Murphys Law Part 2

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Clarke- "You can stop this!" *Clarke yells at Bellamy.*
Y/N- "They'll listen to you!"
Kid- "Bellamy! You should do it." *The kid says.* "BEL-LA-MY!" *The kid yells, and starts a chant saying Bellamys name.*
Y/N- "I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer." *Y/N told him, as quickly as she could. Begging him* "Bellamy, don't do this. Don't..." *Bellamy looks at y/n, and he goes to Murphy.* "Bellamy! Bellamy. Please!" *Bellamy pushes y/n away. * "You can't do this, Bellamy." *As Bellamy hit Murphy, and Murphy fell.* "No! Bellamy, No!" *Y/N screamed, as she started to cry in anger.*
Bellamy- "This is on you, princess!" *Bellamy yells at Y/N, and pushes her hard.* "You should've kept your mouth shut!" *Bellamy says pushing y/n to the ground.*

Finn- "What the hell are you doing?! Cut him down! Charlotte get out of here now! Cut him down!" *Finn yelled. Finn tried to get to y/n and Clarke, but one of the kids pull out the knife on him.*
Charlotte- "STOP! Okay!?" *Charlotte yells.* "Murphy didn't kill Wells!" *She yells again, so everyone could hear. Everyone quiets down and looks at her. What did she do? Y/N looked at her confused as Octavia, helped her up.* "I did!"

*Y/N, Bellamy, Finn, Clarke and Charlotte were in a tent, hiding Charlotte.*
John- "Bring out the girl, Bellamy and Y/N!" *Murphy yelled from outside.*
Bellamy- "Why charlotte?"
Charlotte- "I was just trying to slay my demons, like you and y/n told me!" *Charlotte explained.*
Clarke- "What the hell is she talking about?"

Y/N- "Oh crap.."
Bellamy- "She misunderstood us. Charlotte, thats not what we meant."
John- "Bring the girl out now!" *Murphy yells again.*
Charlotte- "Please don't let them hurt me."
Y/N- "If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up."
Bellamy- "Now you stay quiet."
Finn- "Those are your boys out there."
Bellamy- "This is not my fault." *Bellamy says raising his voice.* "If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall." *Bellamy yelled at Clarke and I.*

John- "You want to build a society, Clarke? Lets a build a society. Bring her out!" *Murphy yelled again.*
Charlotte- "No! Please, Bellamy, Y/N."
Y/N- "Damn it Charlotte"
Bellamy- "Charlotte, its gonna be okay. Just stay with them." *Y/N and Bellamy left Charlotte with Finn and Clarke, and stepped outside.*
John- "Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us." *Murphy says coming closer to Bellamy and I.*

Bellamy- "Dial it down and back off."
John- "Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?"
Bellamy- "I was just giving the people what they wanted."
John- "Yeah, thats a good idea. Why don't we so that right now?" *He questioned Bellamy and I, as bellamy and I exchanged looks to each other.* "So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up?" *Murphy yelled to the rest of the kids.* "All in favor?" *Murphy said raising his hand, as only his friends rose their hands.*

John- "I see. So its okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk!?" *He yells.* "Cowards! All of you are cowards! Y/N. I thought you wanted revenge on Wells."
Bellamy- "Hey, Murphy! Murphy." *Bellamy says walking up to him.* "Its over."

John- "Whatever you say, boss." *I watch as Murphy picks up a stick and hits Bellamy in his back with it.*
Y/N- "BELL!" *Y/N said as Murphy hit Bellamy. Y/N rushes to Bellamy.* "Bell? Hey. Hey. Hey are you okay? Can you hear me?" *Y/N asks putting a hand on his face, and watches Murphy punch Jasper in the face.*
Octavia- "SON OF A BITCH!" *Octavia yells.*
John- "Come on. Lets get the girl." *Murphy says as he lifts up the tent and shows they aren't there.* "CHARLOTTE! CHARLOTTE, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! AND WHEN I FIND YOU, YOU ARE GONNA PAY!" *Murphy yells as loud as he can.*

*Bellamy and I were in the woods trying to find Charlotte. When we did Bellamy tackled her causing her to scream.*
Y/N- "Be quiet." *Y/N told her, as Bellamy shushed her and covered her mouth with his hand.*
Charlotte- "Let me go!" *Charlotte yells as Bellamy and I drag her.*
Bellamy- "I'm trying- Hey, hey! I'm trying to help you."
Charlotte- "I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me!" *Charlotte says as she runs away and yells.* "IM OVER HERE!" *She yelled so Murphy could hear.*

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