I am become death part 1

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Bellamy- "Like I said best Unity Day ever." *Bellamy says as y/n scoffs, they hear an explosion out in the distance. Turning their heads and looking up into the sky.* " 'The Exodus Ship?' Your dads early." *Bellamy says as they both continue to look up in the sky, y/ns face forms a smile.*
Y/N- "Wait, too fast. No parachute? Somethings wrong." *Y/N says as the ship hits the ground and it explodes. She then realizes whats wrong, she falls to the ground with tears in her eyes. Speechless. Not knowing what to say to Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Y/N? Whats wrong?" *Bellamy says as he kneels down next to y/n, and they stare at each other. Y/N with tears coming down her face, Bellamy confused.*



*Some of the kids had decided to go to where the ship exploded and check it out.*
Bellamy- "Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." *Bellamy says as he glances at y/n, who is looking around, trying to find out what happened. Trying to see if her powers will give her anything else.*

Y/N- "What the hell?" *Y/N says as she examines the pink liquid stuff on part of the ship.*
Raven- "Y/N, stop!" *Raven shouts at y/n and runs over to her.*
Y/N- "Rocket fuel?" *Y/N asks.*
Raven- "Hydrazine..highly unstable in its nonsolid form. If this stuff meets fire, were all pink mist." *Raven explains as Bellamy runs over, and Raven puts a small rock into the pink liquid.* "Fire in the hole!" *Raven says warning everyone, and then throwing the rock covered in the Hydrazine making an small explosion.* "We need to clear the area."

Bellamy- "Okay then. We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark." *Bellamy tells everyone.* "You sure you okay here with us y/n?"
Y/N- "I'm gonna head back."
Raven- "By yourself? Its dangerous."
Bellamy- "Ravens right, y/n. There could be Grounders watching you go back."
Y/N- "I'll be fine. I got my powers to protect me."
Bellamy- "You're in charge."
Y/N- "I know. Be safe." *Y/N says kissing Bellamys cheek then looking at him and then taking off back to the camp, running as fast as possible. Getting there within 10 minutes.*


Y/N- "Hey Monty."
Monty- "Y/N! How are you?"
Y/N- "Okay I guess, how are you?"
Monty- "I'm fine. Bellamy and them still out there?"
Y/N- "Yep, they'll be back soon. Need help guarding?"
Monty- "Sure, you can just stay by me, I guess." *Monty says as they smile at each other and then puts their eyes back at the woods, Octavia comes over to the both of them.*

Monty- "Hey," *Monty greets Octavia.*
Y/N- "No sign of your brothers or the others yet?"
Octavia- "Hey, I don't care." *Y/N spaces out as she hears Octavia complain to Monty about what Jaspers telling everybody.*
Monty- "Come on let us have this."
Octavia- " 'Us' ? "
Monty- "Look at him, the boy is a folk hero. The even gave us a bigger tent." *Monty says chuckling as we all got alarmed as soon as we heard clattering.8

Connor- "Somebody hit the trip wire!" *Connor yelled.*
Woman- "Which wire was it? Was it a Grounder?" *One of the others asked terrified.*
Man- "I don't see anything."
Y/N- "Are you sure it was the trip wire?"
Derek- "I got nothing, Connor?"
Connor- "Nothing."
Derek- "Something move! There, there, there!" *Derek called as he shot whatever was moving.* "I think I got him.*

Y/N- "Connor, Derek come with me to come check it out." *Y/N yelled.*
Octavia- "Can I come?"
Y/N- "Yeah. But everyone else, stay in the camp! No one else leaves." *Y/N tells everyone.* "Get a torch." *Y/N tells Derek and Connor, as the four of them leave to go outside the wall. Octavia walking faster than them, y/n knowing octavia was hoping to see Lincoln.*

Y/N- "Stop," Y/N says holding Octavia back, as they get to where the noise was coming from.*
Connor- "Y/N, be careful." *Connor warns y/n, as she gets closer. Octavia turns over the body, and it jumps turning around, revealing who it was.*
Connor- "Oh my god."
Derek- "No way."
Y/N- "Murphy.." *Y/N says in shock.*


*Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Finn and everyone else had came back to camp. Derek and Connor put Murphy in the dropship, y/n examined him. He had cuts all over his body, he was bleeding. He was shaking, terrified.*
Bellamy- "Where is he?" *Bellamy says walking in the dropship with Clarke.* "Everyone but Connor, Derek and Y/N out now!" *Bellamy tells everyone.*

Derek- "He claims he was with the Grounders."
Connor- "We caught him trying to sneak back into camp."
Murphy- "I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the Grounders." *Murphy says.*
Bellamy- "Anyone see Grounders?" *Bellamy asks, as we shake our heads no.* "Well in that case-" *Bellamy says pointing his gun at Murphy, but y/n gets in his way.*

Y/N- "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?" *Y/N says shoving the gun out of Murphys face.*
Bellamy- "We were clear what would happen if he came back." *Bellamy says pointing his gun at him again but this time Finn shoves it.*
Finn- "No, if he was with the Grounders, then he knows things that can help us."
Bellamy- "Help us? We hanged him. We banished him, and now were gonna kill him."
Y/N- "No you are not going to kill him." *Y/N says standing in front of the gun again.*

Bellamy- "Get the hell out of my way."
Clarke- "No, Finn and Y/N are right."
Bellamy- "Like hell they are!" *Bellamy raises his voice.* "Y/N, think about Charlotte! Why are you defending him!? Again!"
Y/N- "I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his." *Y/N says kneeling to Murphy. Looking at his cuts on his body, examining closely. She sore she felt the connection she had with Murphy, as if it was still there. She takes one of Murphy's hand looking at the cuts of his fingernails.* "He's not lying. His fingernails were torn off, they tortured him."

Finn- "You and the Grounders should compare notes."
Bellamy- "The Grounders know were at war. What did you tell them about us?"
Murphy- "Everything." *Silence fell in the room.* "Even about y/n."
Y/N- "How the hell do you know.." *Y/N says terrified.*
Murphy- "I'm sorry, y/n. I had to." *Murphy says.*
Bellamy- "What if he refuses to leave?" *Bellamy asks Clarke, as he was walking out.* "What do we do with him then?"
Clarke- "Then we kill him."


Connor- "Wheres Clarke? Or Y/N!?" *Connor calls out as y/n and clarke come out rushing to him.*
Y/N- "Connor?" *Y/N says.*
Connor- "It wont stop." *Connor says coughing up blood.*
Raven- "Clarke!" *Raven says giving Clarke a cloth.* "Whats happening?" *Raven says looking at Connor whos coughing, and y/n who started to have blood come out of her eyes as well. Everyone else had started to cough.*

Clarke- "Raven, get away from us."
Raven- "What?"
Clarke- "They're the ones who brought Murphy in."
Y/N- "Stay here, I'll go talk to him. He's easy when he talks to me." *Y/N talks Clarke as she goes to the dropship and to Murphy, who is coughing blood like Connor was.* "Murphy, hey. Look at me." *Y/N says kneeling to him.* "I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the Grounders. What happened?"

Murphy- "I don't know, I woke up and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there, so I took off."
Y/N- "They let you go." *Y/N says, as Bellamy comes in.* "Bellamy, stay back.*
Bellamy- "Did he do something to you?" *Bellamy says noticing the blood of tears, coning down y/ns face as she looks at bim.* "What the hell is this?"
Y/N- "Biological Warfare. You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it, Murphy is the weapon." *Y/N says looking at Bellamy and then back at Murphy.*

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