We Are Grounders Part 2

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*Raven and Jasper had managed to get inside the Dropship, from the backside, by taking a panel off. After, they had crawled inside, hearing Murphy's voice.*
Raven- "Very cool." *Raven said quietly.*
Jasper- "Stop thinking like a mechanic and find me something to shoot through."
Raven- "Well, this mechanics gonna hotwire the door."

Jasper- "Theres the hatch."
Raven- "Locks from above, forget it."
Bellamy- "I give you an order, you follow it, right?" *Bellamy says from above.*
Jasper- "Damn it, he's up there because of me." *Jasper says raising his voice.*
Raven- "Shh! Help me find the door circuit."

Jasper- "We lost Clarke and Y/N, we can't lose Bellamy, too."
Raven- "Jasper, shut up." *Raven warns him again.* "They are, like, right above your head." *She whispers.*
Jasper- "Good, I'll have to shoot through the floor. I just need to figure out where Murphy is."
Raven- "No, bad idea." *Raven says as she quietly bangs in the Hydrazine part, as fluid sloshs inside.* "Holy crap, theres tons of it."

Jasper- "The engined fired late on the way down, we can make more bombs."
Raven- "Yeah, put that on our to-do list. But from
now on, no shooting, you got me?" *Raven says as they hear gunshots from above.*


*Gunshots fired in the Dropship.*
Murphy- "Then do what I said."
Octavia- "Bellamy?" *Octavia says the walkie talkie, hoping she'll hear a response.* "Bellamy, are you okay!?" *Octavia raises her voice through the walkie talkie.*
Murphy- "You want her to know you're alive?" *Murphy asked Bellamy, having a gun in his hand.* "Start tying."

Octavia- "Bellamy! Do you copy?" *Octavia says through the walkie once again.*
Bellamy- "Im fine, just a misfire." *Bellamy tells her as he turned on the walkie talkie.* "Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."
Murphy- "All right, thats long enough. Tie those two ends together."



*The four had journeyed more into the tunnel, Lincoln hands Finn the torch, looking back making sure no one followed them. Lincoln opened his journal and turns to a page.*

Finn- "Wait, if you never were down here, how'd you map it?"
Lincoln- "Spoils of war." *Y/N had started to hear shouting from the distance, almost like howling. It had triggered her power, future, she had started to stumble.*
Clarke- "Y/n? What is it?"

*Y/Ns eyes turned purple, meaning she was looking into the future, past or now

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*Y/Ns eyes turned purple, meaning she was looking into the future, past or now. Right now, she looked into the future. Seeing reapers.*
Clarke- "What is that?"
Lincoln & Y/N- "Reapers." *The two said at the both time, Lincoln quickly put the torch into the water, so it could go out.*
Finn- "This cant be the only way, check the map." *Finn said as the four of them sneak around the corner.*

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