Murphys Law part 1

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The next morning..
*I had found Wells.*
Charlotte- "Hi."
Wells- "Couldn't sleep?" *He asked.*
Charlotte- "I never can." *I told him.* "You on watch?" *I asked him.*
Wells- "Join me." *He told me, as I sat down next to him.*
Charlotte- "I had a nightmare."

Wells- "Hmm."
Charlotte- "I-I have them every night." *I told him.* "But... I think I found a way to make them stop." *Wells looked the other way, I took my knife out and stabbed it in his neck.* "I'm sorry." *He tried to get me but I pushed him away and he fell, he reached for my help but I left him there to die.* "Every night, I see him. Your father. He kills my parents and... and I see his face and... and I wake up and I see yours. And the nightmare never ends." *I say crying.* "The only way to make it end was.. was to slay my demons. I had to." *I finished talking, I looked at Wells, and started to hum, just like Clarke did.*

John- "This section should be finished by tomorrow." *Murphy tells Bellamy, as one of the kids fall, as Murphy yells at them. Bellamy and I head over to him.*
Kid- "I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine."
Bellamy- "Murphy, get this guy some water." *Bellamy tells him.* "Hey, you got this?" *Bellamy asks Charlotte, as she does what she says but Bellamy stops her.* "Hey, I'm just kidding."
Y/N- "I'll help you." *I told Charlotte, as Bellamy carries the tree elsewhere.*

Kid- "Uh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy!?" *The kid yells at him, as Charlotte and I both look at them.*
Y/N- "Stay here, okay?" *I told her, as she nods as I went over to them. The kid tries to fight Murphy, but the others stop him.*
Murphy- "You wanted a water break." *Murphy says, as the kid tries to go again.* "Get back to work!"

*Y/N was at Wells grave.*
Y/N- "I'm so sorry, Wells." *She says tearing up, as she puts a flower down on his grave. She sits there, and she heard someone fall.* "Hello?"
Octavia- "Y/N.. look." *Octavia says, as Jasper looked like he fell, seeing Wells fingers. We rushed to inside of the camp, bringing it with us.*
Clarke- "This knife was made of metal from the dropship."
Jasper- "What do you mean?"
Bellamy- "Who else knows about this?"

Octavia- "No one. We brought it straight here."
Jasper- "Clarke?"
Clarke- "It means the grounders didn't kill Wells." *Clarke says pausing.* "It was one of us."
Jasper- "So theres a murderer in the camp?" *Jasper asks.*
Bellamy- "Theres more than one murderer in this camp."  *Bellamy says.* "This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet."

Octavia- "You okay, y/n?" *Octavia asks me, as all eyes looked at me.*
Y/N- "Yeah, I'm fine." *I say, they know I'm lying. I watch as Clarke tries to go outside of the tent, but Bellamy stops her.*
Clarke- "Get out of my way, Bellamy."
Bellamy- "Be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved, the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us."

Clarke- "Good for you, you mean. Keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?" *Clarke asks Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Yeah, thats it. But its good for all of us. Fear of the grounders is building that wall. And besides what are you gonna do? Just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is."
Clarke- "Oh, really?" *Clarke says showing Bellamy the knife.* "J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know ."
Y/N- "Clarkes right.."

*Clarke went outside, as y/n followed. She went up straight to Murphy, and pushed him.*
Y/N- "Son of a bitch!" *Y/N yells at Murphy.*
John- "Whats your problem?" *Murphy asks Y/N, as she holds up his knife.*
Y/N- "Recognize this?" *Y/N asks him.*
John- "Its my knife. Where'd you find it?" *He asks as he tries to take it but I moved it away.*

Clarke- "Where you dropped it after you killed Wells."
John- "Where I what?" *Murphy said.* "The grounders killed Wells, not me."
Y/N- "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it."
John- "Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" *Murphy asks Bellamy and I, but we both stayed quiet.*

Clarke- "You threatened to kill him. We all heard you . You hated Wells."
John- "Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor, that locked us up."
Clarke- "Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him."
John- "Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either."
Octavia- "Tried to kill Jasper, too." *Octavia spoke up.*

John- "Come on this is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone." *He yells.*
Bellamy- "Come again?"
John- "Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this." *Murphy says, as he steps closer to Bellamy, Octavia and I.*
Bellamy- "They found his fingers on the ground with your knife."

Clarke- "Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean we can kill each other without, without punishment?" *Clarke speaks loudly.*
John- "I already told you. I didn't kill anyone."
Man- "I say we float him." *Someone in the crowd said, as the other kids agreed.*
Clarke- "Thats not what I'm saying."
Kid- "Why not? He deserves to float."

Man- "Its justice."
Clarke- "Revenge isn't justice."
Kid- "Its justice. Float him!" *The kid started a chant with everyone else. Everyone chanted 'Float him! Float him!'*
Y/N- "Bellamy.." *Y/N says. As they watch Murphy try to run, hut a kid trips him. And soon enough, he gets pushed in the middle of a circle, and everyone starts to beat him up.*

Y/N- "No! Get off him!" *Y/N says as she tries to help Murphy, but Bellamy grabs her.* "Murphy!"
Bellamy- "Y/N stop."
Y/N- "LET HIM GO!" *Y/N yells, but the kids managed to get Murphy, and started to throw him.* "You cant do this!" *I tell one of the guys. As they lay a hand on me to push me.* "Get off me!"
Bellamy- "HEY! Don't touch her!" *Y/N tries to pull through the guys, and they tie a rope around Murphys neck and hangs him.*

Clarke- "You can stop this!" *Clarke yells at Bellamy.*
Y/N- "They'll listen to you!"
Kid- "Bellamy! You should do it."  *The kid says.* "BEL-LA-MY!" *The kid yells, and starts a chant saying Bellamys name.*
Y/N- "I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer." *Y/N told him, as quickly as she could. Begging him* "Bellamy, don't do this. Don't..." *Bellamy looks at y/n, and he goes to Murphy.* "Bellamy! Bellamy. Please!" *Bellamy pushes y/n away. * "You can't do this, Bellamy." *As Bellamy hit Murphy, and Murphy fell.* "No! Bellamy, No!" *Y/N screamed, as she started to cry in anger.* 
Bellamy- "This is on you, princess!" *Bellamy yells at Y/N, and pushes her hard.* "You should've kept your mouth shut!" *Bellamy says pushing y/n to the ground.*

Finn- "What the hell are you doing?! Cut him down! Charlotte get out of here now! Cut him down!" *Finn yelled. Finn tried to get to y/n and Clarke, but one of the kids pull out the knife on him.*
Charlotte- "STOP! Okay!?" *Charlotte yells.* "Murphy didn't kill Wells!" *She yells again, so everyone could hear. Everyone quiets down and looks at her. What did she do? Y/N looked at her confused as Octavia, helped her up.* "I did!"

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