his sisters keeper part 1

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Bellamy- "Octavia!" *Y/N hears Bellamy say, as she watches him walk fast, with a torch in his hand. Checking all the tents.*
Y/N- "Bell, whats wrong?"
Bellamy- "Have you seen Octavia?"
Y/N- "No, its Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies."
Bellamy- "Y/N I'm serious, I've checked the camp. Shes not here."
Y/N- "Okay, I'll help you find her. Lets check again, you go to the Dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents."
Bellamy- "Thank you." *Bellamy says, as y/n smiles at the response.*

Bellamy- "Hey everyone, gather round and grab a weapon." *Bellamy says, as I throw some weapons in the middle of the circle.* "My sisters been out there alone for 12 hours, arm up. We're not coming back without her."
Clarke- "Hey jasper, you don't have to do this." *Bellamy and I overhear Clarke say to Jasper, as I make my way over.*

Y/N- "Clarkes right, you haven't left camp since we brought you back."
Jasper- "Clarke, y/n, I need to do this."
Bellamy- "We need all the people we can get." *Bellamy says coming up behind us, as Jasper nodded and walked away.* "We need a tracker." *Bellamy tells Clarke and I.* "Finn, come out here."
Y/N- "What the hell is that?" *I say, looking up into the sky, seeing something fall, like a meteor shower.*

Bellamy- "Y/N? What is it?" *Bellamy says as everyone else started to notice, as they looked up at the sky.*
Raven- "They didn't work," *Raven says.* "They didn't see the flares.*
Bellamy- "A meteor shower tells you that?" *Bellamy says to Raven, but y/n realizes what it is.*
Y/N- "It's not a meteor shower, its a funeral."
Clarke- "Y/Ns right, thats hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from The Ark."
Y/N- "This is what it looks like from the other side."

Clarke- "They didn't get our message."
Raven- "This is all because of you!" *Raven says yelling, walking up to Bellamy, but Clarke and Finn hold her back, as Y/N moves closer to Bellamy.*
Bellamy- "I helped you find the radio."
Raven- "Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" *She yelled in anger.*
Y/N- "Yeah, he knows. Let it go, Raven. He has to live with it."
Bellamy- "All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?" *Bellamy says, as y/n sees he's trying to lower his temper.* "Then what are we waiting for? Move out!" *Bellamy says, yelling at everyone else. As y/n notices a girl, staring at her.*

*Most of the kids had left the camp, in search for Octavia.*
Y/N- "Octavia! Are you out here?!" *Y/N yells.*
Bellamy- "Hey." *Bellamy says coming around the corner.*
Y/N- "Shit, you scared me."
Bellamy- "Sorry." *Bellamy said, as his voice faded. Y/Ns eyes blinked crazy, as she saw a girl in a cave.* "N/N? You okay?" *Bellamy asks her, snapping y/n back into reality.*
Y/N- "Yeah, I'm good." *Her eyes started blinking crazy again, this time shoes? or something of Octavias was in a bush or in a tree.*

Bellamy- "y/n?" *Bellamy says again, making y/n almost fall.* "Are you sure you're okay?" *Bellamy asks her, putting his arm around her.*
Y/N- "Yes i'm fine."
Guy- "Look! Over here!" *Someone says as Bellamy and I go over.*
Bellamy- "What is it?" *Bellamy says, as the guy points the light at the tree.*
Guy- "Right there. You see it?" *He says, shining the light into the tree.* "Is that Octavias?"

Bellamy- "Rope."
Finn- "What are you doing?"
Bellamy- "We need the rope to get back up." *Bellamy says throwing the rope down.* "Flashlight." *Bellamy starts to pull himself down, to what it seems Octavias belongings.* "Its hers." *He calls out so we can hear.* "I'm going all the way down." *Bellamy says the rest of us look at each other, looking back at Bellamy. Jasper hands Finn his torch, as he moves over to the rope.*
Y/N- "You guys stay here if anything happens. I'm going down." *Y/N says, as her and Finn both go to Bellamy and Jasper.*

Bellamy- "Someone else was here."
Finn- "The prints are deeper going that way." *Finn says, as y/n starts to blink again, seeing a man with Octavia. A ringing enters her ears.* "He was carrying her." *Finn says, as the ringing stops in y/ns head, and she sees another scene of Octavia with the man.*
Jasper- "If they took her, she's alive. Like they took me." *Jasper says, as more of the kids come down.*
Y/N- "He's right."
Finn- "How do you know?"
Y/N- "I-I can see her."
Bellamy- "How?"
Y/N- "Every time you say something about her. Like her stuff in the trees, when Finn said someone was carrying her. I could see it, I don't know how but I can see her."

*We had left the place with the blood on the rock, and continued to look for Octavia.*
Bellamy- "You okay, Princess?" *Bellamy asks me.*
Y/N- "Yeah, I'm okay." *Y/N says as she stops, making everyone behind her stop as well. They all stop and see skeletons.*
Finn- "I don't speak grounder... but I'm pretty sure this means keep out."
Guy#2- "Lets get out of here, its crazy."
Guy #3- "I'm out."
Guy#4- "Im leaving."

Bellamy- "Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility."
Y/N- "Bell-" *Y/N says, as Bellamy takes off into where the skeletons lead them.*
Jasper- "I'd walk into hell to find her."
Y/N- "Fuck this." *Y/N says, as her and Jasper follow Bellamy.*
Finn- "I think we just did."
Y/N- "Holy shit."

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