Chapter 7

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Joseph Carver was currently in his office at McCulloch Technologies when his secretary let him know that there was a Dr. Ramsey Rosso here to see him.

"Oh good, send him in." Joseph said as Ramsey walked into the office.

"Dr. Rosso, thank you for coming in today." Joseph said as he shook Ramsey's hand.

"My pleasure. It isn't everyday one of the largest research facilities in the country invites you to come work with them." Ramsey said.

"Well, I'm very impressed with your research on HLH. I think that with the right resources, you could be the one to find the cure." Joseph said.

"Funding and resources are things I've been trying to get for years without success." Ramsey said, frustrated.

"Until now. I want to offer you a position here at McCulloch, where you'll have access to all the resources you need. A cure for blood cancer is something I want affiliated with my company." Joseph said.

"I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical." Ramsey said.

"Someone hurt you didn't they?" Joseph asked.

"Dr. Caitlin Snow. She was a friend of mine back in Central City, but it didn't go well." Ramsey said.

"Why, what happened?" Joseph asked, since honestly, this sounded juicy and he wanted to hear about Ms. Snow's talents as well.

"Well, I heard that her father, before he died, had been trying to develop a cure for a similar disease, ALS and it sounded like he'd gotten close but had died before he could finish. I was hoping that Caitlin could get me that research from her mother's labs so that I could potentially use it to help my own research. She refused, even though her own father died from the disease. I know that she's keeping something a secret and it has something to do with her twin sister Crystal, I just don't know what. Then it turns out that she couldn't give me the research even if she wanted to, since apparently all that work is patented by her mother's facility, Tannhauser Industries and Caitlin doesn't work for them and Carla Tannhauser would never give me that research." Ramsey said.

"Well, luckily, I have a resource that you don't. Money and lots of it. I'm sure I can make a deal with Ms. Tannhauser for her late husband's research, since it sounds like she's not using it." Joseph said.

"Yes well, I looked into that and you're not the first to try and purchase her research. Harrison Wells did as well before his accelerator exploded. Carla Tannhauser does not sell her research to anyone. It doesn't matter how much they offer." Ramsey said.

"Well, if she won't sell, then there are other ways of retrieving that research." Joseph said.

"You want to steal it?" Ramsey asked.

"I prefer to call it retrieving. It's all in the name of science. After all, I thought that you'd be interested in research that could perhaps hold the key to defeating death itself." Joseph said with a grin and he could tell that he had Ramsey interested now.

"How would you even know where to look? I doubt that this research is kept on the main Tannhauser servers?" Ramsey asked, unable to help himself.

"Don't worry, I have someone specifically for these kinds of things." Carver said.

"Wait, you engage in corporate espionage frequently?" Ramsey asked, shocked, since he couldn't believe that Joseph would do that.

"The thing that makes me different from most other CEOs is that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to advance science. And I'm very careful in covering my tracks. I have an asset specifically for these kinds of things. One who's very good at getting in and out undetected. Aviva, show yourself." Carver said as to Ramsey's surprise, one of the shadows in the room actually solidified into the form of a young woman with auburn hair and wearing a black jumpsuit.

"Ramsey Rosso, meet Aviva Metula, my primary acquisitions expert." Joseph said.

"So, I hear I'm putting my skills to use at Tannhauser?" Aviva asked as Ramsey held out his hand, which Aviva shook.

"Yes. Find any all files regarding the treatment Dr. Thomas Snow was developing and bring them here. You know the drill. You'll get your payment as soon as I get my research." Joseph said.

"Consider it done." Aviva said and just like that, she melted away into the shadows.

"She seemed interesting." Ramsey said.

"She's just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait until you see what else I've got in store. I think you'll really like being a part of my team." Carver said and Ramsey knew he was in too deep now to refuse.

"Okay, show me where I'll be working?" Ramsey asked, though he was curious about what a man like Carver would want him for, but he wasn't going to ask that yet.

"Right this way." Carver said as he led him out of the office.

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