day trip part 2

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Y/N- "Charlotte?!" *Y/N yells.*
Wells- "Look at what she did to me." *The Hallucination of Wells say, as a knife is stabbed in his neck.*
Y/N- "No!" *Y/N yells as Wells disappears, she finds herself in the middle of the woods. She runs back to camp.*
Finn- "Y/N! Where have you been?" *Finn questions you, as you walk back into the camp.*
Y/N- "I-" *Y/N says as the hallucination Ark guards come towards y/n.* "Stay back."


Y/N- "I-" *Y/N says as the hallucination Ark Guards come towards y/n.* "Stay back."
Finn- "Y/N, its okay. Its Finn."
Y/N- "No its not!" *Y/N screams, as her hallucinations see the Ark guards and her father.* "Dad?"
Finn- "Your dads not here, he's back on The Ark. Remember?"

Y/N- "Please, no!" *Y/N says, as the guards of her hallucinations come closer to her and points the gun to her head.* "Please- Im- Im sorry!"
Finn- "Y/N take my hand, okay?"
Y/N- "No!-" *Her hallucination, the guard had pulled the trigger and the gunshot fired.*
Finn- "Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay?" *Finn says worriedly as Y/N falls to the ground, curling up in a ball.*

Y/N- "No..I'm not." *Y/N says as Finn pulls her in for a hug. But she rejects it.* "Please, no. I don't wanna hurt you."
Raven- "Y/N.. it's Raven. What happened?"
Y/N- "I saw Wells and Charlotte,"
Finn- "Wells and Charlotte? They're gone."
Y/N- "I also saw the 30 guards, I've killed on The Ark. I remember that day vividly. The Council let me live. Everyone else wanted me to be floated because I killed their husband, father, uncle, aunt, someone apart of their family. I.. I killed so many people."

Raven- "Thats all in the past, now, y/n."
Y/N- "It is but its haunting me. Everywhere I go.. I see my dads face. Disappointment in his eyes. I.. I dont know who I am."
Finn- "I'll tell you who you are. Y/N Kane, Furious Kane. Y/N, you're one of the toughest people I know. Despite all the shit you go through, you pull through. You always pull through. For Clarke, For Octavia, For Monty, For Jasper, For me... For Bellamy. My point is, you can't come all this way, and let the past haunt you. You need to put that behind. Okay?"
Y/N- "Thank you, guys."


Bellamy- "And all I do is hurt people. I'm a monster."
Clarke- "Hey.. you saved my life today. You may be a total ass half the time, but I need you." *Clarke says as Bellamy turns his head to look at her.* "We all need you, Y/N needs you. None of us would've survived this place, if it wasn't for you. You want forgiveness. Fine, I'll give it to you. You're forgiven, okay, but you can't run Bellamy. You have to come back with me. You have to face it."

*The hallucinations had stopped, you've seen Monty, and decided to hangout with him.*
Monty- "Rough night?"
Y/N- "Yeah, my head is killing me. You?"
Monty- "I'm pretty sure, I ate a pine cone because it told me to."
Y/N- "A pine cone?"
Monty- "Yeah.. Hey. Um did I do anything stupid earlier?"

Y/N- "I mean.. no. You did kissed me."
Monty- "I.. I said- Im-Im so sorry, y/n."
Y/N- "I mean.. I wouldn't find it stupid."
Monty- "What?"
Y/N- "I missed being close with you Monty."
Monty- "What about Bellamy?"
Y/N- "What about him?"
Monty- "I-" *Before Monty could speak, Miller came out of the dropship and yelled.*

Miller- "He's gone. The Grounder is gone."
Jasper- "What if he brings other Grounders back? He'll kill us all."
Raven- "Or worse."
Bellamy- "Let the Grounders come." *Bellamy says as him and Clarke make their way into the circle.* "We've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spear, I don't know about you. I'm tired of being afraid." *Bellamy finishes and him and Clarke show the guns they've received.*

Clarke- "These are weapons, okay? Not toys, and we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the Dropship's come. But until then, they're gonna help keep us safe."
Bellamy- "And there are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training, and if the Grounders come, were gonna be ready to fight."

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