We are Grounders episode 2 Part 4

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*Everyone was in the camp, they started to hear something. It sounded like drums, they were alarmed.*
Woman- "They're here."
Bellamy- "Wheres Octavia?"
Miller- "She left 5 minutes ago, didn't say where to. She thinks shes a damn samurai."

Bellamy- "You see anything?"
Monroe- "No, what the hell are they waiting for?"
Bellamy- "The longer they wait, the better. This is about buying time for Raven."
Sterling- "I see them, they're moving." *Sterling says through the walkie talkie.* "I count two, three, no wait, theres more. I don't know, man. Theres too many of them." *Sterling said through the walkie again, a gunshot from the distance fired.*

Bellamy- "Who was that?"
Miller- "Sterling, I think. South Foxhole."
Y/N- "South Foxhole, report now!" *Y/N said when she turned on the walkie talkie. Another gunshot was fired from the distance.*
Sterling- "Yeah, yeah. Were okay. They didn't attack, its like- its like shooting at ghosts." *Y/N sees movement in the woods.*

Y/N- "There!" *Y/N yells.*
Monore- "I see them!" *Monore shouts, Miller and Monroe start to shoot.*
Bellamy- "Stop! Stop. Hold your fire!" *Bellamy says but they don't stop.* "Hold your fire!" *He said once again.* "Reload, now."
Miller- "Those were our last clips."
Monore- "We should- we should fall back."

Y/N- "No, if this position falls, they'll walk right to the front door."
Sterling- "I think I hit them, I think I them." *Sterling repeated on the walkie.*
Jasper- "They're everywhere! We need backup!" *Jasper says on the walkie.*  "Raven, our mines actually worked!" *Jasper says through the walkie.*
Clarke- "Jasper we need you on the dropship now." *Clarke says through the radio.*

Bellamy- "Negative, we cant give up the west woods."
Clarke- "The West Woods are mine, Bellamy. The Grounders just figured that out." *She told Bellamy through the walkie.* "Jasper, get in here."
Harper- "I see one! There! There!" *Harper shouts, as she shoots.*

Jasper- "All gunners, listen up." *Jasper says through the radio.* "The Grounders are not attacking, they're making us waste bullets. Don't shoot when they're running laterally ."
Bellamy- "Jaspers right, don't fire until you're sure its attack. Repeat, do not fire until you are sure. West Foxhole pulling back." *Bellamy says.*

Man- "They're everywhere! Fall back! Fall back!" *They say through the walkie talkie, as we hear a gunshot.*
Miller- "Here they come!" *Miller shouts, as gunshots fire at the Grounders.*
Y/N- "Stand down! Give me a second!" *Y/N shouts through the walkie talkie.*
Bellamy- "Listen to y/n." *Bell says through the walkie.*

*Y/N uses her new powers to take out a couple of the Grounders, as the other Gunner's exclaim and in shocked of y/n

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*Y/N uses her new powers to take out a couple of the Grounders, as the other Gunner's exclaim and in shocked of y/n.*
Bellamy- "Do not get distracted!" *Bellamy says through the walkie.*
Miller- "Bellamy! Y/n!" *Miller yells as he gets stabbed by a Grounder, Bellamy tries to fight him, but he is too weak.*

Y/N- "No! Bellamy!" *Y/N yells as y/n screams, using her petra scream, pushing the Grounder away with the sound of her scream She gets Bellamy up, but the Grounder throws y/n to the side grabbing a hold of Bellamy, but y/n watches Octavia kill the Grounder.*

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