Unity Day Part 1

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a/n: hey guys! sorry for the delay, i've been sick the whole weekend and i just havent been feeling good. i promise i'll get new parts of this Bellamy Blake X Reader, story soon. thank you for all the love and support and patience!!

*It was Unity Day. Everyone had gather round the computer, to listen to Chancellor Jaha.*
Chancellor Jaha- "My friends, this is an historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form the Ark. But this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year... on the ground."
Miller- "Right, after we did all the work. Someone shut him up."
Y/N- "You shut him up Miller, no ones forcing you to watch."

Chancellor Jaha- "For the past 97 years, we have eked out an existence. Hoping that someday our descendants, would return to Earth.." *Jaha says, as y/n zones out and remembers what her father says about her powers.*
Jasper- "Wooo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!!" *Jasper says while he holds a big container.* "Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?"
Y/N- "Hey! Jasper. Hit me." *Y/N says as Jasper pours it in her cup, and sees an explosion on the Ark.*


*Night has fallen on the ground. Y/N watches Bellamy and Clarke talk, as she has her 20th something drink.*
Y/N- "Hey!" *Y/N said to Monty.*
Monty- "Hey. Y/N, how many have you had?" *Monty asks referring to the alcohol.*
Y/N- "I don't know.. 20 something.." *Y/N says struggling to get her words out.*
Monty- "Okay, maybe you should stop drinking." *Monty says grabbing y/ns cup. As Monty sees y/n watching Clarke and Bellamy.* "You okay, y/n?"
Y/N- "Yup, never better." *Y/N accidentally looks into the future, and sees herself using her Petra Scream.*

Monty- "Y/N/N... are you okay?"
Y/N- "Yeah." *Y/N says as she looks over her shoulder and sees Bellamy and Clarke talking.* "Do you think they're together?" *Y/N asks Monty, but her words are unclear.*
Monty- "Clarke and Bellamy? No way." *After y/n watches Clarke leave Bellamy, she sees a smile form onto his face. So she decided to walk over.*

Y/N- "Hey."
Bellamy- "Hey. You don't look so good."
Y/N- "Me? Im fine."
Bellamy- "Yeah, whatever you say." *Bellamy says chuckling.* "So anything different with your powers?"
Y/N- "Nope."
Myles- "Hey! Save me some."  *Myles said as he got to the middle. Y/N quickly stepped out of the crowd, as she tries to stable her balance. A loud ringing is in her ear, she hears voices of people who are terrified.*

Myles- "Y/N? Are you okay?" *She hears Myles ask her.*
Y/N- "I- Th-The Ark-" *Y/N says as she gets glimpse of whats happening on the Ark.*
Myles- "What about the Ark? n/n??" *Myles asks again. His voice fades away once again, and she sees her grandmother and her father. It looks like the Ark was attacked.*
Y/N- "Gramma? Dad?" *She says as she continues to look around, it looks like they were celebrating Unity Day as well. But got attacked.*
Myles- "Hey, hey, hey." *Myles says comforting you, as you fell to the ground. You guys were in the woods.* "Its okay, its okay. I got you." *Myles says pulling you close.*

Y/N- "Don't tell Bellamy, about this

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Y/N- "Don't tell Bellamy, about this. Please. He'll worry about me and then-" *Before y/n could finish, Myles cuts her off and kisses her.* "I..." *Y/N was speechless, she couldn't believe what happened.*
Myles- "I've been wanting to do that for awhile.. I was jealous when I heard that you and Monty kissed and then you and Bellamy.. I thought when I got to kiss you, I'd have a better chance than the both of them.."
Y/N- "Myles..Im sorry. I have to go..."
Myles- "Wait, y/n. Im sorry, I-" *Y/N ran off back to camp.*

Raven- "Where have you been?" *Raven asks you as soon as you get back into camp, seeing that Myles was behind you.*
Y/N- "Don't wanna talk about it.."
Finn- "Think I got an idea.." *Finn says looking at Myles.*
Y/N- "Shut up, it wasn't like that. If you tell Bellamy, I'm killing you both."

*Night has fallen.*

Y/N- "Hey Bellamy." *Y/N greeted her best friend.*
Bellamy- "Where'd you go earlier?"
Y/N- "Um.. just trouble with my powers.." *Y/N says glancing at Myles, as they make eye contact, and looking at Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "Bullshit, y/n. Finn and Raven told me they ran into you and saw you and Myles come back into camp. Where were you?"
Y/N- "God Bellamy. You act like you're my boyfriend or something and then the next you act like nothing happened." *Y/N says to him, to switch the topic.*
Bellamy- "Y/N, what are you-" *Before he could finish, y/n walked away, and hungout with the others.*

to be continued...

a/n; hey guys! sorry this is kinda bad but i hope yall like it

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