I am become death part 2

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a/n: happy early fourth of july! sorry ive been behind on posting parts, i have summer school for the next two weeks but this weekend i'll be sure to upload more parts since i have it off! i will try to finish up this, since were still in season one. thank youu enjoy🤗🤗

Bellamy- "Is this your revenge, helping the Grounders kill us?" *Bellamy says as y/n, tries to clean Murphy's cuts on his forehead.*
Murphy- "I didn't know about this, okay? I swear."
Bellamy- "Stop lying." *Bellamy says raising his voice.* "When are they coming?"
Clarke- "Murphy, think, all right? What can you tell us thats useful?"
Y/N- "Clarkes right. Did you hear anything?"

Murphy- "They are vicious, cruel."
Bellamy- "You want to see vicious?" *Bellamy says raising his voice again, coming closer to y/n and murphy.*
Y/N- "Hey, don't. Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact."
Finn- "Clarke?" *Finn says running in the dropship.*
Clarke- "Finn, you shouldn't be in here. No one should."

Finn- "I heard you were sick. Clarke, Y/N, what is this?"
Y/N- "We don't know, some of kind of hemorrhagic fever. We just need to contain it before-" *Before y/n could finish Derek fell to the floor and Clarke ran to him quickly.*
Clarke- "Don't touch me, you could get sick." *Clarke tells Finn.* "Wash your hands now."

Connor- "What the hell is happening to him?" *The guy started to throw up blood, y/n watches as Murphy backs away. Derek had stopped coughing.*
Bellamy- "Is he.." *Clarke rushes to check for a pulse.*
Clarke- "He's dead."
Finn- "What do we do?"
Clarke- "Quarantine. Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here."

Bellamy- "And everyone they had contact with?"
Clarke- "Well, we have to start somewhere. Connor, who was with you when you found him? Who carried him in? Think."
Connor- "The first one there was y/n. And Octavia was with her." *Bellamy had immediately left the dropship to go find his sister.*

*Clarke had left to go check up everyone else who had contact with Murphy.*
Y/N- "Feeling better?" *Y/N asks Murphy, as she continues to clean his wounds.*
Murphy- "What do you think?" *Murphy says.*
Y/N- "Im just trying to help you, Murphy."
Murphy- "Really? Because last time you walked away with Bellamy and his little gang." 

Y/N- "Well what did you want me to do then? They would've banished me too."
Murphy- "Sorry."
Y/N- "Its okay. I'll be back." *Y/N says as Murphy lets go of her hand, y/n walks outside and sees one of the girls who had just died from whatever is going on being carried next to derek. Y/N looks at Bellamy and the two make eye contact, y/n gives him a small smile.*

Bellamy- "All right, shows over. Get back to your posts." *Bellamy tells everyone, he then walks to y/n, but he distances himself so he doesn't catch whatever it is.* "You got enough food in there, water?"
Y/N- "Yeah. Some medicine might be nice."
Bellamy- "I'll see what I can do." *Bellamy responds giving y/n a small smile.* "Octavia you ok?" *Bellamy says but Octavia isnt there.*

Y/N- "Bellamy wait, shes not here. Clarke sent her to see Lincoln. Look, if theres a cure, he has it. We didn't tell you because we knew you wouldn't let her go."
Bellamy- "If anything happens to her, Clarke and I are gonna have problems." *Bellamy says walking away.*
Y/N- "Bellamy... Bellamy!" *Y/N shouts at him.*
Bellamy- "Out of my way." *Bellamy orders one of the kids, but as he turn around blood comes pouring out his eyes.*
Boy- "Dude, your eyes."
Boy 2- "Nobody touch him!"

Bellamy- "Get to the dropship now." *Bellamy orders him.*
Raven- "Hey, are you okay?" *Y/N watches Raven asks a girl as the girl fell down and threw up blood like Derek did and got on people.*
Guy- "Oh my god, oh my god. Its on me." *A guy said dramatically.*
Woman- "Get away! Get back! Get back!" *Y/N watches as the boys with guns, had started randomly pointing the guns at everyone, she watches as Raven, Finn and Bellamy try to calm them down.*

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