Contents Under Pressure Part 2

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*Y/N was still seizing, but then soon stopped.*
Clarke- "Okay. It stopped. Quick, help me get him on his side." *Clarke says to Raven, as Raven just stands there.* "Raven, there is fluid in her lungs. She could choke. Quick!" *Clarke says as the three of them quickly move y/n on her side.* "Shes burning up."
Raven- "Fluid in her lungs, doesn't that mean the kni-" *Before Raven could speak, Clarke cut her off.*
Clarke- "This isn't blood. Its something else. I-I did- I did everything she told me. I've seen this before. Shortness of breath. Fever. Seizing. It's poison."

Raven- "Clarke, you sterilized everything. I watched you do it."
Clarke- "Not everything." *Clarke says looking at the knife.* "Stay here." *Clarke tells Raven, as she grabs the knife and heads upstairs.*
Octavia- "Clarke. They locked the hatch." *Octavia warned her, as Clarke continued to climb up.*

*Clarke had reached the top, and started to bang on the hate.*
Clarke- "Hey!" *Clarke yelled, as she continued to pound the hatch.* "Open the door!" *Miller had opened the hatch.* "Get out of my way, Miller. Now!" *Clarke says as she gets upstairs, putting the knife in the grounders face.* "Whats on this?"
Bellamy- "What are you talking about?"
Clarke- "He poisoned the blade. All this time, you knew y/n and finn was gonna die no matter what we did. But you knew y/n had more of a chance dying. What is it!?" *Clarke yells at him.* "Is there an antidote?"

Octavia- "Clarke, he doesn't understand you."
Bellamy- "Vials." *Bellamy says looking through the Grounders things for the right one.* "Its gotta be here."
Clarke- "You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote." *Clarke says holding the vials. As she looks through them.* "Which one!?" *She yells at him, but he stays silent.*
Bellamy- "Answer the question!" *Bellamy yells at the Grounder.*

Octavia- "Show us. Please."
Clarke- "Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that." *Clarke says, but he stays silent once again.*
Bellamy- "I'll get him to talk." *Bellamy says as he was about to hit him, but Octavia stops him.* "He wants Y/N to die. Why cant you see that? Do you want her to live or not?"
Octavia- "Clarke you even said it yourself. This is not who we are! He was protecting me. He saved my life."

Bellamy- "Were talking about Y/Ns life!" *Bellamy yells at Octavia.*
Clarke- "Do it."
Octavia- "Just tell us!" *Octavia says trying to go up to the Grounder, but Miller and the other guy holds her back. As Bellamy cuts off a piece of the seat belt, he then continues to cut a piece of the Grounders shirt.*
Bellamy- "You're gonna show us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had." *Bellamy continues to cut off the Grounders shirt snd rip it off of him. Leaving him shirtless, the grounder reveals weird tattoos.*

Octavia- "Bellamy, no." *Octavia says trying to stop her brother. But Bellamy hits him and hits him again. As Clarke goes in front of him, and shows the Grounder the antidotes hoping he'd tell her.*
Clarke- "Please, which ones the antidote?"
Octavia- "Just tell them."
Bellamy- "Clarke.." *As Bellamy puts a hand on Clarkes shoulder and rubs it, she gets up in frustration. Bellamy then hits him again and again and again and again.*

Octavia- "Please! Stop!" *Octavia says trying to make her brother stop.*
Raven- "Clarke! Shes getting worse!" *Raven yells from downstairs.*
Clarke- "Were running out of time. Which one? Which one is it?" *Clarke asks him desperately.* "If you tell us, they'll stop. Please tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this." *Bellamy throws the seat belt piece and picks up a knife.*

Bellamy- "If that doesn't work, maybe this will. Clarke, you don't have to be here for this."
Clarke- "Im not leaving until I get that antidote."
Bellamy- "Last chance." *Bellamy tells the Grounder holding the knife to his chest and then stabbing the knife in his hand.*
Raven- "Whats taking so long!?" *Raven yells, and comes up.* "She stopped breathing. She started again but next time he might not."

Clarke- "He wont tell us anything."
Bellamy- "Wanna bet?" *Bellamy says as he goes to grab the wires from the wall.*
Raven- "What are you doing?" *She says as he tries to fire up the wires.*
Bellamy- "Showing him something new." *Bellamy then puts the wires on the Grounders chest.* "Please! Tell me which one!" *Bellamy yells at him putting the wires on him again.*  "She is my best friend! We need to save her. Tell us which one is it!" *Bellamy yells at the Grounder, but he stays silent.*

Octavia- "No more!"
Bellamy- "Hes letting y/n die." *Octavia then uses a knife and cuts her arm.*
Raven- "Octavia, no!"
Octavia- "He won't let me die."
Bellamy- "Octavia, what the hell do you-" *Before Bellamy could finish, Octavia goes to the floor and points with the knife at the antidotes.*

Octavia- "Is it this one?" *Octavia says pointing at one of the antidotes but the Grounder does not respond. The Grounder moves his head and points with it to one of the antidotes. Octavia holds it up.* "This one?" *And the Grounder nods yes. Octavia rushes to give Clarke the antidote.*
Clarke- "Thank you." *Both Raven and Clarke rushes downstairs, Bellamy then follows.*

*Bellamy watches Clarke give Y/N the antidote.*
Bellamy- "How do we know if it works?"
Clarke- "We'll know when she wakes up. She needs water when he does. Do you mind?" *Clarke asks Raven, leaving Bellamy and Clarke in the room with y/n.*
Raven- "Sure."
Bellamy- "Y/N, please come back to me." *Bellamy whispers on the side of y/n*

Abby on speaker- "Hello? Clarke? Clarke, can you hear me?" *Dr. Griffin says through the radio.*
Clarke- "I'm here."
Abby- "Oh thank god. The-the storm is passing. Hows y/n and finn?"
Clarke- "I think they'll be okay."
Abby- "Oh, thats thanks to you. Im so proud of you. Clarke, your father would be so proud of you, too."
Clarke- "Don't talk about him."
Abby- "Clarke.. baby, I know something else is wrong. Please tell me what it is."

Clarke- "Dads dead because of you. You turned him in. I know it. Wells told me everything before he- he let me believe that he did it, so that I'd hate him instead of you."
Abby- "Clarke... I want you to listen to me. That was never supposed to happen. Jaha was supposed to talk him out of it."
Clarke- "I'm done talking to you." *Clarke says angrily, hitting the radio and turning it off.*

Bellamy- "We'll get it cleaned up." *Bellamy told Clarke.*
Clarke- "I wish this was our only mess."
Bellamy- "Clarke.." *Y/N heard Bellamy say, as y/n watched Bellamy reach for Clarkes hand to get Clarkes attention.* "Who we are and who we need to be to survive  are very different things."

Clarke- "What are we gonna do with him? We cant keep him locked up forever."
Bellamy- "If we let him go, he'll be back, and not alone next time. Its not easy being in charge, is it?" *Bellamy finished talking to Clarke.*

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