry of pain while he fell to the floor. Quickly giving Andy my pistol, I began whaling on Rex, while his buddies tried to help him. Quickly turning to them I glared, at them and threw a left jab, before upercutting one, before turning to another that was throwing a punch at me. Grabbing his arm, I twisted it behind his back causing him to cry out in pain letting him go, causing him to stumble forward I Axed kicked him causing him to go flying into the next person that was charging me. The last of them just trembled where he stood and wasn't moving. Ignoring him I turned to Rex who was getting off the floor. Walking over to him, I grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him up into the air, while glaring and growling.

" I warned you boy. You have pissed me off so I'm going to take care of you. In five minutes you, and your buddies better prepare your fleet's. Because I'm about to rain hell on y'all." Dropping him to the ground I retrieved my pistol, and stormed out of the room heading to my Base. Arriving I ordered Missouri, Yuri, Bismarck, Yamato, Bayern, and Friedrich to meet me out at the docks. In a instant they all arrived. Not questioning it, I began telling them what I needed them for.

" Alright. I have called y'all here to help me teach Rex and his shit stains of friend's a lesson. I also need Friedrich to go to Andy. He needs a mother figure right now." This caused a switch to flip in all of them. Friedrich was gone in a heartbeat, and the others where leaking bloodlust, that I'm sure the entire base could feel it. They nodded and began going out to where we would be battling. Once we arrive I saw Lieutenant Dave. Explaining to him what happened, he wished me luck and glared at Rex and his buddies that arrived. Rex's buddy Alizo Cimet fleet contained USS Ranger, IJN Tōsa, KMS Z-21, and IJN Atago. So notich of a threat. His next buddy Ethan Mark's fleet had USS Denver, USS Connecticut, HMS Javelin, and HMS Ark Royal in hit. A slight threat. The last two where twins. Their names are Alec and James Darwin and their fleet's contained USS Langley, USS South Dakota, USS Allen M Sumner, HMS Rodney, HMS Aurora, HMS Caroline, and HMCS Trentonian. With USS Langley, USS South Dakota, HMS Aurora, and HMCS Trentonian as part of Alec's fleet. The others as part as James's fleet. So I'm against nine American ship's, one Canadian ship, four British ship's, three German ship's, and four Japanese ship's. Hmm.

" Alright I was told there was going to be a dual. Commander Orr vs Commander's Darwin, Mark, Cimet, and Reza. A 1v5. This fight is being broadcasted so be aware that anything you say is recorded and is heard by others. Other then that remember no Live Ammo, No kamikaze. Now fight!" With an instant aircraft was launched at my fleet. Immediately Anti Air was fired into the air destroying planes that where close.

" I want all ship's to fire with Armor Piercing. Missouri launch Harpoons." Receiving no response all of my fleet fired scoring multiple direct hits, easily destroying Langley, Trentonian, Caroline, and Z-21. With them out I didn't have to worry about Torpedo's. Suddenly my fleet opened fire with their secondaries, as the Destroyer's came up close with the Light Cruiser's. Suddenly 16 in shell's came raining down taking out Bayern and Yui, while taking a fourth of Bismarck's health. Growling at the loss of them I had Missouri fire more Harpoons at at Carrier's. Nodding at my order she did just that demolishing the health of them, leaving no Aircraft to be sent to the air. Missouri then trained all her guns at Admiral Hipper, which Rex was on and fired taking her out, while stray five inch shell's struck the close by Destroyer's taking some health. Once again my fleet was struck by 16 inch shell's, most of them ricochets. Frowning I had Missouri, Bismarck, and Yamato have their aircraft launch and take care of the Destroyer's and Light Cruiser's. In an instant Missouri's helicopter's fired missiles at them easily taking care of the Destroyer's leaving none left. Bismarck, and Yamato's float planes took out two Light Cruiser's when Lieutenant Dave called match.

" And that's Match. Do to Alex taking out more ship's, even with your size advantage he wins. Also Mister Reza. Commander Emily would like to talk to you with Commander Johnson after you get back to port." Sighing I slumped against the wall behind me, before passing out. Before I was fully out I heard Missouri yell in concern.

A/N: And done. kuwebby2 it's your turn. Also what y'all think of the chapter? Let me know in the comment section below.



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