twilights last gleaming part 1

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Later in the night..
Bellamy-  "Hey princess." *Bellamy says as he wakes up. Y/N laying on his chest.*
Y/N- "Hi." *Y/N said softly, looking up at him. They heard the others outside.* "What's going on out there?"
Bellamy- "I don't know." *Bellamy responds. As they both put on their shoes and jackets to head out.*
Octavia- "Bellamy, Y/N! Get out here!" *Octavia calls to us. We went outside and saw what everyone else was looking at.*

Y/N- "Is that a ship?"
Girl- "Sure is." *A girl says, as y/n forms a smile on her face. She looks over at Bellamy, and he seemed to be nervous."
Y/N- "Bell, are you okay?" *He didn't answer, and looked at y/n.*
Couple minutes later..
*Bellamy, Y/N, Jones were in a tent talking privately about the ship.*

Bellamy- "If it cleared the ridge, its probably near the lake." *Bellamy says as Octavia enters.*
Octavia- "We should get moving, everyones ready."
Bellamy- "No ones going anywhere. Not while its dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light, pass the word." *Bellamy told Jones and the others, as y/n and octavia stayed behind with him.*
Octavia- "Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the Grounders get to it first? Bell we should go now."
Bellamy- "I said until sunrise." *Bellamy says as he leaves the tent, Octavia follows, so does y/n.*
About 20 minutes later...

Octavia- "Im gonna go find my brother, wanna come with?" *Octavia asks Y/N.*
Y/N- "Yep." *Y/N responded as her and Octavia went off in the woods and found him.*
Octavia- "Bellamy!" *She shouted at her brother.* "What are you doing?"
Bellamy- "Go back to camp. It isn't safe."
Octavia- "You lied to everyone, you lied to me. You just want whatevers in that pod-" *Before Octavia could finish her sentence Bellamy interrupted her.*

Bellamy- "Just go home!" *Bellamy says pushing Octavia.*
Octavia- "You always want to play the big brother, huh? Well guess what? Jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick."
Bellamy- "I did this for you, for Octavia, to protect the both of you. If the Ark finds out were alive, they'll come down. And when they do... I'm dead."
Y/N- "What did you do?" *Y/N asked terrified looking him in the eyes.*
Bellamy- "I shot him." *Bellamy says.* I shot Jaha."

Octavia- "What?" *Octavia says quietly.*
Y/N- "You shot.. Jaha." *Y/N said couldn't believing what he said, in her head she was still processing the words that came out of Bellamys mouth.*
Bellamy- "I found out they were sending you two to earth. I couldn't let you guys go alone. Someone came to me with a deal, do this, kill him. And they'd get me on the dropship and I did it."
Octavia- "You killed the Chancellor?"
Bellamy- "He floated our mothers." *Bellamy says, looking at me and back at Octavia.* "He locked both of you up. He deserved it."

Y/N- "We didn't ask you to do that."
Bellamy- "You're right. I made the choice, this is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it."
Octavia- "I didn't ask for any of this." *Octavia says heading back to camp.*
Bellamy- "Please, say something y/n."
Y/N- "Bell.." *Y/N said as Bellamy stepped closer to her, they were face to face.* "You're my best friend. You know that. But when it comes to things like this.. I don't know if I could trust you or not.."

Bellamy- "You don't trust me?"
Y/N- "Jaha was my family, Bell! He was my family." *Y/N said yelling at him as her voice breaks and as tears form in her eyes.* "Did you even think about how I would feel if you killed him?"
Bellamy- "I know you're mad, you know why I did it. To protect you, to protect Octavia."
Y/N- "Believe me, I know. Just.. no secrets from now on, okay?" *Y/N asks him, as he stared into her eyes.*
Bellamy- "Okay." *He says softly and calmer.* "Go back to camp y/n. Don't follow me."
Y/N- "I-"
Bellamy- "Im sorry, y/n. But please go back." *Bellamy says, as y/n looked at him, and ran off.*

*After y/n had ran off back to camp, I had ran to where the ship was.*
Radio- "If you are receiving, please respond. Pod one, pod one. This is Ark Station Medical."
*The radio had kept playing that over and over. I took my knife out and ripped out the radio and cutting its wires. I closed the ship, and went to the river. I took the radio and chucked it into the water.*

Y/N- "Clarke? What are you guys doing?" *Y/N asked running into Clarke & Finn on the way back to camp.*
Clarke- "Were going to the drop ship. What are you doing by yourself?"
Y/N- "I- I was with Bellamy.."
Finn- "Huh you two a thing?"
Y/N- "Shush."
Clarke- "Why were you and Bellamy out here?"

Y/N- "He got into another argument with Octavia, about something and well.. me being their best friend.."
Finn- "Where did they go?"
Y/N- "Octavia went back to camp, Bellamy.. I don't know."
Clarke- "I bet you he's going to the ship. Lets go!" *Clarke says as we start to run to the ship, as we got there we opened the door, and saw a girl in a suit, brown hair and tied up.*

Clarke- "Oh my god."
Y/N- "Holy shit." *Y/N and Clarke say looking at the girl.*
Girl- "Hi." *The girl said pausing.* "I made it?" *Clarke shake her head yes. We helped her out and she got to get on the ground. She smelled in the air, and chuckled happily, just like the 100 did.* "Ahh. I dreamed it would smell like this. Is this rain?"
Clarke- "Welcome home." *Finn had ran out of the bushes and called the girls name.*

Finn- "Raven!" *He shouted.*
Raven- "Finn!" *Raven shouted as she ran to Finn. They looked into each others eyes. Y/N looks at Clarke, and was shocked.* "I knew you couldn't be dead."
Finn- "You're bleeding."
Raven- "I don't care." *Raven says as Clarke and I watch them kiss.*

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