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It had been 7 hours since Lissa changed the time itself. She fell unconscious and still haven't woken up.

The witch brought us to her hut and treated Lissa with some magical potion or something.

I was getting distracted by this trial and Lissa but I also can't leave the forest without her help.

I cannot let my long buried feelings resurface and ruin my parents plan. I still remembered the punishment I had to endure after my father caught me kissing her.


"Stop it Cam. I'm too ticklish." 

I loved her unrestrained laugh, how her eyes twinkled and her face turned a preety shade of pink.

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

I watched her smiling face.

"I manifested."

Her eyes widened and a surprised expression painted her face.

"Show me." She shrieked.

"It is not that special and important but..."

"Shut up and show me."

My 14 year old self was quite excited to show my power to the only person who I knew would appreciate whatever power I would manifest.

I closed my eyes and coaxed the change. My muscles grew and bulked. The tribal tattoos appeared all around my body.


I opened my eyes and saw her mouth open and adoration shining on her face.

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it."

She threw herself into my arms. I caught her and threw her in the air like a kid.

Her laugh echoed around me and cradled me in a warm blanket.

She giggled as I put her on her feet.

"You are soo strong and handsome now. This is the best power anyone can have. You are the best."

She was the only one in the whole world who would think that. My mother called me a useless waste of time and threw me out of her room.

Shifting has many forms. Some shifts into animals, some shifts into other people and some shifts into a stronger, bulkier forms of themselves. 

"Hey Liss!"


"Will you marry me?"

"How can I marry you silly? I'm only 14. But I will when I grow up if you accept to be my knight and keep me safe from all the monsters."

"I will."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

She smiled and I couldn't stop myself. I leaned and kissed her. She kissed me back.

I pulled back as I heard my father's voice.

'What are you doing? Leave that whore and go to the cabin right now.'

Colour drained from my face as I stood straightaway.

"What happened?"

"I've got to go. Bye."


I left.

My father was a mind mage. He could talk telepathycally and control someone's mind to a certain level.

My mother was a emotion mage. She could control someone's emotions and make them do certain things too.

Me? I could grow into a Hulk and get tattoos when I change.

My mother and father walked in with a bang of door and locked it.

"What is this that I'm hearing Cameron? You kissed a maid?" My mother asked calmly.

"Mother, don't call her a maid. She just helps in the kitchen because she does not want to be felt like a burden." I dared to answer back.

When it comes to her, all my self preservation and plans goes down the drain.


"You dare answer her back. It seems like the training is not enough to control you anymore." My father bellowed.

"Ah, he didn't tell you, did he? Our son here has manifested a useless talent. Maybe that is the reason your hold on him is weakening. Show him honey." My mother said.

I closed my eyes and changed my form.

"Ah. A shifter. That is not useless at all. Atleast he does not shrink."

"How is that good for us?"

"I'll send him for training from tomorrow onwards. He will grow up and become the undefeated general of the army and will bring down the kingdom from inside out."

"Hmm. You are...."

They moved to the next room and locked the door. They were scheming, for years they have been doing that. To kill the king and be the rulers.

My mother killed the man before him when he found out that he was not my biological father. He was abusive and a drunkard. We came to the palace and she found my real father.

We have been living in the castle since I was 5.

"Now Cameron. Let us punish you for your mistake." My mother's sweet voice startled me.

"Who is that girl?"

My mother's magic surrounded me, coaxing me to believe her and tell her everything but I have learned to hide my thoughts from both of them.


My father stomped out and returned with a girl tightly secured in his arms.

My mother handed me the knife and pushed me towards Wesli.

They both had a sarcastic smile on their faces and I made up my mind to keep Lissa safe as I stabbed Wesli right in the heart.


My scars of my father's beating still marked my skin and the scars I received in training and battle covered them but those memories set a long lasting effects. Those scars could never be covered.

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