day trip part 1

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*Y/N was with Jasper and Monty with the food.*
Jasper- "What do you think they're gonna do with the Grounder?"
Monty- "I'd rather not think about it."
Y/N- "What Grounder?" *Y/N asks as Bellamy walks out of the dropship.*
Jasper- "Well, its been days since Bellamy captured him. How long till his friends come looking?"

Monty- "Cheer up. In that time, we'll all be dead from hypothermia."
Y/N- "Dude guys, what Grounder?"
Jasper- "Oh uh Bellamy had captured that grounder that stabbed you and Finn."
Y/N- "What!?"
Monty- "Yeah, but the Grounder had poisoned you. So they kept him locked up, torturing him, so he can give the antidote." 


*Y/N saw Bellamy packing some of the rations in a backpack, she was curious so she went up to him.*
Bellamy- "Oh, good. You're awake." *Bellamy says.*
Y/N- "Yeah.. I am." *Y/N said, hoping she would have a better answer from Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "You scared me y/n."
Y/N- "Im sorry, Bell. I-" *Before y/n could speak Clarke interrupted her.*
Clarke- "Thats a lot of rations. You realize this a day trip."

Bellamy- "A lot can happen in a day."
Y/N- "Where are you guys going? Can I come?"
Clarke- "No y/n, you should rest. Go back into the dropship snd stay with Finn and Raven."
Y/N- "But I-"
Bellamy- "Its not safe for you to go out. Since that Grounder almost killed you." Bellamy says as Bellamy kisses the to of y/ns head.* "Take care of Octavia for me." *Bellamy whispered and left camp with Clarke.*

*Instead of going to Raven and Finn, she hungout with Jasper and Monty instead.*
Jasper- "Earth is scary."
Y/N- "Its amazing."
Monty- "Y/Ns right. Its amazing, fresh air, trees...nuts." *Monty says as he puts one in his mouth.* "These taste better than usual, right?" *Monty says then laying down.* "Oh, I'd like to give Earth a giant hug."

Jasper- "You're acting weird."
Y/N- "Jaspers right. Are you okay?" *Y/N says as him and Jasper look at Monty closer.*
Monty- "I feel weird, but in a good way." *Monty says again putting another nut in his mouth.*
Jasper- "I'm gonna pee." *Jasper says leaving the tent.*
Monty- "Hey y/n?" *Monty says, as y/n lays next to him.*

Y/N- "Yeah?" *Y/N says turning onto her side, and facing Monty. He pushes a strand of her hair and tucks it behind her ear.*
Monty- "If you weren't close to Bellamy, would you liked me?" *Monty says as the two stares into each others eyes.* "Because.. I think I still have feelings for you, y/n."
Y/N- "Are you sure you're okay?" *Y/n says chuckling a little bit.*

Monty- "Yes I'm okay. I just really like you." *Monty says as they continue to stare into each others eyes, and they kiss each other. They pull away.* "I missed being close with you, y/n."
Y/N- "Monty I.." *Before she could finish, Monty fell asleep.*

Clarke- "I should keep him close? Bellamy, whats going on? You've been acting weird all day." *Clarke says as she realized what Bellamy was doing.* "All the rations you took.. you're gonna run. Thats why you agreed to come with me. You were gonna load up on supplies and just disappear. Thats why you barely talked to y/n, when she woke up."
Bellamy- "I don't have a choice, the Ark will be here soon."
Clarke- "So you're just gonna leave Octavia?"

Bellamy- "Octavia hates me, she'll be fine."
Clarke- "But what about y/n? Mm? Your best friend." *Clarke says looking at the matching necklace and bracelet, Bellamy has with y/n.*
Bellamy- "Shut up, I don't need to hear stuff with y/n. I feel bad already." *Y/N hears Bellamy say.*
Clarke- "You don't know-" *Before Clarke could finish, Bellamy cut her off.*
Bellamy- "I shot the Chancellor. They're gonna kill me, Clarke. Best case scenario, they lock me up with the Grounder for the rest of my life, and theres no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction. Keep practicing, I need some air."

*After watching Bellamy leave, Y/N followed him.*
Y/N- "Wells?" *Y/N said as she was about to reach Bellamy, but Wells had appeared (effectives from the rations!)
Wells- "Hello, y/n."
Y/N- "Wells?" *Y/N says tearing up, she couldn't believe she was seeing her best friend, ex boyfriend of 5 years.* "Ho-How are you here? You're dead."
Wells- "Yes, technically."

Y/N- "Im so sorry, Wells."
Wells- "Its alright, y/n. Its not your fault... its hers.." *The hallucination of Wells says, as he looks to the right seeing a hallucination of Charlotte.*
Y/N- "Charlotte?"
Charlotte- "I did what I had to do. Slay my demons. Just like you said y/n." *Charlotte says as Y/N watches her disappear.*

Y/N- "Charlotte?!" *Y/N yells.*
Wells- "Look at what she did to me." *The Hallucination of Wells say, as a knife is stabbed in his neck.*
Y/N- "No!" *Y/N yells as Wells disappears, she finds herself in the middle of the woods. She runs back to camp.*

Finn- "Y/N! Where have you been?" *Finn questions you, as you walk back into the camp.*
Y/N- "I-" *Y/N says as the hallucination Ark guards come towards y/n.* "Stay back."

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