Future Chapter

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Andy's PoV

I watched as the dark sky above me was lit up with flack and laser's. I could hear the ship's around me firing, hoping to take out the armadas that surrounded my, and Alex's fleet as the others where busy with their own armada. I watched as aircraft flew above firing at anything that wasn't an ally. And it was then I heard the most bone chilling sentence I would ever hear. " Andy, it was a pleasure." My eyes widened realizing what was going on. " Alex, don't you dare leave me and the others! What about your daughter?!" I heard a sad chuckle. "I'm happy to say that she has a very important Uncle to look after her. Me and Missouri are ending this, for once and for all. Like I said it was a pleasure. Give my condolences to everyone." Before I could say anything else a large explosion happened in the distance, along with a huge wave of water. I slumped against the railing of my ship. "Alex..... Why did you have to go and sacrifice yourself? Why couldn't you find another option?" I broke down crying, when the realization that I just my brother, and he wasn't coming back.

" Andy do you copy? What's your status over?" I shakily responde. " This is Andy, over. I'm sad to say but Commander Alex Orr, and his secretary Missouri are no longer with us." I ignored the multiple people that started speaking, as I continued to grieve. " I promise Alex, that I will be the best Uncle there is..... And any Siren I see is dead in sight."

My PoV

I groaned standing up from my ship. Taking a look around, I just saw endless ocean around me. " Is this Heaven, or is this Hell?" I received an answer, even though I wasn't expecting it. " I'd say Purgatory." Looking at the speaker I saw that it was Missouri causing me to smile. "At least I have you here along with me. Shall we explore our new place?" Missouri smirked and stretched out. " I'm up for it." Starting the ship up, I set it to Autopilot and joined Missouri on the front deck. As I joined her our radio's crackled to life. " This is USS Hornet CV-8, of Eagle Union! My and my fleet are under attack from Sakura and Iron Blood force's! I'm the only one still active, so please hurry!" Me and Missouri looked at each other and smirked. " Duty call's." With that said I gunned it to the coordinates that we were given.

A/N: And done. kuwebby2 let me know what you think.

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