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Cameron was now unconscious and slept on the makeshift bed. Something was seriously wrong with the berries or he was just allergic to them.

Nonetheless,  the fact remained that he needed some medical help, which was nearly impossible to find in a forest. 

I started wandering nearby and suddenly found a group of Aleo Vera.  I may not have much knowledge about healing but I knew some basic.

Healers were born very rarely and usually they were taught in the castle by the high healer. She taught magicless too but the were not too advanced in the healing field.

I peeled off some skin and applied the gooey center to his skin.

His skin turned from red to black, like a mold was forming on it. It looked horrible but I mustered some bravery and applied the gel all over his skin.

"What will help him now?? Run your brain Lissa, you look the basic healing lessons with the princess. Think.... Honey, honey is useful as it has antibodies in it."

Where would I get honey in this forest?

Honeybees usualy makes their hives in a hollow place like bark or rocks which provides protection and is nearby to some water source.

I started wandering and heard the sound of flowing water. Finally, something good actually happened.

I saw a hive dangling from a branch just above the raging river.

The water of the river was the purest I had ever seen but that purety wasn't gonna  save me from drowning.

I found a long branch and tried to drag the hive towards me but the branch wasn't long enough.

Stones, I could throw stones at the hive so the bees would leave it.

I gathered some stones and positioned myself near a bush so that I could hide when the bees would start flying.

I took my aim and streched my arm back,

"You shouldn't do that, young lady."

The voice shocked me and the stone flew into the river.

An old lady was standing near the trees with a hand woven basket.

"You should not hassle the bite when they are hibernating." she suggested.

"Umm.. bees do not hibernate." I mumbled.

"Why were you harassing the bites?

"Who are you?" We both questioned at the same time.

She nodded me to go first.

"I'm Lissa White. My friend ate some berries and now he is ill, I was just trying to get some honey so I can apply on him and...."

"These are wild bites, they don't produce medus." she cut me off.

"What? How am I suppose to help him now?" I started pacing and muttering to myself.

"Calm down, I have some medicīna with me in my cottage. Come along"

"But who are you and why should I trust you?"

She grabbed my hand and her eyes went wide. She took a step back.

"You came."

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