his sisters keeper part 2

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Finn- "I got nothin, we lost the trail."
Bellamy- "Keep looking. Y/N have you seen anything?"
Y/N- "Not yet."
Finn- "Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should backtrack.."
Bellamy- "I'm not going back."
Girl - "Hey, where's John?" *Someone asks, as we all look back to see that John has disappeared.*

Jasper- "I just saw him a second ago."
Bellamy- "Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far." *As soon as Bellamy said that, body thuds and falls on the ground from the trees and its John.*
Finn- "They use the trees."
Guy- "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary."
Girl- "Now can we go back?"
Y/N- "There." *Y/N points out to a grounder.*
Guy- "Another one."
Finn- "We should run."

*As soon as Finn said that, we all started to run away.*
Y/N- "Lets go!" *Y/N yells as she runs.*
Guy- "What are we gonna do? They keep cutting us off."
Guy 2- "Just keep running."
Jasper- "I cant run much longer!"
Diggs- "I'm not stopping for him."
Bellamy- "I'm sick of running away."
Y/N- "What are you doing?"
Bellamy- "They know where she is."
Roma- "Diggs, where are you?"

Diggs- "Roma!" *Diggs yell as we all run into the direction, Roma screams.*
Bellamy- "Wait! Roma!"
Finn- "Could be more. Stop!"
Jasper- "They're leading us here, its the only direction we could run in."
Y/N- "Hey," *Y/N says trying to catch a breath.* "Where'd they go?"
Bellamy- "After Roma." *Bellamy says and then starts to run again.*
Y/N- "Are you kidding me?" *Y/N says catching a breath before she runs with them, the others follow.*


Monroe- "There she is. Roma!" *Monroe says as we spotted Roma. As we get closer to her.*
Y/N- "Shes dead."
Finn- "They're playing with us." *Finn says as Bellamy closes her eyes.*
Bellamy- "She only came because of me."
Finn- "They can kill us whenever they want."
Jasper- "Then they should get it over with!" *Jasper yells so the Grounders could hear him.* "We know you're out there!" *He yells again as Finn and Y/N tries to shut him up.*

Y/N- "GUYS!" *Y/N screams as she sees a grounder, but they don't hear.* "BELL!" *I scream as they quiet down, as we see Grounders from each side, and a horn blows. We watch as the Grounders retreat from the sound of the horn.*
Bellamy- "They're leaving."
Jasper- "That horn, what does it mean?"
Finn- "Acid Fog."
Monroe- "We have to run."
Finn- "Theres no time."

*Finn says as we get out our covers from our bags and hide under them to cover ourselves from the fog.*
Jasper- "How long are we supposed to wait?"
Monore- "Will this even work?"
Y/N- "We'll find out."
Bellamy- "No we won't." *Bellamy says as he peaks his head out, and all of us do as well.*
Finn- "Maybe it was a false alarm."
Y/N- "They're coming back." *I say, as I see another Grounder.*

Jasper- "I think he's alone."
Monroe- "Now can we run?"
Bellamy- "He doesn't see us, I'm going after him."
Finn- "And what? Kill him?"
Bellamy- "No, catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him." *Bellamy says going.*
Jasper- "How do we know its not leading us to another trap?"
Y/N- "We don't."

*We had found Octavia, Y/N watches Bellamy and Octavia hug tightly.*
Octavia- "How did you find me?" *Octavia says as she hugs Jasper.*
Jasper- "Followed him."
Octavia- "We should go. Now. Before he wakes up."
Bellamy- "He's not going to wake up." *Bellamy says referring to the Grounder who took Octavia.*

Octavia- "Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Lets just go."
Bellamy- "They started this. Finn, Y/N. Move."
Finn- "Foghorn."
Y/N- "I-" *Before y/n could talk, the grounder uses his knife and cuts both y/n and finn. As The Grounder and Bellamy fight, as the grounder points the stick to Bellamys chest.*
Octavia- "Stop! Thats my brother!" *Octavia yells at the Grounder.*

Jasper- "Oh my god, y/n! Are you okay?" *Jasper asks.*
Y/N- "Help, Bellamy." *Y/N says wincing as Jasper gets another stick and hits the grounder making him fall.*
Jasper- "CLARKE! WHERES CLARKE!?" *Jasper yells as we get back to camp. Octavia and Jasper holding Finn, Bellamy holding Y/N.*
Clarke- "Hey, I'm here whats up?"
Bellamy- "Y/N, I got you. Stay awake."
Y/N- "I.." *Before y/n could talk she passed out.*
Clarke- "Octavia."


*Clarke notices Y/N and Finn.*
Clarke- "Finn, Finn? Oh my god. Oh my god." *Clarke says as she checks his pulse on his neck.* "Hes alive, Y/N, oh my god." *Clarke rushes to Y/Ns side, and checks for a pulse as well.* "Shes alive, barely breathing.*
Jasper- "Bellamy wouldnt let me take the knife out."
Clarke- "No thats a good call. Get them in the dropship now! Go!"

Raven- "Clarke! Can you save him?"
Clarke- "No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her."
Raven- "Theres still no radio!"
Clarke- "Raven, fix it! Go!" *As Raven does what shes told.* "Hey, you ok?" *Clarke asks Octavia.*
Octavia- "Yeah. Just go." *Clarke says running to the dropship.*

Bellamy- "Hey, hey." *Bellamy says trying to stop his sister from leaving.* "Why were you defending him?"
Octavia- "Because he saved my life. That spear that hit Roma was actually meant-"
Bellamy- "No, you're wrong. I saved your life. For all you know he was keeping you alive to use you as bait for one of their traps."
Octavia- "No. I don't think so."
Bellamy- "You don't think, O! Thats the problem. They killed 3 of our people today. And if you would've let me kill him when I had the chance, Finna and Y/N wouldn't be there dying right now."

Octavia- "STOP BLAMING ME for YOUR MISTAKES. What happened to Finn is NOT MY FAULT. I wanted to leave, so if Finn and Y/N dies in there, thats on you! Everything thats gone wrong is because of you. You got me locked up on The Ark. You wanted me to go that stupid dance. YOU got mom KILLED!" *Octavia yells at Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Me? Mom was floated for having you. She's dead because you're alive. That was her choice. I didn't have a choice. My life ended the day you were born." *Bellamy told his sister, as they both stared at each other with hatred. Octavia tries to leave, but Bellamy grabs her arm.* "Where do you think you're going?"

Octavia- "You cant keep me locked up in here forever." *Octavia says letting go of her brothers grasp and walking away.*
Bellamy- "Get inside. Go!" *Bellamy tells one of the kids.* "A storms coming." *Bellamy says as he closes the gates for no one else to leave.*

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