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My PoV

I stared in shock, at a sword that was prodding through my chest. Following the blade, to the assailant I saw that it was Andy. Coughing up blood, I stared at him in the eyes. "Andy.... Why?" He just smiled at me, with a vile grin.

"Your use is no longer needed. So goodbye.... Brother." I gasped, the pain searing through my body as Andy pushed the blade deeper. My vision blurred, the world around me starting to spin. I could feel the warmth of my own blood soaking through my shirt, trickling down my torso.

"Andy... I don't... understand," I choked out, each word a struggle as my lungs filled with blood. "We're... family..."

He leaned in close, his face inches from mine. The smell of his cologne, once familiar and comforting, now made me nauseous. Or maybe that was the blood loss. His eyes, usually warm and full of laughter, were cold and empty.

"Family?" Andy scoffed, twisting the blade slightly. I cried out in agony. "Family is just a word, brother. A chain that holds us back. You've always been too sentimental, too weak. I'm cutting those chains."

I tried to reach for him, to grab his shirt, to shake some sense into him, but my arms felt like lead. They wouldn't respond. I could feel my strength ebbing away with each labored breath.

"Please..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Don't do this..."

Andy's face softened for a moment, a flicker of the brother I knew passing across his features. For a fleeting second, I thought I saw regret in his eyes. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by that cruel, cold stare.

"It's already done," He said, his voice devoid of emotion.

With a final, brutal thrust, he drove the sword all the way through my chest. The pain was indescribable, like liquid fire coursing through my veins. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Just more blood, hot and metallic, filling my mouth.

The edges of my vision began to darken, the world around me fading to grey. Andy's face swam before me, growing more distant with each passing second. I tried to focus, to hold onto consciousness, but it was like trying to grasp smoke.

"Goodbye, brother," Andy's voice echoed, seeming to come from far away. "May you find in death the peace you could never achieve in life."

As the darkness closed in, my final thoughts were a jumble of confusion, betrayal, and an overwhelming sadness. How had it come to this? Where had I gone wrong?

The last thing I saw was Andy's face, that vile grin still plastered across it, as he pulled the sword from my chest. Then, mercifully, everything faded to black. The pain, the betrayal, the heartbreak – all of it disappeared as consciousness slipped away, leaving me to drift into the endless void.
Gasping I shot up, awake, and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Looking down, I saw my armor was off in the corner, along with my weapons, while my chest is covered in bandages.

"So.... It wasn't a dream." I couldn't believe Andy tried to kill me. Or did her? "Oh, you're awake." Turning to the voice I saw a woman about in her late twenties, with purple hair and a kind face.

"I am. Can you tell me where I am? Or how I got here?" The lady nodded. "You are in my house, in the land of Wave. You were found by a genin team, on a bank near the sea." I nodded, as vaguely images flashed through my mind.

"If I may ask, what happened to you? Your strange armor had a hole in it that indicated that a sword had been pierced through it, and when we took it off you had the same thing on your chest." I shook my head as I thought about what happened.

"My little brother. Something happened to him, and he tried to kill me. I think he would have seceded. Or maybe he did. Who knows." Looking at the lady's face she had a look of horror and shock on it.

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