002. the love of your life

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G O O D   G I R L S,
chapter two

G O O D   G I R L S, chapter two

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third person.

"what do you mean you'll see?!" elias exclaimed at the girl across the cafeteria table after she had explained the situation that took place in her first period class. "the love of your life invited you out and you said i'll see? we're going to that party, pen."

"i don't really want to go.." penelope slightly mumbled. "and he's not the love of my life."

"penny, what happened to us living life to the fullest this year?" layla raised a brow. "let's go to the party. you've never been to a high school party, now's your chance to put yourself out there."

"even if we just go for a couple hours," aurora added. "it'll be fun."

"i have work on friday after school and saturday morning.."

"oh penelope," the boy shook his head as he let out a sigh. "what happened to the penny the other night saying she wasn't going to go straight back into the life we had last year."

"that was when i was under the influence and before i realised how much homework we get and fact that i now that a job," penelope explained.

"and plus like what if he expects me to do stuff with him?" she continued to babble her defence. "i mean he was telling me about a blowjob he got from a penny before he invited me to this party.. and like i don't know how to.. you know.."

"we'll teach you," elias flashed her a smile, as her expression turned to even more concerned. "i'm joking, you don't have to do anything with him if you don't want to. consent is key."

"penny," layla gained her attention. "you don't have to go but i swear if you drag us to the football and baseball games this year just so you can sit there watching him run around, although we don't know how the games even work, after turning down hanging out with him, i'm giving up on you- not actually but like you know what i mean."

"i never went for him.. ollie use to play.."

"we all know that you don't care about your brother that much," she laughed.

"let go penny," aurora smiled as she wrapped her closest arm around the girl's shoulder, slightly swaying her. "we'll tell mama davis that you're staying at mine, and we'll go to the party, actually sleep at mine and then i'll drive you to work in the morning."

"you were a rebel all summer, sneaking out at night, getting drunk-"

"i got drunk once," penelope interrupted.

"you still drunk alcohol multiple times," elias playfully argued. "anyway a couple drinks with frantzich on friday night won't hurt."

".. do you really think he could be into me, be honest," she partly mumbled as she glanced around the group.

"i love how quickly your minds changed since the other night, he's no longer huge ego jock that you'll never fall for-"

"shut up! don't remind her," layla quickly cut off the other girl. "anyway, penny, you're fuckin' hot, of course he'll find you attractive."

"yeah but like the other night, el, when you were saying about him seeing me in the hallway and instantly falling in love with me, you were obviously jokingly," she rambled. "so like why would he be inviting me to the party and wanting to sit next to me and all that without there being an ulterior motive. his ex is way prettier than me."

"his ex is pretty, yeah, but she had an ugly attitude," aurora inaudible scoffed at the thought of the other girl. "you're pretty all around."

"and penny, i may have been joking around the other night, yeah," elias admitted. "but we mean it when we say you're pretty, you really are. and i do think jonah could find you really attractive- hell, every guy should."

"i just don't wanna give into him and end up getting my feelings hurt.."

"that's the issue with boys with reputations.." layla sighed. "you don't know his intentions until you get involved with them.. so you just gotta be careful."

"he knows nothing about you, you could easily play him back," aurora more so suggested, tilting her head as she looked at her friend with a smirk on her face. "two can play the game."

"true, true," the two across the table agreed.

"hm," penelope softly hummed.

"i can play fake boyfriend if you need," elias shrugged.

".. everyone knows you're into dudes" aurora laughed at him.

"well i'll find you a boyfriend then- anyway let's just see how things go on friday and then we'll go from there," elias replied.

"yeah.. okay.." she nodded — unsure on what she just agreed to but deciding just to go along with it for the sake of living out her final high school year.

i just realised that half my books
have a character nicknamed 'el'..
idk why that's become a thing but

GOOD GIRLS; jmrf ✓Where stories live. Discover now