Chapter 5

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Mathilda's pov.

I nearly ran through the halls, not caring for the courtiers or the guards. I have ditched my own guards a while ago.

I kept hearing the same sentence again and again.

'You will take general Cameron with you into the forest.'

I was suddenly dragged into an empty room. Someone covered my mouth before I could scream.

"Shh shh, it's me."

Suddenly Cameron's face came into the view. Skin marked with battle scars, body honed with years of battle and sharp eyes. He wasn't particularly handsome but was good looking.

I smacked his arm, as he grinned at me as this whole situation was a joke to him.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you smiling? You have to go to the dark forest, you could die."

"Calm down Mattie, I have a plan."

"Your plans sucks" I shrugged.

"No, they don't. I'm the best weapon of the kingdom.

He imitated Lissa's voice, or tried to, but it came out weird.

I laughed and he joined me.

A tear escaped my eye. No matter how much he tried to lighten the mood but the fact remained that he had to leave me and I wouldn't see him again.

He wiped me tears and kissed me.

"It's okay Mat. I really do have a plan. I'll be back in no time."

"Do you promise?"

He kissed me again and slid something on my wrist.

A bracelet. A beautiful bracelet with a moon and stars.

"Yes, I promise."

"Tell me your plan."



"Wouldn't want to traumatized the pretty princess" he joked.

"Ha...ha.. very funny. Tell me."

"I'm gonna protect her for sometime and when she lets down her guard, I'll leave her in the jungle."

"She'll die."

"You have to choose Mat, it's either me or her. You can't have both."

He sighed and left me alone in the room.

I had to choose between my friend and my love.

There was no choice here, the answer was obvious.

Hey readers.

Can you guess the answer.

Ofcourse it's obvious 😀

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