Contents Under Pressure Part 1

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*Clarke watches from the dropship, as others try to hold down the cover so no rain will get in.*
Raven- "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark station. This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Please come in. Can anyone here me?"
Clarke- "You sure you have the right frequency?"
Raven- "Yeah, Im sure."
Clarke- "Raven? You can do this. Okay?" *Clarke says to Raven, as she makes her way to Finn.*
Raven- "Ark Station please come in. Im on the ground with The 100. We need you." *Raven talks into the Radio.*

Raven- "Calling the Ark Station. The 100 are alive. Can anyone hear me?"
Person- "This is restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself." *Someone says from the other line, as the kids gather round curious.*
Raven- "This is Raven Reyes, I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The 100 are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin." *Raven says as her and Clarke look at Finn and Y/N.* "Dr. Abby Griffin. Now."
Person- "Hang on, Raven. Were trying to boost your signal. Get her off the Ark Wide Channel. This room only. Copy."

Abby- "Raven. Are you there?"
Clarke- "Mom? Mom. Its me."
Abby- "Clarke?" *Abby says, relief to hear her daughter's voice.*
Clarke- "Mom, I need your help. Two of our people was stabbed by a Grounder."
Chancellor Jaha- "Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"
Clarke- "Yes. The Earth is survivable. Were not alone. Mom, they're dying." *Clarke tells Abby, referring to Finn and Y/N.*

Clarke- "The knifes still in both their chest."
Chancellor Jaha- "Clarke, is my son with you?"
Clarke- "I'm so sorry, Wells is- Wells is dead."
Marcus- "Clarke, this is Marcus Kane. Is y/n alive?"
Clarke- "Yes but barely. Shes the girl who is stabbed."
Abby- "I'm gonna talk you through it step by step. Clarke, give 5- to medical. Medic- " *Abby says as the radio cuts out.*
Clarke- "What? Raven, whats wrong?"

Raven- "Its not the radio, its the storm." *As Octavia walks in holding two cans.*
Clarke- "Ugh, Montys moonshine?"
Octavia- "Pretty sure no germ can survive it."
Clarke- "The storms getting worse. Monroe, close the doors."
Monroe- "We still have people out there."
Octavia- "Monty and Japser still aren't back yet. Neither is bellamy.*

Clarke- "Its all right. They'll find somewhere to ride it out."
Raven- "Look. Two suture needle." *Raven says handing the needles to Clarke to wash.*
Clarke- "Right. I need something to cover their wounds."
Octavia- "Theres some wife on the second level. I used it for the tents."
Raven- "Stay away from the blue wires, that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells in the roof." *Raven warns Octavia.* "That means they're hot. You got that?"
Octavia- "Yeah, I got that."

Raven- "Tell me you can do this."
Woman- "Hey, they're back!" *Someone yells as Bellamy and a group comes in, dragging a grounder.*
Man- "Is that a grounder?"
Octavia- "What the hell are you doing?"
Bellamy- "Its time to get answers."
Octavia- "Oh, you mean revenge?"
Bellamy- "I mean intel. Get him upstairs."

Clarke- "Bellamy shes right."
Abby- "Clarke, honey, were ready." *Abby says through the radio.* "Can you hear me?"
Clarke- "Look, this not who we are." *Clarke tells Bellamy.*
Abby- "Clarke?" *Abby says again through the radio.*
Bellamy- "It is now."


Clarke- "The blade is at a sharp upward angle, between the sixth and seventh ribs for the both of them." *Clarke says so her mother could hear.*
Abby- "Okay, how deep?"
Clarke- "I cant tell how deep it goes."
Abby- "Thats all right. Just don't remove the knife yet."
Clarke- "Hey, here. Sterilize your hands." *Clarke says handing the can bottle to Raven.*

Abby- "Clarke, do you see any fluid?"
Man- "Hey, watch it!" *One of the guys say as they almost start to fight.*
Clarke- "Damn it! Clear the room."
Raven- "Everyone, upstairs! Now! Lets go!"
Clarke- "They feel a little warm."
Abby- "Okay. Thats all right. Fever sometimes accompanies trauma. Clarke, I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound."
Clarke- "Uh.. No. Same with y/n."
Anny- "Pleural Membranes Intact. Thats good, actually, really good. They got lucky."
Raven- "Hear that? You're lucky." *Raven tells Finn, hoping that he can hear her. As y/n is left on the other side.*

Abby- "3 mil-" *Abby said as she was cut off as the radio was being jammed again.*
Clarke- "Wait, what was that? You dropped out."
Abby- "Clarke, 3 millimeters. Got it?"
Clarke- "Yeah. Okay, I got it. Here it goes."
Abby- "Steady hands Clarke. You've assisted me on trickier procedures than this.  And once that knife is out, the hard part is over."
Clarke- "All right. Extracting now." *Clarke says removing the knife from Finns body, as he starts to wake up, groaning in pain.*

Raven- "Hes waking up!"
Clarke- "Hold him still. Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, okay? Finn. You can't move. You got it? Okay?" *Clarke says removing the knife.* "Finn, do not move. Almost got it. Hold still. As Clarke tries to remove it, the dropship rumbles making Finn and Y/N fall off the cots and onto the floor.*
Abby- "Clarke? What happened? Can you hear us?"
Raven- "Its out. She did it."
Clarke- "I need to do it on y/n, now." *Clarke says as she removes the knife from y/ns body, as she screams in pain, and got to remove it carefully.*

few minutes later

Clarke- "I got the knife out of y/n, mom."
Abby- "Good." *Clarke puts a hand on y/ns chest to feel how she is, shes still hot and feverish and having troubled breathing.*
Clarke- "Wait mom, shes right." *Clarke says referring to Raven.* "Y/Ns feverish and her breathings uneven."
Abby- "Well you need to give them some time to recover. Let me know if they get any worse. But I think- I think they might just be out of the wood."
Clarke- "Well down here theres nothing but woods. I need a break."

*Clarke says going up to where Bellamy had held the Grounder captive.*
Clarke- "Get the hello out of my way." *Clarke tells one of the guys who happens to be a 'guard'*
Bellamy- "Its okay, let her through."
Clarke- "Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now." *As Clarke said that Bellamy takes her wrist and walks her to the corner.*
Bellamy- "Who cares? Hows Finn,"
Clarke- "Alive."
Bellamy- "Y/N?"
Clarke- "Alive as well. His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do? I mean, when they come in looking for him? They will, Bellamy. Imagine he was y/n. Mmh? And your his people, I know damn well you would go running after y-"

Bellamy- "Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the entire time, and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back. Okay, in case you missed it, his people are already killing us." *Bellamy says showing Clarke a drawing of the Grounders book.* "How many more of our people need to die until you realize were fighting a war?"
Clarke- "Were not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him. We cant win."
Bellamy- "Youre right we cant. If we dont fight."

Raven- "Clarke! Y/Ns seizing!" *Raven yells.*
Clarke- "On my way!" 
Bellamy- "Im going down. No one else enters. Keep an eye on him, do not let him go." *Bellamy says coming down to where he sees his best friend seizing.*
Raven- "She was fine and then-"
Clarke- "Get my mother on the radio now. Raven now!"
Raven- "The radios dead! Interference from the storm."
Bellamy- "Please don't let her die." *Bellamy says as he tries to help Clarke.* 

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