earth kills part 1

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Bellamy-"Atom!" *Bellamy yelled at Atom to get his attention and they saw Atom and Octavia kissing but the two immediately backed away from each other. * "Come on. Were on first watch."
Atom-"Guys, you're not just gonna leave me here."
*Atom said tied to a tree surrounded by fire.*
Y/N- "Bell! What the hell do you think youre doing!?" *Y/N yelled at Bellamy finding out what he was doing.*

Bellamy-"No Atom. I wont be disobeyed." *Y/N looked at Atom, she felt bad. Even though Octavia didn't tell her about him, she still felt bad.* Y/N- "Bellamy. You cant just leave him!"
Bellamy- "Do you want me to put you up there too?" *Bellamy looked at Y/N as they walked, but she didnt answer.* "Thats what I thought. Lets go.
Atom- "Guys! Bellamy!" *She heard Atom yell.*
"Y/N! Come on!"


*Y/N was telling Octavia about her kiss with her brother.*
Octavia- "Wait, so.. are you guys together?"
Y/N- "Together?" *She questioned.*
Octavia- "Yeah, like are you guys dating?"
Y/N- "I- Ummm it's complicated." *She responded.*
Octavia- "What about Monty?"
Y/N- "He saw Bellamy and I." *She admitted.* "I've never seen Monty so angry before."
Octavia- "Yeah, well you did break his heart."
Y/N- "Come on, you had to say that?"

*Y/N and Octavia were by Bellamy and his little gang, as Octavia threw water at the bushes behind them trying to get Atoms attention.*
John- "Hey y/n."
Y/N- "Hey!" *Y/N said while walking up to them. As Bellamy and her made eye contact.*
Atom- "Look Bellamy, people are scared. And that dying kid, and he's not helping the morale around here."

Bellamy- "Morale will go up when I find them more food."
Guy- "And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?" *One of the others question.*
Bellamy- "Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."
John- "Lets go kill something."
Y/N- "Yeah, lets." *As Murphy and Y/N turn around, Bellamy stops them.*
Bellamy- "You guys aren't going."

Y/N- "What? Why?"
Bellamy- "I need you two to stay here. If the grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected." *Bellamy tells Murphy.*
John- "Fine, somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut."
Y/N- "Wait, what about me?"
Bellamy- "You? I don't care. Murphy, don't let her out of your sight. You hear me?"
John- "Yeah." *Bellamy starts to leave and y/n just watches him go.*

*Y/N, Bellamy, and Murphy go into a tent talking about weapons when Octavia enters.*
Octavia- "What did you do to Atom?" *She asks Bellamy, angrily.*
Y/N- "Just gonna step outside.." *Y/N says as she sees Bellamy giving Murphy the look to leave as well.*
John- "So, whats up with you and Bellamy?"

Y/N- "Nothing."
John- "Bullshit, you're lying." *Murphy says, as he looks at you.*
Y/N- "I'm not lying.. pfft" *Y/N says laughing a little bit, while looking at him.*
John- "Yeah okay." *He smiles and looks at her.* "Come onnnn."
Y/N- "Fine. We.. kissed." *She said quietly.*
John- "Oh." *Murphy responded in a sad tone.*

Y/N- "Not the answer, you wanted Murphy?" *Y/N asked pushing him a little.*
John- "Well, not exactly." *He said as he moved a strand of y/ns hair, behind her ear.* "Maybe, this will.." *Murphy says as he tries to lean in and kiss her, but she hears Jasper screams.*
Y/N- "Jasper! Sorry Murphy."
John- "Its fine, go." *Murphy says as y/n runs to the drop ship.*

Clarke- "Hold him still." *Clarke tells Finn.* "I need to cut away the infected flesh." *Clarke says as y/n enters, and Monty looks at her. And then looks away.*
Octavia- "Stop it! You're killing him." *Octavia says running in, with Bellamy behind her.*
Finn- "Shes trying to save his life."
Y/N- "O, its okay. She knows what shes doing."
Bellamy- "She cant."

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