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I sat at Cameron's bed all night. Waited for him to wake after the medication given by the old lady.

"Stop staring at him. He is not going to wake anytime soon and you won't speed up the process by glaring at him the whole day."

"Oh, lady! Where have you been? I was looking for you." I asked.

"I've been to my daughter's house." She said as she sat on the ballooned up mat.

"Oh! I didn't knew you have a daughter."

"I had a daughter. She died during childbirth."

"I'm so sorry."

She just grunted and lied down. I supposed she was mourning her dead daughter but a few seconds later, her snores filled the hut.

'Maybe I'll just roam around while she sleeps.' I thought and stepped out of the hut.

The forest was beautiful, as beautiful as it was dangerous.
Though danger was a beautiful experience too but not as dangerous as beauty can be.

Though it was midday, the sunrays was not touching the ground. The canopy gave a pretty cover, letting pass just a few rays which made the area look magical.

What am I even thinking! The forest is magical, full of dark magic and creatures that haunts people's nightmares.

I walked around a little, always careful to keep the hut in my sight.

A twig snapped behind me and I froze. Not daring enough to turn as I heard footsteps.

No, not foot but paws.

Something growled right behind me and my heart fell to my toes.
I saw a large cat like figure from the corner of my eyes as it came closer and closer.

I closed my eyes and prayer to every god I knew to savee from this problem but every thought flew out of the window when I felt the creature's nose to my face.

It was smelling me and probably deciding if I was it's worthy meal or not.

Maybe I'll die here and Cameron would be free to return to the kingdom.

The creature took a step back and I got a better look at it. It definitely looked like a cat, just bigger and more deadlier. Where cats were usually grey or black or ginger, the creature infront of me was gold.

Except for its eyes and nails, every part of it was of golden colour. Not like a jewel but like the early sunrays.

"Dakong Iring, Sige na nga. lakaw lakaw." The hag suddenly appeared behind me and said something in a language unknown to me.

The creature ran away as soon as she finished her sentence.

She chuckled to herself and walked towards the hut.

"What was that creature? How did you make him leave?"

"He is a Timbuk. There are only 11 left in the forest."

"I thought he was going to eat me."

"They do not eat meat. They are Mga vegetarian."

Oh, oh!


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