earth skills part 1

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Monty- "YES!" *And with that Jasper got hit in the chest with a spear by someone.*
Clarke- "Jasper!"
Y/N- "Guys were not alone.." *I watched as Jasper was laying there in the trees with a spear in his chest, as they were rushing me to get down.*
Monty- "Y/N you gotta get down come on!" *Monty said pushing me down to get cover.*
Y/N- "No- I- We have to help him."
Clarke- "Get down!" *Clarke said as she pulled me down. I got down next to Monty, terrified of what just happened. Im in shock.*
Monty- "Y/N shh dont worry." *Monty whispered, reaching my hand to hold.*


*Octavia, Monty, Finn, Clarke and I started to run back from the direction we came from. I stopped for a second looking back.*
Finn- "Y/N! Come on." *Finn said grabbing me, as we catch up with Monty and Octavia. We all ran as fast as we could back to camp. Monty tripped and fell.*
Y/N- "Monty!" *I said, as Finn and I helped him getting up.*
Finn- "Come on! We got to go!" *We all soon realized what Monty was staring at. It was a pile of bones he had fallen into.*

Finn- "Who are they?"
Y/N- "Oh my god.." *Clarke picked up the skull.. it wasnt a human skull.*
Clarke- "What are they?"
Octavia- "We ate so screwed." *Octavia said as I helped Monty get up and linked arms with him. I let go of his arm as we all turned as soon we heard a scream. Jasper.*
Clarke- "Jasper. Hes alive." *Clarke took off.*
Finn- "CLARKE! Wait. Wait!" *Finn said as we ran after clarke.* "Stay out of the trees." *Finn warned.*

Y/N- "He was right there." *I said as we all looked where he previously was, seeing the sign, but not him.*
Monty- "No, where is he?"
Clarke- "They took him."


*I was walking back into camp with the clothes from the kids that died, that I had buried.*
Atom- "Hey, where's you get the clothes?" *Atom asked me.*
Wells- "I buried the two kids who died during the landing."
Atom- "Smart. You know, I'll take it from here. Theres always a market-" *Atom says trying to take the clothes I got.*

Wells- "We share based on need, just like back home."
Bellamy- "You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor?" *Bellamy says as he walks out shirtless, kissing a girl.* "This is home now. Your fathers rules no longer apply." *Bellamy says walking up to me as he takes one of the clothing, I try to go after him, but Atom stops me.*

Bellamy- "Oh, no, no, Atom, Atom, Hold up. You want it back? Take it." *I throw down the clothes and hear as others get the stuff. And face Bellamy.*
Wells- "Is this what you want? Chaos?"
Bellamy- "Whats wrong with a little chaos?" *We hear a girl scream, we go over and its Murphy holding a girl close to the fire.*
John- "Bellamy. Check it out. We want The Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first." *I run up to the girl and Murphy, and push Murphy to the ground.*
Wells- "Let her go!"

Wells- "You can stop this." *I said turning to Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Stop this? I'm just getting started."
Little time jump to when the others get back

Y/N- "Wells! Let him go!" *I said, as I saw Wells have Murphy to a knife.*
Bellamy- "Octavia are you all right?" *Bellamy asks not even acknowledging that Im hurt.*
Octavia- "Yeah." *She says as Bellamy gets her.*
Bellamy- "Wheres the food?"
Finn- "We didn't make it to Mount Weather." *I wince at the pain of the wound in my arm.*
Bellamy- "What the hell happened out there?"

Clarke- "We were attacked."
Wells- "Attacked? By what?"
Y/N- "Not what. Who."
Finn- "It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on The Ark, he wasn't the last grounder."
Clarke- "Its true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors, the good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation wont kill us."

Finn- "Yeah, the bad news is the grounders will."
Wells- "Where's the kid with the goggles?"
Y/N- "Jasper was hit, they took him." *I noticed Wells wristband was gone.* "Where is your wristband?" *I asked him as I took his arm and looked at it but he pushed me away.*
Wells- "Ask him." *Wells said looking at Bellamy.*
Y/N- "How many?"
John- "24 and counting."
Clarke- "You idiots. Life support on The Ark is failing. Thats why they brought us down here."

Y/N- "Clarke is right. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!"
Bellamy- "We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her, shes one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes, I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The grounders should worry about us!" *Everyone else had started to cheer and agree with Bellamy.*

Y/N- "Unbelievable. You have anything to say to me Octavia? A thank you for everything Ive done for your family? Anything at all?" *I questioned her hoping for something. But she just looked at me, I couldn't read her face. I took off and Monty followed.*

Bellamy is acting so different, now that were on the ground. I cant stand him, I cant believe him. I don't even know who he is anymore.

Monty- "What do we do now?"
Y/N- "Now we go after Jasper."

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