pilot part 1

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*Y/N was in her room in the sky box, thinking about her best friend Bellamy Blake, and her father Marcus Kane. The stupid things she did to get in there. Until the door opened and guards came in.*

Guard 1- "Prisoner 320, face the wall." *Y/N did as she was told.*
Y/N- "What is this?"
Guard 1- "Quiet, hold out your right arm." *Y/N heard a clink, she turned and saw metal wristbands as the guard took one out for her.*
Y/N- "No, no, its not my time. I don't turn 18 until tomorrow."
Guard 1- "Hold out your arm."

*Y/N tried to argue with the guards, and not let them do anything to her.*

Guard 1- "Your necklace." *Your necklace had a B on it, from Bellamy.*
Y/N- "No it was my friend's."
Guard 1- "TAKE IT OFF!" *The guard yelled at her, as he reached for the necklace, but y/n had blocked his arm and ran away.*
Y/N- "No! Let go of me!"
Guard 2- "HEY! Come back here!" *The other guard spoke.*

*Y/N ran out of her room, closing the door behind her leaving the guards in her room. She saw everyone else doing the same thing.*
Y/N- "Clarke? What the hell is happening!?" *Y/N saw Clarke, she knew her since both their parents were in the council.*
Clarke- "I-I don't know."
Guard 3- "Prisoner 320!" *The door opened after Abby (clarkes mother) had shown, it opened again seeing y/ns father.*
Marcus- "Y/N stop, wait here." *Her father told the guards.*

Y/N- "Dad? Dad, whats going on?" *Y/N said her voice trembling.* "What is this? They're killing us all aren't they, reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?"
Marcus- "Y/N, you're not being executed. You're being sent to the ground," *Y/N looked at her father calming sown.* "All 100 of you."
Y/N- "What? But it's not safe, no, no. We get reviewed at 18."
Marcus- "The rules have changed, this gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your mother, but be careful. I can't lose you, too. I love you so much." *Marcus had pulled her daughter into a hug, and told to guard to do it. Hugging her father was the last thing y/n remembered.*

On the dropship...

*Y/N woke up and saw she was in the drop ship, and locked at the wristband that was hurting her. She was sitting next to Clarke and Wells.*

Wells- "Welcome back." *Y/N looks at him pissed off.* "Look-" *Before he could say another thing Y/N interrupted him.*
Y/N- "Wells, why the hell are you here?" *Y/N and Wells have dated for 5 years, when they were 12-16 years old. She had love him more than anything else. She saw had him kiss another girl the day she was arrested for her crimes.*
Wells- "When I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested. I came for you and Clarke. Mostly you."
Y/N- "Wells-"

*All the lights kept flickering off and on in the drop ship, everyone was screaming.*
Y/N- "What was that?"
Wells- "That was the atmosphere." *Y/N looked around the ship to see who was on it, she saw Monty & Jasper she knew them because she had saw the list of people who were on the Ark when she snuck into c chancellor's room. She saw Octavia Blake, they made eye contact. Since y/n and bellamy were the best of friends, he told her about his secret sister and helped get extra food and water for her as children.*

*Chancellor Jaha had soon appeared on the screen in the drop ship.*

Chancellor Jaha- "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance,  and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this. As not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."
Kid- "Your dad is a dick, Wells."
Chancellor Jaha- "Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean." *Y/N and Wells made eye contact, she mouthed "I'm sorry." but had ignored her.*

20 min later

*Y/N watched as a boy that was wearing a green beanie and a green jacket, playing in the zero gravity.*
Girl- "Go, Finn!"
Finn- "Check it out, your dad floated me, after all."
Wells- "You should strap in before the parachutes deploy."
Clarke- "Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live." *Clarke tried to tell the other two boys, who were unstrapping themself from their seats.*

Finn- "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." *The boy said referring to Clarke.* "Hey you're Furious Y/N the girl who-"
Y/N- "Yep the girl who stole drugs & medicine, tried to tell everyone about the Ark's life support system, knew about The Girl Under The Floor, killed at least 30 guards and tried to kill herself. And you're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk."
Finn- "But it was fun, I'm Finn." *Clarke tried to warn others to stay in their seats but they didnt listen to her.*

*The parachutes must've deployed, the boys who were in gravity were thrown into the side of the drop ship.*
Clarke- "Finn, are you okay?" *Sparks of electricity were everywhere.*
Y/N- "Okay everyone stay calm. HEY! STAY IN YOUR SEATS IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE!" *Y/N yelled at everyone.*
Wells- "Retrorockets ought to have fire by now."
Clarke- "Okay! Everything on this ship is 100 years old, right? Just give it a second."

Wells- "Clarke, there's something I have to tell you! I'm sorry I got your father arrested."
Clarke- "Don't you talk about my father!"
Wells- "Please, I can't die knowing that you hate me."
Clarke- "They didn't arrest my father, Wells. They executed him. I do hate you!"
Y/N- "HEY! CALM DOWN! Both of you I-" *Y/N screams as the ship bumps.*

*The ship had crashed and the lights again flickered off and on.*
Monty- "Listen, no machine hum."
Jasper- "Whoa."
Wells- "Thats a first." *Everyone starts to unstrap themselves from their seats.*
Y/N- "Finn, is he breathing?" *Y/N asks Finn as he went over to the other boys who had strapped themselves out of their seats. They were dead.*
Man- "Lets go, open the doors."
Clarke- "We can't just open the doors." *Clarke climbs down to the bottom of the ship, y/n following. Its Bellamy.. Y/N gets Octavia and pushes the rest out of the way.*

Clarke- "Stop!" *Clarke says.* "The air could be toxic."
Bellamy- "If the air is toxic, were all dead, anyway."
Y/N- "Bell?"*Y/N says as she gets her through all the other kids who wer waiting to go outside.*
Bellamy- "Hey princess." *Y/N ran up and hugged bellamy, they haven't seen each other for years. She only seen Octavia and took care of her.*

Octavia- "Bellamy?" *He turns around and sees his baby sister.*
Y/N- "Let Octavia through."
Girl- "Its the girl under the floor."
Bellamy- "My god, look how big you are." *Y/N watches Octavia as she hugs her older brother.* "Thank you, y/n."
Y/N- "Anything for you."
Octavia- "What the hell, are you wearing, a guards uniform?"
Bellamy- "I burrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you two."

Clarke- "Where's your wristband?" *Clarke asks Bellamy, y/n looks at his wrist and its gone.*
Octavia- "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year."
Guy- "No one has a brother."
Girl- "Thats Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor."
Bellamy- "Octavia, Octavia, no!" *Octavia tried to go to the crowd and find who it was but y/n and bellamy held her back.*
Y/N- "Octavia, its not worth it, let it go."

Bellamy- "Lets give you something else to remember by."
Octavia- "Yeah? Like what?"
Y/N- "Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years."
Clarke- "Y-"
Y/N- "Let them, it'll be fine." *Bellamy pulls down the lever, and the ship opens. Y/N looks around where they are, its exactly how she imagined it. The yellow sun, green trees. The other watch as Octavia breathes in and out, and moves out of the ship.*
Octavia- "We're back bitchess!!!!"

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