twilights last gleaming part 2

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a/n: hey guys! sorry i haven't been posting the chapters, but i will now. ive been focusing on school, but im ending in three days! i'll be more active!


Clarke-"Oh my god."
Y/N- "Holy shit." *Y/N and Clarke say looking at the girl.*
Girl- "Hi." *The girl said pausing.* "I made it?"
*Clarke shake her head yes. We helped her out and she got to get on the ground. She smelled in the air, and chuckled happily, just like the 100 did.* "Ahh.
I dreamed it would smell like this. Is this rain?" Clarke- "Welcome home." *Finn had ran out of the bushes and called the girls name.*

Finn- "Raven!" *He shouted. *
Raven- "Finn!" *Raven shouted as she ran to Finn.
They looked into each others eyes. Y /N looks at Clarke, and was shocked.* "I knew you couldn't be dead."
Finn- "You're bleeding."
Raven- "I don't care."  *Raven says as Clarke and I watch them kiss.*


Finn- "How did you get here?"
Raven- "You know that big scrap hold, the one on k deck?"
Finn- "You built that from scrap?"
Raven- "I kind of rebuilt it. Please. Like thats hard. It just needed a couple parts and some love."
Finn- "You're insane."
Raven- "I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me."


*Y/N and Clarke had saw Bellamy and ran after him.*
Clarke- "Hey!" *Clarke shouted at him.*
Y/N- "Where is it?"
Bellamy- "Hey Princess. You taking a walk in the woods?"
Clarke- "They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you, it won't be council members. It'll be working people, your people."*Clarke says putting a finger to his chest.*

Finn- "Bellamy, wheres the radio?" *Finn says pushing Bellamy back.*
Y/N- "Hey! Don't touch him!" *Y/N yelled at Finn.*
Bellamy- "I have no idea what you're talking about." *Bellamy responded to Finn, as he pushed Finn like he did.*
Raven- "Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you."
Bellamy- "Shut up."
Clarke- "Looking for him why?"

Raven- "He shot Chancellor Jaha." *All eyes turned to Bellamy.*
Clarke- "Thats why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think were dead."
Finn- "And all that 'whatever the hell we want?' you just care about saving your own skin. Way to pick'em y/n." *Bellamy had started to walk away but Raven stops him.*

Raven- "Hey! Shooter! Wheres my radio?"
Bellamy- "Get out of my way."
Raven- "Where is it?"
Y/N- "Bellamy.. just tell her where the radio is." *Y/N said in annoyance.*
Bellamy- "I shouldve killed you when I had the chance." *Bellamy told Raven.*
Raven- "Really? Well, I'm right here." *Raven says as Bellamy grabs her by her neck and slams her back into a tree, but Raven pulls a knife on him.*

Y/N- "Bell... stop."
Raven- "Where's my radio?"
Clarke- "Okay, stop it." *Bellamy releases Raven, and Raven puts away her knife.*
Bellamy- "Jaha deserved to die. You all know that." *Bellamy says walking away.*
Raven- "Yeah, he's not my favorite person, either. But he isn't dead."
Bellamy- "What?"
Raven- "You're a lousy shot."
Clarke- "Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer." *Clarke said as she went closer to him, he stared into her eyes as she talked.*You always did had to do to protect your sister, to protect me. Thats who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting 300 of your people. Wheres the radio?"
Bellamy- "Its too late."

*Bellamy had lead the way to where he chucked the radio. Into the lake.*
Y/N- "Bell, why didn't you tell me?"
Bellamy- "I didn't want to hurt you, y/n. I know Jaha was your family at the time. I didn't want you to be mad and hurt you. I'm sorry, princess."
Y/N- "Hey, its okay. No more secrets." *Y/N said as they smiled at each other.* "Okay?"
Bellamy- "Okay." *Bellamy said giving y/n another smile."
Jones- "Hey, I found it." *Jones called out, as y/n, raven, clarke and the others went to him.*

Clarke- "Can you fix it?"
Raven- "Maybe. But it'll take half a day just to dry out the components to see whats broken."
Bellamy- "Like I said, its too late."
Clarke- "Do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?" *Clarke says to Bellamy, raising her voice.*
Bellamy- "You asked me to help. I helped."
Clarke- "300 people are gonna die today because of you!"

Raven- "Hold up. We don't have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know were down here, right?" *Raven says, looking at each one of us.*
Finn- "Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio?" *Finn questions.*


*After getting all the parts from the rocket, and launching the flares into the sky. The kids who are still standing from the 100, come together and watch as the flares go into space.*
Bellamy- "You think they can see it from up there?" *Bellamy asks y/n.*
Y/N- "I don't know, I hope so. Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?" *Y/N asks Bellamy, as he looks over at her and stays silent.*
Bellamy- "I wouldn't even know what to wish for. What about you?" *He asks y/n, as she looks at him smiling. He playfully shoves her a little bit.*

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