earth kills part 2

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*I saw Bellamy with a knife, next to Atom.*
Clarke- "I heard screams."
Bellamy- "Charlotte found him." *Bellamy told me.* "Sent her back to camp."
Clarke- "And y/n?"
Bellamy- "I sent her back too. Y/N told me she left him here. We were trying to take cover, but she said the cloud came faster and couldn't save him." *I examined Atoms body, looking at all the burns on his body. I couldn't save him. I looked at Bellamy, and shake my head no.*

Clarke- "Okay, I'm gonna help you, alright?" *I told Atom. I started to hum, and take the knife from Bellamy. And put the knife through Atoms neck, as I felt Bellamy staring at me.*
*I watched from a distance, what Clarke and Bellamy were doing. She had put the knife through Atoms neck and killed him. I ran back to camp before they could see me.*


*It had been a few hours later, after I had came back to camp. I was chilling with Murphy.*
John- "I'm sorry about earlier.."
Y/N- "Sorry? For what?"
John- "For almost kissing you.." *Y/N stayed silent as Murphy said that.* "I shouldn't have done that, if it made you uncomfortable, I-" *Before Murphy could finish his sentence, y/n pulled him in for a kiss, and they kissed, and Murphy was first to pull away.* "Why'd you do that?" *Murphy questioned.*
Y/N- "You wouldn't stopped talking.." *Y/N responded. What the hell are you doing, y/n? She asked herself.* "So.. I kissed you.. please don't tell anyone. Words gonna get out, and Bellamy will hear, and I-"

*Before she could continue talking, Murphy interrupted her.*
John- "Hey, I wont tell anyone. Don't worry, secrets safe with me." *Murphy said smirking at y/n, as she smiled at him, as he put his arm around her.*
Boy- "They're back!" *One of the kids yelled. As y/n quickly walked to the gate, seeing Finn, Clarke, Bellamy, and Wells enter the gate.*

Bellamy- "Get Clarke whatever she needs." *Bellamy told them, as I went up to him.*
Wells- "I better go get this grave dug." *Wells told him.*
Y/N- "Hey. What happened out there?" *Y/N asked Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Nothing." *He lied.* "You and Murphy got everything settle?"
Y/N- "I guess.. apart from him going to kill Jasper."

*Everyone started to gather around the fire, as I saw Octavia talking to Clarke. Octavia looked at Bellamy and I and made her way through.*
Bellamy- "Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." *Bellamy said trying to hold her off, not wanting her to see Atom.*
Octavia- "Stop." *She takes off the cloth that was on the face of Atoms body. Everyone gasps as it was off.* "Atom."

Bellamy- "There was nothing I could do-" *Before Bellamy could speak Octavia cut him off.*
Octavia- "Don't."
Y/N- "O, I'm so sorry- I left him there, I tried to help him but I would've-" *Y/N started to apologize but Octavia cut her off.*
Octavia- "What? Would've died? Yeah maybe it should've been like that! You know damn well, he would've helped you. Now he's dead because of you! You selfish slut!" *Octavia yells, as Everyone gasps at Octavia's response, as anger built up in y/ns body.*
Bellamy- "Y/N.." *Bellamy says trying to get y/n to calm down, he tries to put a hand on her shoulder, but y/n slaps it away and storms off.*

John- "Y/N, whats wrong?" *Murphy asked Y/N as he stopped her.* "Hey, talk to me."
Y/N- "Let me go." *Y/N says pushing him, walking away somewhere else.*

*I watched as y/n, bumped into Murphy, and then she pushed him. As my sister had left after 5 minutes, y/n had.*
Bellamy- "Loose anyone here?" *I asked Murphy.*
John- "No."
Bellamy- "Jasper?"
John- "Still breathing, barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister-" *I grabbed ahold of Murphy as soon as he said that.*

John- "Bellamy-"
Bellamy- "My what? My what?" *I grabbed his collar of his shirt and yelled in his face.*
John- "Your little sister." *Murphy says pushing me away.*
Bellamy- "Yeah, thats right. My little sister. Got anything else you want to say about her?"
John- "Nothing, sorry. You might wanna watch out for y/n, though." *He said smirking, as everyone watched us.*
Bellamy- "Get him out of here." *I told them, referring to Atoms body.*

Y/N's POV:
*I had came into the drop ship, to check in on everyone.*
Y/N- "Hey... you guys okay?" *I ask them, as Octavia gave me a dirty look.*
Clarke- "Hey. Yeah were fine. Were just eating for Jasper to wake up."
Y/N- "Monty, can we talk?"
Monty- "Umm.. sure?" *Y/N and Monty had went downstairs of the ship.* "What?"
Y/N- "Look. I know you really like me, trust me, I liked you at one point. But I don't want you to be mad at me."
Monty- "You think I'm mad at you because I saw you kissed you know who?" *Monty asked me as I shaked my head yes.* "I'm not."

Y/N- "You're not?"
Monty- "No. Im mad because I knew you and him were going to end up together, and I had no chance."
Y/N- "Friends?"
Monty- "Friends." *Monty said as they hugged each other, then climbing back up. As they sat down.*
Jasper- "Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" *Jasper asked.*

Monty- "Jasper!" *Monty said in excitement, as we all rushed over to him.*
Jasper- "Lets start with the soft stuff." *Jasper said, as Finn gave him water to drink.*
Y/N- "Welcome back, buddy."
Jasper- "Was it a dream or did I get speared?"
Clarke- "Well, you have a very impressive scar, to prove it."
Jasper- "My savior."

The next morning..
*I had found Wells.*
Charlotte- "Hi."
Wells- "Couldn't sleep?" *He asked.*
Charlotte- "I never can." *I told him.* "You on watch?" *I asked him.*
Wells- "Join me." *He told me, as I sat down next to him.*
Charlotte- "I had a nightmare."

Wells- "Hmm."
Charlotte- "I-I have them every night." *I told him.*  "But... I think I found a way to make them stop." *Wells looked the other way, I took my knife out and stabbed it in his neck.* "I'm sorry." *He tried to get me but I pushed him away and he fell, he reached for my help but I left him there to die.* "Every night, I see him. Your father. He kills my parents and... and I see his face and... and I wake up and I see yours. And the nightmare never ends." *I say crying.* "The only way to make it end was.. was to slay my demons. I had to." *I finished talking, I looked at Wells, and started to hum, just like Clarke did.*

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