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Time was such a cruel bitch. Always running when needed to stroll.

I only had twenty-four hours left to find Cameron and in order to do that, I needed to find the sibling of the brouch.

How is finding a piece of jewelry converted into a trial of death?

The 'piece' was burning a hole in my mind and it felt like I was a second away from throwing that piece of crap into the churning river.

'You would not do that. It is important for us.'

"Obviously I won't. And it is important to find Cameron."

Yes, I was talking to myself. A girl has her needs and my needs are fulfilled by the psychotic voice in my head.

It has always been there, another me but a lot more vicious and well, psychotic. It was like another person residing inside me, just a switch away. We always talked and she helped me with my decisions.

'I don't care about him. I care about getting out of this jungle. He can die for all I care.'

"Shut up. He is our protector. We would be dead in a hole somewhere in the jungle if it was not for him."

'Oh yeah? Like he saved us from the duke or from the king? or from the weird creature? He has done nothing other than standing behind and enjoying the view.'

"Why am I even talking to you? You are just a voice in my head."

'A phsycotic voice.'

"Uhhh. Please, just go back. Wherever you go when you are not making me regret my life."

'I save you from all the things you mess up. I'm your saviour. Not that dumb warrior who has'nt saved you from anything except of his boring noble talk.'

She faded into oblivion and I muttered a thanks to whatever god available here.'

"Where would you hide someone if you were in that witch's place? Think Lissa think.."

I started walking without actually watching my surrounding. The forest has a different kind of allure which dragged any and everyone foolish enough to think they could slide from it.

Suddenly I became aware of the it, or rather the absence of it. The absence of sounds, it was like every creature decided to be quiet all of the sudden. It felt like even the wind was afraid of something.

I saw a clearing a few feet ahead and decided to check it out. Carefully, I walked towards the treelines.


I went figid.

'Hide behind the tree.'

I hid.

I have learned to listen when the pshychotic voice said something without thinking.

She always helped, even with the most ridiculoued situations and always turned out to be right.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

'Why don't you speak even louder and announce where we are hidden? Maybe we'll get trumpets and drums.'

"Sorry." I mumbled.

I slowly turned my body and peeked around the tree. I saw nothing at first but then an old lady came out of the clearing on the otherside. She was dragging a dead creature which looked like a deer but had a light blue and red coat instead of shades of brown.

She threw the creature near a huge stone which was covered in mud. As the lady hobbled away, the creature which I presumed dead stood up and ran or at least tried to run.

The lady turned and uttered something I couldn't hear and the deer dropped dead. The lady hauled the deer and threw him at the rock. She took another rock and bashed the deer's head.

My eyes widened. The rock was not covered in soil or mud, it was covered in dried blood.


And I did. Without even looking back.

Without looking where I was going.

'Faster. She is following us.'

"Who is she?"

'The death'

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