pilot part 3

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Y/N- "Do you guys see that..."
Jasper&Y/N- "Octavia get out of the water!" *Jasper and y/n says at the same time, as we all see whatevers in the lake comes toward Octavia faster... Octavia looks at us confused and turns around seeing whatever it is going towards her.*
Jasper- "Get out of the water now!" *Just then whatever it was grabbed Octavia and went around the lake with her.*

Jasper- "OCTAVIA!"
Octavia- "AHH! Help me!" *Octavia screamed just before the monster disappeared with her underwater.*
Jasper- "No." *Jasper says scared.*
Y/N- "Octavia! No, no, no, no. Do not do this to me. Your brother will literally kill me." *We all had shocked and scared faces as we looked out at the lake wondering where  Octavia is.*

Y/N- "THERE!" *Y/N yelled seeing Octavia come back up screaming , the five of us ran to her as quickly as we could.* "O! Grab my arm!" *As she tries to reach for it, the monster dragged her away, and whatever it was hit y/n in the face with it, leaving a big scratch on her forehead and arm, bleeding.*
Monty- "What the hell is that? We have to help her."
Clarke- "Y/N! Are you okay? You got scratches!"
Y/N- "Im fine, help Octavia."
Jasper- "What are you gonna do?"
Finn- "Try not to get eaten."

Clarke- "No, wait. If we distract it, it might let her go, help me." *We start helping Clarke push rocks into the lake, so it could cause a distraction and let Octavia go.*
Jasper- "Can you get to the shore now?" *Jasper says as he and y/n runs over to help her out.*
Y/N- "Octavia!" *As we help Octavia get out of the water, the monster comes back but swims away.*

Clarke- "Okay." *Clarke says ripping a piece of Jaspers shirt to use as a cloth.*
Octavia- "Thank you, Thank you." *Octavia says repeatedly to Jasper.*
Y/N- "Jesus, you scared me to death." *Y/N says hugging Octavia, relived.*
Clarke- "You're gonna be okay."
Monty- "Note to self, next time, save the girl."
Finn- "Y/N, your arm and face okay? You got beat up bad."
Y/N- "Clarke, will fix me up."


Abby- "10 more, one after the next." *Abby says as she watches the kids life support from the 100.*
Jackson- "Abby, look at plasma osmolarity. Its going up across the board."
Abby- "They found water."
Guard- "Councilor Abigail Griffin, you're under arrest for exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed for a patient."
Marcus- "Sorry, this had to be public. The policy in these matters is very clear no special treatment. How much blood did you use Abby?"
Jackson- "Don't answer that."
Abby- "I used whatever it took, breaking the law to keep you from becoming Chancellor was the easiest decision i've ever made."
Marcus- "In that case, given your confession, in my role as Chancellor Pro Tempore, you leave me no choice but to find you guilty."

Abby- "We always have a choice, Kane. You chose to press charges against my husband, your friend, even though you knew he would get floated for it. You chose to include my daughter in those charges, and now you're choosing this. You even locked up your own daughter, for it. Hiding behind the law absolves you nothing."
Marcus- "Be that as it may, in accordance with penal code one, because all crimes committed by those above the ague of maturity are capital crimes, you are hereby sentenced to death. Execution is set for the morning and I choose at every turn and at any cost to make sure that the human race stays alive."

*I was laying on Montys chest, trying to fall asleep. But my eyes opened as saw Clarke awake. The trees were beautiful and glowed blue.*
Monty- "You okay?"
Y/N- "Its beautiful." *Y/N said referring to the trees and bushes that glowed blue.*
Monty- "Just like you." *Y/N smiled and chuckled at Monty, as he did the same. They both looked at the forest, admiring it. They looked back at it each other.*

Monty- "You have really pretty eyes."
Y/N- "You are really cute." *They said looking into each others eyes..*

(hello! hope youre enjoying the story so far! if the letters are written like this it means its either switching back and forth between the ark scenes and to the ground scenes. or y/ns thoughts!)

Are we really about to kiss? Do I even like Monty? Yes I find him cute and attractive. But what about Bellamy?

Monty- "Y/N..." *Monty says as y/n and montys faces are inches apart from each other, she could feel his warmth.*
Y/N- "I.." *As soon as their lips were about to touch, they heard a noise from Jasper and Octavia. They pulled away quickly.*
Monty- "Im-Im so sorry. I-"
Y/N- "We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? Lets just get some rest." 
Monty- "Goodnight n/n."
Y/N- "Goodnight M."


*Bellamy had cover Wells mouth as he was sleeping and shushed him, showing his gun. They had walked away a long way.*
Bellamy- "Far enough. I don't want to shoot you, Wells- Hell, I like you, but I do need them to think that you're dead."
Wells- "Why? Why are you doing this, for real, not for y/n to like you back, not some crap about gettin to do what you want do?"
Bellamy- "I have my reasons, I also have the gun. So I ask the questions, and the question is, why aren't you helping me? Your dad banished you, Wells, and yet here you are, still doing his bidding, following the rules. Aren't you tired of always doing whats expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband, and you'll be amazed at how good it feels. Do it for y/n."

Wells- "No, never, not gonna happen. Is that clear enough for you?" *Wells asked Bellamy, as he sees Bellamy getting ready to shoot him.*
Bellamy- "Yeah, it is. Don't worry, I'll tell Y/N you love her. I'm sorry it had to be this way." *But instead Bellamy puts his gun away and Murphy and other boys comes out of nowhere and gets a hold of Wells.*
Wells- "No! No! Get off of me! No!!"


*We had made a rope from part of the trees, to swing across with.*
Clarke- "You wanted to go first, now quit stalling. Mount Weather awaits" *Clarke tells Finn, since hes the first one to jump.*
Jasper- "Just hang on til the apogee, and you'll be fine."
Finn- "The Apogee like the Indians right?"
Jasper- "Apogee, not apache."
Clarke- "He knows. Today, Finn."

Finn- "Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side." *Finn says as he gets ready to swing across, but Jasper stops him.*
Jasper- "Wait,"
Finn- "What?"
Jasper- "Let me. I can do it."
Y/N- "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere!"
Finn- "Hey, its okay, to be afraid Jasper. The trick is not fighting it."

Jasper- "See you on the other side!"*And with that Jasper held onto the rope and swung across, as he fell on some branches. We watched as he stood up and yelled...* "WE ARE APOGEE!!" *We all screamed and yelled and cheered for him.*
Clarke- "You did it Jasper!!!"
Monty- "You ready?"

Y/N- "More than ever." 
Finn- "You're up."
Jasper- "Come on, Y/N! You got this! WHOO! APOGEE!!" *Jasper yelled from across the lake.*
Jasper- "WE DID IT! MOUNT WEATHER! WHOOOO!!" *Jasper cheered picking up a old white rusted sign that said Mount Weather.*

Monty- "YES!" *And with that Jasper got hit in the chest with a spear by someone.*
Clarke- "Jasper!"
Y/N- "Guys were not alone.." *I watched as Jasper was laying there in the trees with a spear in his chest, as they were rushing me to get down.*
Monty- "Y/N you gotta get down come on!" *Monty said pushing me down to get cover.*
Y/N- "No- I- We have to help him."
Clarke- "Get down!" *Clarke said as she pulled me down. I got down next to Monty, terrified of what just happened. Im in shock.*
Monty- "Y/N shh dont worry." *Monty whispered, reaching my hand to hold.*

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