The Calm Part 1

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Man- "Whoa! Guys! Fire!" *Y/N heard someone call out.*
Man 2- "Go go go! All right. Come on!" *Y/N came out and saw Bellamy breaking up a fight between Murphy and some other guy. She watched as the food tent storage (idk LOL) burst into flames.*
Bellamy- "Hey, stop! Save it for the Grounders."
Octavia- "Well, now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food." *Octavia says raising her voice.*


*Everyone had started packing to go out hunting and looking for things.*
Bellamy- "Each group takes someone with a gun, ans they're killing for Grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can, be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark."
Y/N- "Nice work, Bell. Seems like everyones doing what they're told."
Bellamy- "Yeah, all good until something happens."
Y/N- "Gonna pack up." *Y/N says moving away as she sees Bellamy smile at her.*

Myles- "Hey y/n." *Myles said to y/n, making his way to her.* "You alone? You maybe want to go together?" *Myles said, y/n noticing a small smile form on his face. But she could feel Bellamys eyes on her.* "And maybe talk about the thing.. that happened between us?"
Y/N- "Sure, I'll get some gear." *Y/N says going to where the hunting gear is but Bellamy comes behind her.*

Bellamy- "You ready to go?"
Y/N- "I don't think so."
Bellamy- "What? Why not? You're lousy with a spear, but you have your powers. Maybe I can help you practice them? While were out."
Myles- "Hey partner, were wasting daylight. Oh Bellamy, you're joining the band?"
Y/N- "Myles maybe you should go with Clarke and Finn, heard they need another person. Were full over here so..."
Myles- "Ah okay, another time about the thing." *Myles said as he walked away to Clarke and Finn.*

Bellamy- "What 'thing' is he talking about?"
Y/N- "Um.. he might've kissed me."
Bellamy- "What?! Whe-"
Y/N- "A couple days ago.. but it didn't mean anything! I swear. He thought he'd have more of a chance getting with me than you, Monty or Murphy did." *Bellamy is surprised when y/n had said Murphy.*

Bellamy- "Did you just say Murphy?"
Y/N- "Yeah.."
Bellamy- "Don't tell me you kissed him too." *Bellamy said looking at y/n, her staying silent and giving him a face.* "Oh come on! Who out of Me, Murphy and Monty did you kiss first?"
Y/N- "You, actually. Monty and-" *Before y/n could finish, Myles came up behind her.*
Myles- "Y/N, maybe I came off too-"
Y/N- "Im sorry Myles, I don't want to go with you guys. Just go with Clarke and Finn. I have to do something with Bellamy." *Y/N says raising her voice a little bit, making Myles go out.*


*Bellamy and Y/N had finished hunting and finding stuff for the camp, and finished practicing y/n's powers. She had put the ring back on her, so they wouldn't trigger but seeing how much it is damaged, it will trigger at some point. Night has fallen once again. Y/N had gone to the dropship to try to help Monty.*

Monty- "Hey n/n!" *Monty exclaimed as she walked in.*
Y/N- "Hey, need any help?"
Monty- "Yeah, sure. That would be-" *Before Monty could finish, y/n had the urge to kiss him.* "What was that for?" *He said confused.*
Y/N- "Im sorry, I have no idea."
Monty- "You cant keep doing this y/n. Going back to me and then to Bellamy."
Y/N- "I know, Monty. Im sorry, I truly am."
Monty- "Its okay just no more, were just friends. Got it?"

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