We are Grounders Episode 2 Part 3

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*Clarke had heated a blade, to put on Ravens shot to stop the bleeding.*
Clarke- "That'll stop the external bleeding."
Y/N- "I don't understand, how did Murphy get a gun?"
Bellamy- "Long story."
Raven- "We got lucky, if Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

Clarke- "Wait, theres rocket fuel down there?"
Y/N- "Enough to build a bomb?"
Raven- "Enough to build 100 bombs, if we had any gunpowder left."
Bellamy- "Lets get back to the Reapers, maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" *As Bellamy said that, Clarke , Finn and Y/N looked at each other.*
Clarke- "Not this enemy," *Clarke started.*
Y/N- "We saw them, trust me, its not an option."

Finn- "Theres no time for this, can she walk or not?"
Clarke- "No, we have to carry her."
Raven- "The hell you will, Im good to go." *Raven says getting up.*
Clarke- "Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you, if by some miracle, theres no internal bleeding it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there, is that clear?"

Finn- "I'll get the stretcher."
Bellamy- "Cant run away fast enough, huh? Real brave."
Finn- "Dying in a fight isn't brave, Bellamy, its stupid."
Bellamy- "Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight."
Y/N- "All right, thats enough. Time to go."

Bellamy- "If they follow, its a 120 mile walk to the ocean."
Finn- "Look, were wasting time. If he wants to stay, he can stay."
Y/N- "No he can't." *Y/N tells Finn as he walks out.* "We can't do this without you, Bellamy. I can't do this without you."

Bellamy- "What do you want me to say, y/n?" *Bellamy says the twos eyes are locked on each others.*
Y/N- "I want you to say that you're with us, those kids out there, they listen to you."
Bellamy- "They're lining up to go, they listen to you and Clarke more."
Y/N- "We gave them an easy choice, but 5 minutes ago, they were willing to fight and die for you. You inspire them, Im afraid were gonna need that again before this day is through."

Bellamy- "The Grounders? If we stay and they attack?"
Y/N- "I will keep you guys safe as long as I can, the Grounders don't know about my powers, not yet. I can make a force field big enough to surround the dropship. But if we leave now and go with everyone else, I will fight them. I want you, Clarke, Finn, Jasper, Octavia and all those other kids to be safe. Please, Bell." *Y/N says as the two stare into each others eyes.* "For me, Bell." *Y/N says as she takes his hand, but she feels a shock. She looks down and see lightning in her hands.*

 Bellamy- "What the hell was that?" Y/N- "I don't know, my dad only told me I had 3 powers

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Bellamy- "What the hell was that?"
Y/N- "I don't know, my dad only told me I had 3 powers. Looking into the future, past, or now. Petra Scream and force field."
Bellamy- "Maybe since you're getting older you're gonna have new powers??"
Y/N- "Maybe, Im-" *Y/N looks into the future her eyes go purple.*


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*Y/N sees herself being lifted up into the sky or something, and sees blue fire? She sees herself  looking like shes going to throw a ball of lightning at someone

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*Y/N sees herself being lifted up into the sky or something, and sees blue fire? She sees herself  looking like shes going to throw a ball of lightning at someone.*

Bellamy- "Y/N??" *Bellamy says as you snap back into reality.* "What did you see?"
Y/N- "I don't know.." *Y/N says as she leaves the dropship, leaving Bellamy. The kids started to leave the camp, they all stayed in a line, stayed back to back. Everyone had a weapon, a gun.*
Y/N- "Keep your eyes opened, I will start the force field,  when they attack." *Y/N says as the kids start to walk toward East*

Miller- "You know the first thing Im gonna do when we get to the beach?"
Jasper- "No, what?"
Miller- "I want to go surfing."
Jasper- "Quiet, keep your eyes opened." *Jasper told Miller.*
Miller- "No more woods, a view of the ocean. No more damn trees, just pale, blue water." *Miller said as Octavia signaled us to stop.*

Y/N- "What is it?"
Raven- "Why are we stopping?"
Finn- "I don't know." *Finn said as everyone stayed cautious and looked around them.*
Jasper- "I don't see anything." *Just then an metal axe had flown right through a kids face, hes dead. Two arrows fired at y/n, bur she was able to catch them. She looked at Bellamy in fear.*

Jasper- "Grounders!" *Jasper yelled, everyone panicked and ran back to the camp

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Jasper- "Grounders!" *Jasper yelled, everyone panicked and ran back to the camp.*

Y/N- "Lets go! Hurry everyone back into the camp." *Y/N says as she rushes people in and goes to Bellamy whos watching guard.*
Bellamy- "Where are they? Why aren't they attacking?"
Y/N- "Because were doing exactly what they wanted us to do."
Bellamy- "What are you talking about?"  *Y/N turns to Clarke and Finn.*

Y/N- "Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive."
Octavia- "If its just scouts, we can fight our way out. Thats what Lincoln would do."
Bellamy- "Were done doing what that Grounder would do." *Bellamy says as he gets down, Y/n following.* "You want to be next?" *Bellamy asks his little sister.*

Finn- "That Grounder saved our lives, I agree with Octavia. For all we know, theres one scout out there."
Jasper- "One scout with insanely good aim."
Octavia- "Clarke, y/n, we can still do this."
Bellamy- "Looking to you, Princess. Whats it gonna be?" *Bellamy asks y/n, as y/n sighs and looks at Clarke.* "Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?"  *Y/N stands up and looks around out to the woods, seeing no one and then turns back around to everyone else. She jumps down.*

Finn- "Y/N, if were still here when Tristan gets here-" *Before Finn finishes,y/n cuts him off.*
Y/N- "Lincoln said 'Scouts' more than one. He said 'Get home before the scouts arrive' Finn, they're already here." *Y/N told him, as she turns around and faces Bellamy.* "Looks like you've got your fight."

Bellamy- "Okay, then. This is what we've been preparing for." *Bellamy says as he gets louder so everyone could hear him.* "Kill them before they kill us, gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out." *Bellamy says as everyone listens and do what they're told.* "From now on, the gate stays closed."

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